Want to know what the newest craze in my neighborhood is? Gutzy Gear! Yes thanks to me, I now hooked a bunch of beighborhood kids (and other friends) on the supercool Gutzy Gear patches! Last week I hosted a Gutzy Gear party and while a few last minute friends had to cancel, we still had a blast! Then I of course had to have a few more kids over the next day for more Gutzy Gear fun!
Okay so if you have no clue (which I didn’t before I got these) but Gutzy Gear is a new and fun way for kids to express themselves. Gutzy Gear features strap covers that go over your backpack straps (or messenger bag, rolling bag, purse and so forth) and on them you Velcro on their custom line of patches called “Gutzies.” There is no sewing, glueing or ironing required! Yeah, since I have no clue on how to sew! These patches are meant to be traded and shared amongst friends for a custom look that they can change whenever their mood changes!
My 5 year old was starting Kindergarten and Gutzy Gear was the perfect addition to his backpack to make him feel more grown up, especially since he is using the same backpack as he did in pre-school. I let him pick out patches that he wanted and he was so excited! We had other friends at our house who too who excited to rip open the packages and attach them to their backpacks. I just want to say again how much I love that they are made with Velcro! My kids attached them themselves and have no problem removing the patches either – but that is not to say that they don’t still well as they do! The best part though is that Gutzy Gear is for kids of all ages with tons of varieties out there to please every kid! There are even Gutzies featuring popular characters like Spider-Man, SpongeBob Squarepants, Avengers, Monster High and Sonic!
Overall, the party was a hit as well as the friends that came by for an impromptu Gutzy Gear party the next day! Just today we were at Target and my 4 year old begged me for the Avengers patch, they are truly fun to collect and show off!
Gutzy Gear Bingo:
Olivia trying to play Gutzy Dominos:
Back of Gutzy Gear Strap:
Some of the kids with their backpacks:
First Day of School:
BUY IT: Gutzy Gear is now available in great retailers like Toys ‘R Us, Target, K-mart, Walmart, Office Depot and select specialty stores.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Gutzy Gear Strap Cover and set of Gutzies (as shown below)
Mom and More Disclosure: I received products to host a party through Mom Select in exchange for my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Noreen says
My daughter would love a hippo
Penny B W says
My son would definitely love the Super Heroes-Spiderman ,Thor, Hulk, etc!
Kathy Pease says
my son would like the Nothing But Net
Jennifer Peaslee says
for my nephew – anything football related
shanta spradlin says
christal c w says
The whiskers and peace
Michele Behlen says
My grandson would like ninjas or superheros.
susan smoaks says
our daughter would love the frog and the yellow sunflower!
ReggieMann says
My niece would like Flutter & Whiskers
christy says
sooo cool for kids!!
Hoa Le says
My grandkids would like superheroes on their Gutzie.
Aubrey says
super heroes
Les Johnson says
She would want Hello Kitty.
Gianna says
Small Fry & Patty.
Rachael Henzman says
He would want ones with cars or motorcycles. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sue Hull says
My neices like Butterflies,Ladybugs and all the other girly things. I actually got some from another giveaway and gave them to them. They loved them! I’d like to win more to donate on a backpack for a kid for Christmas who wouldn’t get anything otherwise. Thanks for telling me they sell them at stores. I didn’t know that. Thanks for the really awesome giveaway!
Kimberly B. says
Probably would want the guitar one.
Tiffany Christie says
My daughter likes peace signs and butterflies.
Kimberley Meier says
My daughter would love Lady Bug Lou & Prince Charming!
Sarah Parisi says
I think my son would love the guitar! Legos, skulls, & Spongebob too!
Ellen C. says
I like the bring it on and girls rule set. Thanks for the chance.
Vickie Couturier says
Lisa @ Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy says
mine love the sports ones and super hero ones
Amber Nara says
All the Diva Patches would be my daughter and sport basket ball would be my son
Crissy D. says
My son would like Legos or soldiers and probably ninjas
Sandy VanHoey says
My grandson would want Spongebob, granddaughters would want Hello Kitty
Sylvia White says
She would love Tinkerbelle
Heather Augenstein says
Daughter really wants these for her backpack AND the back seat of our car…YES, the back seat of the car!
Heather Augenstein says
PS Super Heroes are her fav!
Heather Augenstein says
WAIT! Saw the Monster High ones today, daughter now wants those. Sure it will be something else 2morrow! ;o)
Jeanna says
My son would love a skull or skeleton!