I of the best decisions in furniture we bought are the leather sofas in our family room. We bought the couches the week after we closed on our house and they work perfectly for us. Our family room is sort of narrow so to maximize seating leather sectional couches were what worked best for us. I say leather too because I wanted something durable and easily cleaned. We have microfiber fiber couches in our living room and while they clean up pretty good, leather is definitely easier to wipe down. Luckily we were able to get 12-months of 0% financing which made the purchase too a little easier to swallow, since leather is not cheap!

(This is nice but probably not in white)

We do have foot rests that pop up and a nice center console but otherwise our leather sectional is pretty basic. We didn’t need to consider a leather sofa bed because we actually have an old sleeper sofa bed in the basement just in case. Our basement couches are the worst in the house (they are both 10-20 years old) but they work and with slip covers they are not too bad. When we finally pay off some more debt I am going to check out some discount sofas and see if I can get a matching set for our basement but with kids I am not too rushed to buy new furniture for the basement since that is where they play the most.
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