Sweet Leaf Tea is an Austin, Texas, based company that offers homemade-quality, organic and all-natural iced tea beverages. Sweet Leaf Tea is made with ingredients like premium organic green and black teas, purified water and pure organic cane sugar. They can be served alone or even with other liquors and spirits as a mixed drink. There are many great flavors available including Peach, Raspberry and Lemonade Tea.
(Just a small selection of flavors available)
I have seen Sweet Leaf Tea before but have never tried it. I am not a big iced tea drinker but I am so glad I gave Sweet Leaf Tea a try! The flavors are delicious and rich. They are not like typical bland iced teas. I have only tried three flavors so far and can’t wait to try the rest of the flavors! I love that Sweet Leaf Teas are all-natural, sweetened with organic pure cane sugar (or sucralose in diet flavors.) My husband is excited to try out the Sweet Leaf Tea with liquor (check out the Mixed Drinks section.)
I have only drank Sweet Leaf Teas in the cold Chicago weather, but I think they will be so refreshing come some hot weather. The teas really are rich in flavor and sweetened. I think it is neat too that they offer Diet versions. I noticed too that most of them contain 100% Vitamin C so they are not only refreshing but also infused with Vitamin C! Overall, I really like Sweet Leaf Teas and now will be grabbing them when I am out instead of all the soda I typically drink. Sweet Leaf Teas are available in glass bottles, jugs, and cans, depending on the flavor. They are easy to grab and go, without all the guilt of too many calories and bland flavor selection.
BUY IT: Sweet Leaf Tea can be purchased at health stores such as Whole Foods, Safeway and Kroger, as well as online at Amazon.com.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a 6-pack of bottled teas in the winner’s choice of flavor!
TO ENTER: “Like” Sweet Leaf Tea on Facebook OR Follow Sweet Leaf Tea on Twitter!
Extra Entries (Only valid after you answer Main Entry above and Please leave a comment for each):
~ Follow Sweet Leaf on Twitter or “Like” Sweet Leaf on Facebook (whichever you didn’t do for the main entry)
~ Follow me via Google Friend Connect (bottom of site)
~ Subscribe to Mom and More
~ Follow Me on Twitter & Tweet this giveaway (You can Tweet daily! – Or hit the TWEET Button at the top)
#GIVEAWAY: Win 6 bottles of Sweet Leaf Tea – your flavor choice! @mamasmoney (Ends 5/13) http://bit.ly/jNeBgp
~ “Like” Mom and More on Facebook
~ Share on Facebook (just click the Share button at the top of the post and leave a comment that you did!)
~ Follow me via Networked Blogs
~ Blog about this contest or send an email to friends/family and CC:mamasmoneysavers@gmail.com
~ Post my blog button on your site
~ STUMBLE or any other social network this giveaway
~ Enter any of my other giveaways or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends May 13, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent samples to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Gale says
And now I follow them on Twitter too. scribbleprints
Gale says
I make a habit of not “Liking” anything on facebook I haven’t tried, but I have tried this and I love it, so now I like it on facebook too! Wish they had raspberry or peach tea in the larger bottles (they only have the regular and citrus where I shop in the bigger bottles, but it’s the peach and raspberry I love).
LAMusing says
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kitty32504 at cox dot net
kathy pease says
entered Pretend & Play Ice Cream Shop Giveaway
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Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
amy d says
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Emily Irwin says
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Ericka T says
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Sonya Sparks says
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Ericka T says
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Ericka T says
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felicia.431 at gmail dot com
Jean F says
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Jean Fischer
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Diane MEHimAndTheCats
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Diane says
i follow sweet leaf on twitter im @dwalline
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Diane MeHimAndTheCats
Angela Akinniyi says
Angela Akinniyi says
I love these teas! I have to stop myself from drinking them all up! My favorite is the Green Tea with mint and honey! I would love to win them!
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Ericka T says
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Linda Henderson says
I entered the Thomas & Friends Playdate DVD giveaway.
seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
I entered the Moe’s Southwestern Grill giveaway.
seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
I entered the Pear Tree giveaway.
seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
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seriousreader at live dot com
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seriousreader at live dot com
Linda Henderson says
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seriousreader at live dot com
Amanda K says
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Sonya Sparks says
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Sonya Sparks says
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Ericka T says
Daily RT
andrea v says
Janna says
liked sweet leaf on fb
Thanks for the entry!
Janna Johnson
Ashley says
I follow Sweet Leaf Tea on twitter (demureprincess)
Thao says
following you on twitter and retweeted
Thao says
entered moe’s grill giveaway
Thao says
like you on fb via Thao Phuong
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following sweet leaf tea on twitter via vmarsfanatic
Thao says
following sweet leaf tea on fb via Thao Phuong
Ericka T says
I follow on networked blogs as Ricky T.
Ericka T says
I knew about this giveaway because I follow your blog.
Ericka T says
I follow on twitter as humanecats and tweeted giveaway.
Ericka T says
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Ericka T says
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Ericka T says
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I shared on Facebook as Ricky Todd.
Ericka T says
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Ericka T says
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Amber says
I heard about this giveaway because I regularly read your blog!
Amber says
I follow you on Networked Blogs – my FB name is Amanda Moore
Amber says
I entered your Moe’s Southwest Grill gift card giveaway
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Alicia Webster says
I heard about this giveaway on online-sweepstakes.com
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Jessica C. says
I follow you on twitter as @luckysluna. I tweeted
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Jessica C. says
I follow Sweet Leaf Tea on twitter as @luckysluna.
susan varney says
i like on fb susan v mverno@roadrunner.com
Penny Snyder says
Shared on Facebook! grammypenny@frontier.com
Penny Snyder says
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Penny Snyder says
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andrea v says
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Pretend Play Ice Cream Shop giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Western Union giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Nat’l Park Week giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Pear Tree Greetings giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Family Movie Night giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Dinosaur Train giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Little Tikes giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Lysol giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Purex giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Moe’s giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Barney Mother Goose giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Barney PlayDate giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Cat in the Hat giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Entered Garfield giveaway.
Katie Morris Crider says
Button on Myspace page.
Katie Morris Crider says
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Katie Morris Crider says
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Katie Morris Crider says
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Katie Morris Crider says
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joann downie says
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joann downie says
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LISA BluMenStein says
entered pear tree
LISA BluMenStein says
entered barney mother goose
LISA BluMenStein says
entered lysol no touch
LISA BluMenStein says
entered truth be told
LISA BluMenStein says
I like sweet leaf on FB
andrea v says
andrea v says
blog follower-vickers
andrea v says
followinf sweet leaf on twitter-vickers2622
Meandering Matt says
Added your button to my blog. http://msgiveaway.blogspot.com/
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Meandering Matt says
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mattschmunk at gmail dot com
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mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Meandering Matt says
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Meandering Matt says
New GFC follower. Matt S.
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Meandering Matt says
Following Sweet Leaf Tea on Facebook and Twitter. Meandering Matt and matt0701
mattschmunk at gmail dot com