PositvelyProud is a mom-created company that features a collection of products and books geared towards families supporting their children. Their mission is to “Make Kids Feel Special.” The products features all are carefully selected for its positive messages.
Both of my boys are in preschool and while they don’t read yet I do send little notes with stickers on it now. When they get a little bit older, I definitely think it will be nice to put little handwritten notes in their lunches. I know when I was a kid I would have loved little notes from my mom. I love that PositivelyProud has products that make it easier and nicer for me to not only send notes to school with my kids, but just reward and encourage them in general.
I got a chance to review a variety of PostivelyProud products including:
Lunch Mail
Send your children off to school with a piece of love tucked inside their lunch, backpack or pocket. What a great feeling to discover an inspiring little greeting card from you! Each miniature pop-open card conceals a secret message of love, encouragement and self esteem hidden inside. Personalize the back with an extra dose of encouragement. Each collection contains 30 different miniature “pop-open” greeting cards. ($4.95)
These are little cardboard pieces of mail that you can personalize on the back and when your child opens it they will read a note of encouragement. They are super adorable! Kids can keep these too for when they need a reminder of kind words when school days get tough!
Lunch Box Letters Book
Lunch Box Letters contains 75 sheets of colorful notepaper, ready for you to tear out and use. These pages are bright and cheerful, and some have jokes and riddles – making it easier to get started. Just add a few words and tuck the finished letter into your child’s lunch box or backpack. With this book to guide you, the letter takes almost no time at all. ($8.95)
This is a book full of 75 sheets you can write notes on, like a pad of scrapbook paper, with brightly colored paper. They have fun illustrations and notes at the top like “Let’s Have Fun,” “Almost the Weekend,” and “Good Luck.” There is even a section with notes you can use as examples and ideas. These are about half the size of a sheet of paper and there is plenty of room to write a nice note! I love the ideas section as it has some great note examples, since sometimes moms need a little help too!
Positively Proud Packet
Keep these tools at your fingertips, and you’ll be prepared for any moment that calls for encouraging word or loving message. An award for a great report card. A star incentive chart to encourage a clean bedroom. A lunch mail note that contains a joke and a personalized message from you.
This packet has all the encouragement tools to make it easy for you to connect with your child and let them know that they are Special and Loved! A list of ideas on how to use the packet is included.
Rewards, Stickers, Incentive Charts, Tokens, Notepaper, Lunch Mail, Postcards, and more are all included in this Awesome Positively Proud Packet. ($14.95)
This holder has so many great items inside I don’t even know where to start! It is perfect for rewarding any occasion or good deed! I am using it right now for potty training and my boys get so excited to see what I will pull out – but don’t get me wrong, the rewards are not babyish. It is the perfect size to keep in the kitchen drawer, car or where is handy spot for rewards. There are so many great reward ideas in here that I would have never thought of! It would even make a great teacher gift!
Kids Table Topics To Go
Great questions for young, curious minds that help pass the time quickly. A most-welcomed gift for families on-the-go. Learn more about each other and cherish the memories that the answers create. You could also pop a card in your child’s lunch bag to provide something new and positive to talk about at recess or lunch. ($9.00)
Sample questions:
•would you rather see a movie, a parade, or a magic show?
•what makes you feel better when you’re sick?
•if you wanted to earn $50.00 how would you like to earn the money?
Even though my boys are not really good at conversation yet, this is great to start with as it is for ages 4 and up. The questions are great to get kids thinking and learn more about your family in general! There are 40 questions and at about 2×2 inches only it is a perfect set to keep in the car, kitchen drawer, purse or where you want. I like that it comes in a case to keep all the cards together.
BUY IT: Visit Positively Proud to start shopping!
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to spend at PositivelyProud (with free shipping!)
TO ENTER: Leave a comment on something from PostivelyProud that you like!
(Just some examples of what you can buy!)
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#GIVEAWAY: Win a $25 gift certificate from Positively Proud! @mamasmoney (Ends 10/12) http://bit.ly/r9JHw7
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~ Enter any of my other giveaways (leave a comment for each) or tell me how you heard about this giveaway!
~ Vote for me on Picket Fence Blogs! You can vote every day! (just clicking with automatically vote for me! Thanks!)
Please leave me a comment for EACH entry. This contest ends October 12, 2011. Thanks everyone and good luck! Also, if you just put a generic comment like “I want to Win” then I will have to disqualify you. Once per household/ ip address please.
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent this product to review in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
nan says
entered woolite
nan says
entered barney
nannypanpan at gmail.com
nan says
voted 10-12
Erinn S says
I voted today! erinnsluka(at)gmail(dot)com
Erinn S says
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Erinn S says
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Erinn S says
GFC: Esluka erinnsluka@gmail.com–
Erinn S says
Positivley Proud FB follower @ErinnArenaSluka erinnsluka@gmail.com
Erinn S says
My mom could use this in her classroom..I love the Proud Packet erinnsluka@gmail.com
Leah Shumack says
Also entered the Lion King giveaway
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Leah Shumack says
I love how they offer products that help children get positive reenforcement that they need while growing up. Rewards (the right kind of rewards!) and little notes help them to know that they are loved!
cw says
I like the peel and stick dry erase quotes
Jacie Wright says
Love the happy napkins!
tracey johnson says
GFC follower-traceyj40
tracey johnson says
Kids Attitude In A Jar
Allison Lewis says
I voted for you on Picket Fence.
Allison Lewis says
I stumbled your giveaway: http://www.stumbleupon.com/badge/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmomandmore.com%2F2011%2F09%2Fpositivelyproud-make-kids-special-review-giveaway-ends-1012.html (AlliMarie80)
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George Chaplin says
Google Connect Follower!!
winchappy @ gmail.com
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Kathy Davis says
I like the clear accordion folder that holds all the materials. Nice to have everything kept together and ready to use.
Allison Lewis says
I like Positively Proud on fb (same name.)
Allison Lewis says
Love the magnetic responsibility chart!
crystal allen says
voted picket fence, clallen at ntin dot net
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net blog follower clallen at ntin dot net
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like this post crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net
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crystal allen says
gfc c allen, clallen at ntin dot net
crystal allen says
i like positively proud on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net
crystal allen says
i love the Precious Flower Bracelet clallen at ntin dot net
susan smoaks says
i like the Scent-a-Message – Jelly Beans
shirley says
I do like the -U R Special Trophys.
Kat Emerick says
already subscribed to the mailing list of Mom and More
Kat Emerick says
Already follow gfc
Kat Emerick says
I love their greeting cards! I love sending cards to my grandkids and these would be perfect.
sandra says
entered Woolite Washing Savior Giveaway
sandra says
entered CitiBlocs 100 pc CAMO Colors Building Block Set Giveaway
sandra says
entered CALABOT “The DIY Robot for Children” Giveaway
tina reynolds says
I follow your blog on gfc thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
tina reynolds says
I subscribe to your blog eaglesforjack@gmail.com
tina reynolds says
I like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
tina reynolds says
I love Medium Chocolate Candy Bouquet thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
Melissa Wilson says
I like the kids fortune cookies!
hairbows.n.more at gmail dot com
jessica edwards says
invisible ink pen and decoder
Claire says
I love their U R Special Medium Trophy with Chocolates.
Brittney House says
positivelyproud fb fan brittney house
Brittney House says
I love the instant happy notes.
amy hollingsworth says
10/11 daily tweet
Jenn S. says
GFC Follower: JennS
Jenn S. says
I like the I Love You Toast Stamper.
Jennifer R says
I like the Big Hug Mug from their site. reejen at comcast dot net
Anna S. says
I like their “toast stamper” – great idea.
amy hollingsworth says
10/10 daily tweet
amy hollingsworth says
10/9 daily tweet
Jeff Antill says
voted for you on picket fences
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tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/JeffAntill/status/122956692215435264
Jeff Antill says
Liked PositivelyProud on Facebook as jeff antill sr.
Jeff Antill says
i like that they have Invisible Ink Pen & Decoder and i can personalizze it for my son
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/8
karen M says
renee walters says
I like positively proud on Facebook!
renee walters says
I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my kids! I really like the kids attitude in a jar! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
Kristi Blackstone says
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GFC follower as Kristi B
Kristi Blackstone says
I like Positively Proud on FB as Blissful Bee Blogging!
Kristi Blackstone says
I love the Sports Bed Caddy! This is a great site and I’d love to win for my son!
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/7
karen M says
nan says
entered jake and the neverland pirates
nan says
entered day of the diesels
nan says
entered angelina ballerina
nannypanpan at gmail.com
nan says
voted 10-7
Janna says
I like the “girl’s it’s a book necklace”
Blogtacular contest! Thanks so much! Janna Johnson Jannajanna@hotmail.com
Janna@feedyourpig on GFC
amy hollingsworth says
10/6 daily tweet
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/6
karen M says
valerie mabrey says
Lunch Mail
vmkids3 at msn dot com
maria g says
I’m a gfc follower – maria g
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
maria g says
I like Mom and More on facebook – m patricia gabriel
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
maria g says
I love their U R Special Medium Trophy with Chocolates. I love the idea behind these products, every kid should know that their parents love them and think they’re special!
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
Janet W. says
I follow you via GFC _ janet watson
Janet W. says
I love the Mini Lunch Stationery!!
sandra says
entered “Thomas & Friends: Day of the Diesels” Movie Giveaway
sandra says
entered “Bob the Builder: Super Scrambler” DVD Giveaway
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/5
karen M says
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/#!/gummasplace/status/121595159862452224
amy hollingsworth says
10/4 daily tweet
Trisha Lynn says
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Trisha Lynn says
I love the happy napkins!
Nadia @ Sparks of Gold Candles says
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Nadia @ Sparks of Gold Candles says
Liked the kids “attitude in a jar”
Nadia @ Sparks of Gold Candles says
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Nadia @ Sparks of Gold Candles says
Voted at Picket Fence.
sandra says
entered Pizza Mania Giveaway
karen M says
voted Picket Fence 10/4
karen M says
amy hollingsworth says
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Amy Hollingsworth
ID: presleyhankmomma
amy hollingsworth says
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Amy Hollingsworth
amy hollingsworth says
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Amy Hollingsworth
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Amy Hollingsworth
amy hollingsworth says
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Amy Hollingsworth
amy hollingsworth says
I like all their stuff, but I love the Proud Parent Packet the most.
Amy Hollingsworth
karen M says
voted Picket fence- 10/3
karen M says
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/#!/gummasplace/status/120892617490837504
Patti Hess says
Like Positively Proud on Facebook
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks bunches
Patti Hess says
First I am impressed with the way this company has grown. What I like at Positive Parenting is the Kids Attitude in a Jar
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks bunches
karen M says
voted Picket Fence 10/2
karen M says
karen M says
daily tweet=http://twitter.com/#!/gummasplace/status/120164065157988352
karen M says
voted Picket Fence 10/1
Ani G W says
Entered Lion King giveaway
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Ani G W says
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Ani G W says
I love the kid’s fortune cookies!
Jo says
email subscriber
Jo says
I like the kids only fortune cookies
nan says
entered lion king
nannypanpan at gmail.com
nan says
voted 9-30
nannypanpan at gmail.com
sandra says
entered “The Lion King” Giveaway
karen M says
Carrie Phelps says
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Carrie Phelps says
I follow you on Facebook; Carrie Phelps
Carrie Phelps says
I love this idea & I think the Fortune Cookies – For Kids Only is adorable!
karen M says
entered the Emergen-C Kidz! Giveaway
karen M says
entered the Win “X-Men: First Class” on Blu-ray giveaway
karen M says
entered the Dremel Multi-Max Cordlesss Tool giveaway
karen M says
entered the Scramble Bug or Scuttle Bug Kids Ride-on Toy Giveaway
karen M says
entered the Weight Watchers Digital Painted Glass Scale giveaway
karen M says
entered the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game from Educational Insights
karen M says
entered the Lion King Giveaway
karen M says
voted picket fence today
karen M says
“Like” this giveaway on Facebook-Gumma Medlin
karen M says
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karen M says
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karen M says
karen M says
“Like” PositivelyProud on Facebook-Gumma Medlin
karen M says
I like the Goodtime Ticket – Frog Bank, sweet way to store all Goodtime Tickets they receive.
nan says
voted 9-29
nannypanpan at gmail.com
sandra says
entered Hot Dots Jr. Card Set Giveaway
sandra says
entered Ring the Bell Electronic Goal Tracker Giveaway
sandra says
entered Olive Garden Giveaway
sandra says
entered Kix “Kid-Tested, Mother Approved” Giveaway
sandra says
entered “X-Men: First Class” Blu-ray Giveaway
sandra says
entered Emergen-C Kidz Giveaway
sandra says
entered Dremel Multi-Max Cordless Giveaway
sandra says
entered QuickSmart Scramble Bug Ride-on Toy Giveaway
sandra says
entered Prefense Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
sandra says
entered Time Tracker Mini Giveaway
sandra says
entered Weight Watchers by Conair Glass Body Analysis Scale Giveaway
sandra says
entered Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game Giveaway
sandra says
sandra says
i love the lunch box love cards
Mikey R says
I heard about this giveaway through one of your tweets
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Mikey R says
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Mikey R says
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Mikey R says
I like the mini lunch stationary
Terra Heck says
found out about this giveaway via email subscription
Terra Heck says
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Terra Heck says
I like the Mini Easel Print with Magnet – To My Daughter. Thanks.
Gina H. says
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Gina H. says
I like the Incentive Charts Packet.
Anne Loyd says
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Anne Loyd says
I like the Kids Attitude Jar.
NAN says
entered bambo
NAN says
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NAN says
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NAN says
entered dremel
NAN says
entered xmen
NAN says
entered olive garden
NAN says
entered kix
NAN says
entered capturing couture
nannypanpan at gmail.com
NAN says
gfc nannypanpan
NAN says
nannypanpan at gmail.com
NAN says
NAN says
i’d love the magnetic responsibility chart
nannypanpan at gmail.com
sus says
voted for you on the fence
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sus says
I Love You So….Book
alh1203 says
email sub angelaspringer@h
alh1203 says
I have the lunch mail letters in the green box and we love them.