Educational Insights is a manufacturer of kids products that have an educational value to them. Their products include classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. All the products are designed by seasoned educators and parents who know that learning needs to be fun to keep kids engaged.
When I was younger I was fascinated with skeletons, organs and basically just our internal structures. I had to rely on books back then but now there is an amazing poster by Educational Insights that I can share with my boys.
Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster
A magical way to present the various layers of the human body, the Lenticular Human Body Poster shifts from two kids to their skeletal systems, muscular systems, and organs. You won’t believe your eyes!
- 19″ W x 27″ H lenticular poster
- Presents multiple layers of human body
- Includes outside, skeletal system, muscular systems and organs
While my boys are young still, they know they have bones inside and this poster is great to reference for all ages. The poster is thicker cardboard so it is durable and will last. By looking at the poster you can see so many different things that it is truly amazing to look at. My boys are amazed at everything they have inside them and when they get older this will be a great reference tool for them when they are working on homework.
Whether you have a child fascinated with the human body, want a great poster to display, or want this for your classroom, I highly recommend this poster. There is nothing I don’t like about it! It is also a decent size at over two feet tall! The poster does say it is for ages 8 and up but I really think kids younger and older will enjoy it.
BUY IT: The Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster can be purchased for $19.99 from Educational Insights or check out the Store Locator for a store that carries Educational Insights products near you!
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster from Educational Insights
TO ENTER: Leave a comment on another Educational Insights product you’d like!
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#GIVEAWAY: Win the Inside Out Human Body Poster from Educational Insights @mamasmoney (Ends 10/14) http://bit.ly/qu0nGa
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Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends October 14, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this product to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
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I want the Geo Safari talking microscope
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I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my kids! I also like their talking electron microscope! Thanks so much for the terrific giveaway!
Renee Walters
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The Grammar 500 game would be great!
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I also like the Classroom Café Dining Play Set . Very cute!
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The GeoSafari Talking Electron Microscope
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