The wait is over – brand new Fiber One 80 Calories cereal is on store shelves now! Each crunchy wheat and corn puff square in every bowl of Fiber One 80 Calories cereal has a light honey flavor – a delicious way to start your day. Fiber helps satisfy your hunger and helps you feel full, making it a great tool to help manage your weight.
- With 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in one 80 calorie serving, Fiber One 80 Calories cereal can help curb your hunger, which can help you stick to your weight loss plan.
- With great-tasting Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, there is a new breakfast option that helps you feel satisfied without sacrificing flavor!
Visit http://www.fiberone.com/ for great information on healthy living and coupons for new products. Also, be sure to check out the Fiber One Facebook page and get involved in the conversation.
I know I need more fiber in my diet but so far there are not many high-fiber foods that I like. Since I am a cereal-fanatic, seriously I have like ten boxes of cereal in our cabinets right now, I was curious to try out Fiber One 80 Calories cereal. Not only does it have the fiber I am looking for but also only 80 calories per serving – great for my post baby diet! I could not believe how much I liked the cereal! It is a sweetened honey cereal that is crunchy and full of whole grain goodness. I didn’t even miss the marshmellows or colorful preservatives of my usual cereals! I am hooked on Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal now and I find myself actually eating a second bowl most mornings or having another one as a snack later in the day. I really would have never thought I’d like it nor would I have bought it on my own at the store, but I am glad I got the chance to try it!
BUY IT: Look for Fiber One 80 Calories cereal at your local grocery store.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Fiber One Prize Pack:
· 1 box of Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal
· 1 sensor pedometer with USB connector to chart walking progress
· 1 neoprene iPod/smartphone holder with armstrap
TO ENTER: Does your current breakfast keep you full until lunchtime?
Extra Entries (Only valid after you answer Main Entry above and Please leave a comment for each):
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#GIVEAWAY: Win a Fiber One 80 Calorie Cereal Prize Pack! @mamasmoney (Ends 8/24) http://bit.ly/rltMOG
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends August 24, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
meme says
email subscriber
Sand says
My current breakfast sometimes keeps me full until lunch.
meme says
no I usally get hungry about an hour or so before lunch time.
Mary T says
Wednesday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/106546285477244928
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Leah Walker says
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Leah Walker says
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Leah Walker says
No, my breakfast doesn’t keep me full, when I even eat breakfast. Not many things sound good to me in the AM. I would love to try this though. I seriously need more fiber in my diet.
Ed Nemmers says
Yes, whole grain cereal and fruit keep me satisfied until the next meal!
Emma Peel says
Sometimes yes, sometimes no
Diana Schmidt says
no way!
Karen Gonyea says
Usually it does 🙂
susan smoaks says
my current breakfast varies and sometimes it keeps me full until lunch and sometimes it doesn’t
Kerrie Mayans says
i learned of this givaway on online-sweepstakes.com
[email protected]
Kerrie Mayans says
I follow you on gfc as degood.
[email protected]
Kerrie Mayans says
My current breakfast is a greek yougurt and banana and that does keep me full until lunch.
[email protected]
tina reynolds says
I subscribe to your blog [email protected]
tina reynolds says
I like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds thanks for the chance to win [email protected]
tina reynolds says
Nope not even close i am always hungry before lunch thanks for the chance to win [email protected]
Kristie says
No, my current breakfast doesn’t tend to keep me full…I usually end up snacking.
Kari Howell says
Diana Bradford Hatch says
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Diana Bradford Hatch says
I usually skip breakfast
Gina H. says
Erica C. says
Nothing really keeps me full for too long…hard working metabolism I guess! I like to snack on cereal between meals though.
Mary T says
Tuesday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/106135373612199936
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Jason says
Jason says
Jason says
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Jason D Nickolay
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Jason D Nickolay
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Jason says
Jason says
Jason says
I have oatmeal and fruit and it usually does the trick till lunch
Diane Baum says
Sadly, it doesn’t
Margaret Jordan says
Cold cereal + fruit = full til lunchtime.
Mariee says
Tweet (8/23) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/106072529306791936
Bonnigene says
I totally want to have more choices, because I already like fiber one for breakfast. It is amazing how much fuller I feel when I havefiber one for breakfast.
Jenn S. says
GFC follower: JennS
Jenn S. says
My current breakfast usually doesn’t keep me full. I find myself grabbing a snack or two in between.
Kari Howell says
Gina H. says
nancy says
no, it doesn’t keep me full til lunch
nblexp ( at ) gmail (dot) com
Alicia says
GFC follower as Alicia
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Alicia says
Sometimes is does, sometimes it doesn’t.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Mariee says
Tweet (8/22) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/105732118340059136
Gina H. says
Kari Howell says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/21) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/105312558348632067
karen M says
Mary T says
Sunday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/105245440441729024
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Gina H. says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/20) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/105043156151701504
Mary T says
Saturday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/104968606013587456
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Diana Russell says
Follow you with Networked Blogs!
username: Diana R.
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
Diana Russell says
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username: Diana R.
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
Diana Russell says
My breakfast keeps me full until lunch – if I have time in the morning to eat it! 🙂
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
Kari Howell says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/19) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/104640937988341760
jolly says
and last but not the least, i’m following u on twitter so i know about this!
jolly says
plus, i like mom and more on fb – jolly abad
jolly says
and i subscribed via email!
jolly says
btw, i’m a public follower!
jolly says
entered dagedar giveaway too. 🙂
jolly says
in my faves and stumbled upon – http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/15iwer/www.yankodesign.com/2010/05/25/in-2020-we-can-wear-sony-computers-on-our-wrist/
jolly says
my current breakfast? mmm.. possibly no, i’m always hungry after 3hrs.. maybe b/c i’m EBF? 😉
jolly says
following u and tweeted – http://twitter.com/#!/jollyvi/status/104399802036523009
Miranda Ward says
Sadly my breakfast does not keep me full until lunchtime!
[email protected]
nan says
entered kolcraft
nan says
entered sam’s club
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nan says
entered cars 2 tokyo spinout
nan says
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nan says
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nan says
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nan says
entered bumbo cover
nan says
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nan says
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nan says
[email protected]
Kari Howell says
karen M says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/18) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/104274581912690689
Mary T says
Thursday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/104163791637463040
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Kari Howell says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/17) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/103881769484419072
Mary T says
Wednesday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/103843337647308800
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
Tuesday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/103580273198903296
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mariee says
Tweet (8/16) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/103552307299495936
Kari Howell says
Laura DeLuca says
most of the time-i eat different things each day
Gina H. says
corrie says
I usaully grab what i can for breakfast cereal or ceral bar and my lunch i am always soo hungry that i eat so badly.
Kari Howell says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/15) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/103257199610052610
Mary T says
Monday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/103075177369313281
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Gina H. says
angie says
Currently, my breakfast does keep me full until lunch.
Christine says
keeps me full
Pauline says
12. Entered Hellmann’s – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
11. Entered Lawry’s – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
10. Entered DaGeDar – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
9. Entered Connect 4 Launchers – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
8. Entered Ah Goo Baby – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
12. Entered Household Traditions Powdered Dishwasher Detergent With Enzymes – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
11. Entered Bumbo Baby Seat – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Pauline says
10. Entered “Marley & Me: The Puppy Years” – (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
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Pauline says
2. I followed you on Google Friends Connect (Pauline T…pls use this email address to contact me- emscout9 at Hotmail dot com instead of Gmail)
Pauline says
1. half full (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
Meredith Dougherty says
My breakfast does not keep me full until lunch
Amanda says
Most of the time, it really does.
Kari Howell says
Cody says
Unless I do a lot of physical activity, yes it does.
Mariee says
Tweet (8/14) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/102799767985332224
Linda Lansford says
heard about this giveaway on OLS
Linda Lansford says
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Linda Lansford says
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Linda Lansford says
current breakfast keep me full until lunchtime
Sassy says
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sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
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sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
Sassy says
No, my current breakfast does not keep my full
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
Mary T says
Sunday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/102714488532377600
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Gina H. says
SANDY says
sometimes but not often…………..
Mariee says
Tweet (8/13) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/102539728812900353
Zenaida says
I tweeted 08/13/2011:
Joanna Collins says
i liked on FB
Joanna Collins says
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Joanna Collins says
My breakfast never keeps me full
Marilyn Wons says
No my breakfast of toast and coffee does not fill me up until lunch!
Mary T says
Saturday tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sundancesurvey/status/102409156929130497
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Gina H. says
sandra says
entered DaGeDar Giveaway
sandra says
entered Connect 4 Launchers Giveaway
Mary T says
I entered the “Adornwithaandm Etsy Chalkboard Mat” giveaway
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
I entered the “Connect 4 Launchers” giveaway
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Kari Howell says
Mariee says
Tweet (8/12) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/102110137065541633
Mary T says
I entered your “Thomas In Charge” DVD giveaway.
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
I “stumbled” the site but don’t know how to share that I did. My stumble name is sundancesurvey.
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
Mary T says
Your button is on my blog: http://sundancesurvey.blogspot.com/
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
I follow on Networked Blogs as Sun Dance.
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
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sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
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sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
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sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
I follow on GFC as Mary T
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Mary T says
When I eat breakfast, it usually keeps me full ’til lunch time. Its just remembering or taking time to eat breakfast…
sundance (dot) survey (at) gmail (dot) com
Gina H. says
karen M says
Entered The Plush Pad for Babies Giveway
karen M says
Kari Howell says
deb c says
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deb c says
It does keep me full. Most of the time I have oatmeal.
Gina H. says
alh1203 says
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alh1203 says
yes – I try to balance fiber with protein
Kari Howell says
michele malone says
lol. usually. I eat a variety of cheese, pretzels, peanut butter, or nuts.
jr911 says
entered rio
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jr911 says
No, my current breakfast doesn’t last.
Mariee says
Tweet (8/10) https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/101326489676550145
karen M says
sandra says
entered “Thomas & Friends: Thomas in Charge!” DVD Giveaway
sandra says
entered Rio DVD Giveaway
sandra says
entered All Terrain “Phineas & Ferb” SPF 30 Natural KidSport Spray Sunscreen Giveaway
sandra says
entered Smart Play Smart Projector Giveaway
sandra says
sandra says
about half the time
Brenda says
I follow you via GFC.
Brenda says
No, my current breakfast does not keep me full until lunchtime.
Amy says
Liked you on Facebook
Amy says
I am adding this to my grocery list! Just joined Weight Watchers last Saturday and I am sure this would be a great food to try. No my current cereal does not keep me full.
Kari Howell says
Entered: Smart Play Smart Projector
Kari Howell says
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Kari Howell says
No, my breakfast does not keep me full. I am usually hungry by 10:00.
Laura DeLuca says
network blogs
Laura DeLuca says
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fan on fb-laura deluca
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Laura DeLuca says
most of the time
Zenaida says
I stumbled this giveaway:
Zenaida says
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Zenaida says
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Zenaida says
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Zenaida Odom
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Zenaida says
Yes, I have toast, fruit and an energy drink.
Mariee says
Follow you on twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/marieimy/status/101064087047389185
Mariee says
GFC follower (Mariee)
Mariee says
It doesn’t, I’m usually hungry after just a few hours.
tammy says
My current breakfast (TJ’s high fiber cereal with milk) does not keep me full until lunch, but I’m pregnant and nothing seems to keep me full lately.
Raven In A Blue Room says
I stumbled
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
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pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
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Raven In A Blue Room says
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pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Raven In A Blue Room says
If I eat oatmeal, I stay full til lunch
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Margie says
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Margie says
My normal breakfast of cereal and fruit usually doesn’t hold me until lunch.
yesi says
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yesi says
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yesi says
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karen M says
entered the Traditions Powdered Giveaway
karen M says
entered the Homemade Chalkboard Mat giveaway
karen M says
entered the Pineas & Ferb KidSport Spray Sunscreen Giveway
karen M says
entered Shawn the Sheep Giveaway
karen M says
entered the Smart Play Projector giveaway
karen M says
entered the Parents Choice Giveaway
karen M says
karen M says
clicked the share on facebook button-Gumma Medlin
karen M says
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karen M says
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karen M says
yes, I try to eat a good breakfast each morning.
Gina H. says
Heard about this contest on facebook.
Gina H. says
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Gina H. says
Follow you on Twitter and Tweeted.