Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones (The Seasons)
Released: February 1, 2011
Studio: Whistlefritz
Running Time: 30 minutes
Produced by Whistlefritz, Spanish for Kids is an award-winning Spanish immersion DVD series featuring the adorable Fritzi, a lovable, animated mouse who interacts with live-action adults and children to help teach Spanish. In Las Estaciones (The Seasons), Fritzi wants to celebrate his birthday, which comes in the Fall. With the help of his friend Maria, young viewers learn about the many joys associated with all four seasons, from sledding and snowball fights in winter (el invierno), to trick-or-treating in autumn (el otoño). It’s a year-round celebration for young viewers to enjoy with Fritzi and all his Whistlefritz friends!
Winner of more than 20 awards, Whistlefritz was founded in 2006 by a mom who wanted to teach her own children Spanish, but was frustrated by the lack of high-quality Spanish immersion programs. Building on the belief that switching back and forth between English and Spanish during the learning process makes it harder for a child to master the new language, Whistlefritz DVDs engage children in “Spanish immersion”: learning by hearing and speaking Spanish without any English translation.
Research has shown this Spanish immersion teaching technique to be the most effective way to teach young children a second language. Each upbeat program in the Spanish for Kids DVD series combines whimsical storylines, colorful animation and graphics, delightful characters, live action footage, and irresistible Latin music that children will want to experience again and again.
A valuable teaching tool to add to any home video educational library, Spanish for Kids DVDs have received numerous national honors and accolades from iParenting Media, the Parents’ Choice Foundation, The National Parenting Center, Dr. Toy, The Dove Foundation, Learning Magazine’s Teachers’ Choice Awards and others.
The DVD “Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones” is all in Spanish and has a woman who is the main speaker. She speaks slowly and does repeat her Spanish words. She is also very happy and friendly. She also uses animation and real life shots to display what the Spanish words mean. For example, a pic of snow and winter is shown and then real life kids sledding is shown along with the Spanish word shown and sang about. The DVD is very fun and uses a lot to display the words. I put this on for my 2 year old and he watched it in silence just trying to soak it in. He doesn’t talk yet so I didn’t expect him to start repeating the words, but it doesn’t hurt to hear them and hopefully retain them. I have seen other foreign language DVDs and they use both English and the other language, this DVD is strictly foreign language so make sure that is what your looking for.
I really like too the booklet that comes inside the DVD box. It contains a whole bunch of words and phrases in English/Spanish and it contains the songs lyrics from the DVD in Spanish. This is a great reference for parents to use to help out kids, and learn themselves!
BUY IT: Las Estaciones, recommended for children ages 2-7, is available for $19.99. Other titles available in the Spanish for Kids series include Cha Cha Cha, Adentro y Afuera (Inside and Out), A Bailar! ( Let’s Dance!), Vamos a Jugar (Let’s Play) and Los Animales (Animals). For more information on these titles or to order, visit You can also buy “Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones (The Seasons)” wherever DVDs are sold or check it out on Amazon
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones (The Seasons)”
TO ENTER: Leave a comment on whether or not your child currently knows any Spanish!
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Mama’s Money Savers Disclosure: I was sent this DVD to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Sand says
Yes, a little.
susan smoaks says
our son knows very little spanish
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my daughter knows some spanish, basically the stuff from Dora.
Diane Baum says
Sadly my Colombian adopted sons do not know any Spanish
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Not yet, but I would like them to learn [email protected]
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Right now my baby is learning a little through Little Pim DVD
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christal C says
My kids are trying Frenc but they do not speak any spanish. I would like them to try different languages
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com
Daniel M says
nope no spanish yet
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Currently my 3 year old niece does not speak Spanish
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1955nurse says
No, they don;t – yet! This would be for my Grandkids, and they would LOVE it!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Thanks!
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Not currently. My child is currently in my belly[: But I’d love to have it ready and on hand! [:
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My 4y/o grandson does not speak Spanish but he’s already reading at a 3rd grade level and loves to learn about anything.
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She knows the few workds Dora has taught her. 🙂
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i heard about this giveaway on prizey!
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my daughter only knows a couple of words she picked up from dora and diego:)
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
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My child has learned a little because we eat at our local mexican restaurant alot.
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My little one only knows how to count in Spanish however we’d like to expand that.
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My kids know select spanish words but nothing worth anything
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OMgosh…dont get me started! My kids are not little anymore and I have an 8th grader SO struggling with Spanish and have had 3 others before him struggle with it. I wish we had started teaching them earlier.
Thus, if I would win this, it would be for our grandkids to get a jump start on Spanish.
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My kids do know a little Spanish but I would like them to learn more.
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my daughter knows Buenos Noches from a good night Dora book
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I am an email subscriber. THanks
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I am a GFC follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
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My son doesn’t know any Spanish yet. He is 18 months old and just starting to say words and phrases. I use a few Spanish words I know here and there but I would love to teach him more.
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My kids can count to ten in Spanish and know a few other words.