Educational Insights is a manufacturer of kids products that have an educational value to them. Their products include classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. All the products are designed by seasoned educators and parents who know that learning needs to be fun to keep kids engaged.
I am all about games that are not only fun for my husband and I but that we can also play with our boys who are 3 and 4. Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel is one of those games. First off, the sturdy box it comes it actually acts as part of the gameboard, which is nice. There is no money to deal with or cards to read either which makes it perfect for young kids. The object of the game is to fill your log with all five colored acorns to feed the hungry squirrels in the winter!
Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game
Be the first to fill your log with delicious acorns and you win!
Your forest friends are hungry and they need your help! Spin the spinner, squeeze the matching colored acorn with your Squirrel Squeezers, and place it into your log. Be the first to your log with delicious acorns and you win! You could also spin “pick an acorn,” “steal an acorn,” or “lose an acorn,” so be strategic, little squirrel!
- 2 to 4 player game
- Includes: 1 set of Squirrel Squeezers, 20 colored acorns, 1 game spinner, and game board (doubles as box)
- Develops matching, sorting, strategic thinking, hand eye coordination, fine motor skills, and per-handwriting skills
To play the game all you do is give each player a log piece which they have to fill with five acorns, dump all the acorns in the game box and then each player takes turn spinning the spinner to see what their move should be. The spots on the spinner are relatively simple: Pick an acorn of a specific color, Pick any 1 acorn, Pick any 2 acorns, Steal an acorn from another player, Skip your turn, and Loose all your acorns. You use adorable squirrel plastic tweezers, which are very simple and perfect for little hands.
Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel is a game perfect for preschoolers to develop matching skills, develop fine motor skills, social skills of taking turns and strategic thinking skills. Kids are not only learning their colors, but learning decision making as they pick which acorn they need and learn good sportsmanship when their turn is skipped. It really is a cute game perfect for both boys and girls. My boys love the squirrel tweezers the best!
BUY IT: The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game can be purchased for $19.99 from Educational Insights or check out the Store Locator for a store that carries Educational Insights products near you!
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game from Educational Insights
TO ENTER: Leave a comment on another Educational Insights product you’d like!
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#GIVEAWAY: Win the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game from Educational Insights @mamasmoney (Ends 10/10) http://bit.ly/ooyilC
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends October 10, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this product to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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my granddaughter would love the mixer
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I think the Bunny Hop Memory Game sounds cute!
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We like Estimation Station
susan smoaks says
i would also like the Smens® Pens, Set of 10
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I like the classroom cafe dining play set
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I think my daughter would like the blurt word game.
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I really like the Fraction Formula Game.
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math slam
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I like the checkmath game.
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I’d like the Classroom Dining Play Set.
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I like the Classroom Café Dining Play Set.
tina reynolds says
I follow your blog on gfc thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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I also really like Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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momznite says
I’m new to twitter, am now following you as @momznite. I hope you will follow me back.
momznite says
I found this giveaway listed at OLS. I’d like to play the game with the kids.
momznite says
The game Obscurity looks like fun.
Leah Baird says
10/9 voted
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Heather says
I like the Number Hunt Game
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I also like the Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun
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Michelle says
I am a speech therapist and this Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game will be PERFECT for my preschoolers with articulation and language disorders!!
Renee says
I like the Estimation Station
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Leah Baird says
10/8 voted
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I like the Classroom Café Dining Play Set.
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crystle tellerday says
maria g says
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I’d also like their Woodsy Words Game.
renee walters says
I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your emails and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my son! I also like their geosafari electron microscope. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
Stephanie V. says
Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun
edwina says
great gift for my great nieces
Kate says
I like the GeoSafari® Talking Electron Microscope™
Leah Baird says
10/6 tweet
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Tweeted Today 10/6
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Kris Hutchings says
My kids would love that game. My 4 yearold enjoys games that are engaging. We like the Kanoodle product by educational insights that is listed under logic games. Its actually fun for adults and kids
karen M says
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I would like the Number Hunt Game.
Nicole Edwards says
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valerie mabrey says
I like the math slam they have
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♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♡♥♬ says
I love the Playfoam® Combo 8-Pack
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Leah Baird says
10/2 tweet
Leah Baird says
10/2 voted for you
Karen says
Heard about this giveaway on surviving a teacher’s salary.
Karen says
GeoSafari® Talking Electron Microscope™ looks life fun.
Kathy Davis says
I subscribed to Mom and More on email. Thanks.
Kathy Davis says
I think the Number Hunt Game would be great for my home bound student Paul. I work with him every morning and am always looking for new items that would work for him. Thanks.
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/2
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Nicole Edwards says
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I entered your Dremel giveaway, thanks!
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I entered your QuickSmart Scramble Bug giveaway, thanks!
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I also love the Presto Change Game they have! Thanks for the giveaway!
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The playfoam sparkle pack looks fun.
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Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun
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Talking Eletron Microscope
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I entered your giveaway for the Scramble Bug Ride on toy
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I found out about this giveaway when I was hear the other day checking out a different giveaway (for KaBAM!) and decided to check out your other current giveaways. Thought this was so cute.
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Entered Dremmel giveaway
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Leslie Galloway says
Playfoam looks like fun… kinda looks like that Floam stuff they used to make in the 90s.
Leah Baird says
9/30 tweet
Nicole Edwards says
Nicole Edwards says
voted 9.30
sandra says
entered “The Lion King” Giveaway
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I like the Design and Drill Activity Center.
karen M says
entered the Emergen-C Kidz! Giveaway
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entered the Dremel Multi-Max Cordlesss Tool giveaway
karen M says
entered the Scramble Bug or Scuttle Bug Kids Ride-on Toy Giveaway
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entered the Weight Watchers Digital Painted Glass Scale giveaway
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entered the Positively Proud giveaway
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entered the Lion King Giveaway
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I like the Batter Up! Whole-Class Game
Nicole Edwards says
Nicole Edwards says
voted 9.29
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I follow you on GFC, the sleepy dreamer
sandra says
entered PositivelyProud “Make Kids Special” Giveaway
Nicole Edwards says
Nicole Edwards says
voted 9.28
Jen says
What a cute game. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Thank you for joining us on the Alexa Hop. Have a great day!
deb c says
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I’d like to have the Claasroon Jeopardy game.
Justine McD. says
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Justine McD. says
My 5yr old has SPD and PDD-NOS, so touching stuff really turns him off. We’ve worked on it in OT some so I think that the Playfoam® Combo 20-Pack would be something else I’d try from educational insights.
Debbie Welchert says
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I like the Bean Bag Toss.
Leah Baird says
9/27 I voted for you on picketfence
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follow you on twitter, @lnb1191
9/27 tweet
Leah Baird says
I would love the smens pens set of 50. I can image the colorful pictures my neices would make.
Nicole Edwards says
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Nicole Edwards says
I would like the multipation digitz game
Nicole B says
What a cute game. I want the Hot Dots Jr. Phonics.
sandra says
entered Hot Dots Jr. Card Set Giveaway
sandra says
entered Ring the Bell Electronic Goal Tracker Giveaway
sandra says
entered Olive Garden Giveaway
sandra says
entered Kix “Kid-Tested, Mother Approved” Giveaway
sandra says
entered “X-Men: First Class” Blu-ray Giveaway
sandra says
entered Emergen-C Kidz Giveaway
sandra says
entered Dremel Multi-Max Cordless Giveaway
sandra says
entered QuickSmart Scramble Bug Ride-on Toy Giveaway
sandra says
entered Prefense Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
sandra says
entered Time Tracker Mini Giveaway
sandra says
entered Weight Watchers by Conair Glass Body Analysis Scale Giveaway
sandra says
sandra says
i love the Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun
Mary Dailey says
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I liked the Geo Safari Jr. Talking Telescope
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Carrie Phelps says
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Carrie Phelps says
I would love to get my grandson the E-Z as ABC® Game Set.
Jennifer T. says
I entered the Hot Dots Jr. giveaway.
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I entered the Olive Garden giveaway.
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I entered the Kix giveaway.
Jennifer T. says
I entered the QuickSmart Scramblebug giveaway.
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I entered the Bambo Nature giveaway.
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Jennifer T. says
I’d love to get the Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun.
kewkew says
I would love the Watch It! Elapsed Time Clock
Ali Elahi says
I like the leap frog educational stuff, but I have never used this brand before, hope I can win to give it a try, looks beautiful!
Anne Loyd says
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Anne Loyd says
I like the Hot Dots, Jr. Phonics Fun.
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I like the Shapes up
amy hollingsworth says
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stumbled giveaway
ID: presleyhankmomma
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Amy Hollingsworth
amy hollingsworth says
I’d like the Jumbo Spinner for my daughter’s 2nd grade class
Amy Hollingsworth
tess says
i voted for you on the fence
tcogbill at live dot com
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tcogbill at live dot com
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i like the estimation station
tcogbill at live dot com
Amanda S. says
Smens! So cool!
Janet W. says
I would love to have the Jumbo Magnetic Spinner .