Changing endless amounts of diapers, dealing with feedings and fitting in playtime can make for some very tired parents with very little down time, not to mention alone time with their spouse or partner. And according to a new Savvy Parents Survey from Evenflo®, 66% of moms say that the thing that surprised them most about becoming a new parent was how exhausting it is.
Every parent deserves a little bit of down time to relax and savor a few moments with their spouse, and in its newest Savvy Parents webisode titled, “How to Relish the ‘Little Moments’ in Life”, Evenflo takes a whimsical look at the challenges parents face finding relaxing moments each day. When we asked a panel of moms about their favorite thing to do once the kids are in bed: 42% of moms said watching TV, 22% said sleep and 15% said clean the house! We’re partial to the 10% who said “relax on the sofa with a glass of wine!”
Melissa Goerke says
I’m so in that 10% on the couch with the glass of wine. Was never able to just collapse. I needed a buffer between mommy me and sleeping me 🙂