There are so many dolls out there, but I have yet to see one not from this planet! Yes MGA Entertainment (Little Tikes) has come out with a doll that is basically an alien girl!
Novi Stars™ is a new cosmic girls property combines outrageous, other-worldly adventure with cutting edge toy features never before seen in doll play. Filled with rich relatable storylines and humorous character content, the Novi Stars™ are on a galactic mission to meet new friends, try new things and find out what on Earth is going on?! Novi Star Dolls: We’re the Novi Stars and we’ve arrived! We’re here on Earth to try new things, update your fashion trends, and make new friends. We can’t wait to find out what on Earth is going on!?! Each alien doll possesses its own unique personality and characteristics!
With her out-of-this-world fashion and fantastic design, the Novi Stars Una Verse doll offers plenty of interactive, imaginative fun for kids ages six and older. This distinctive Space Age-inspired doll is sure to charm with her colorful hairstyle, curly antennae, and glittery, liquid-filled body. A cute pet accessory is also included to accompany Una Verse on her interstellar adventures.
Una Versa is a doll about six inches doll that come dressed and ready to be played with. She also comes with her pet, Molecule, and a Glow in the Dark stand.
Handle of the box becomes a headband:
I think the coolest feature though is that her legs are filled with glitter! Turn her upside down and watch the glitter go! She is fun to play with and can be any dolls friend from another planet! Oh and the handle on the box is even a tiara for your child to wear! I love that this doll is different and actually comes with a few accessories (doll stand and pet) so she is ready right out of the box! Ours unfortunately had an arm issue though where her arm had come off while in the box. I tried to snap it back in but they are not held in there too well, so I am going to have my husband dab super glue in there to hold both arms in securely. This hopefully was a fluke with my doll but the craftsmanship in general of the arms could definitely be tighter.
BUY IT: Novi Stars Dolls can be purchased direct from Little Tikes for $19.99 or look for them at your local toy retailer.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Novi Stars Doll (random doll will be sent depending on availability)
Mom and More Disclosure: I was sent product samples to review in exchange for my honest opinion! Please see my Disclosure Policy.
Laurie Emerson says
My 3 year daughter has learned how to wiggle her nose like Samantha on Bewitched. She also wiggles her ears.
meme says
My 7 year old cut his hear because I wanted a mohawk [ luckily it was a very small piece]
Cassandra McCann says
my youngest rocks back and forth almost all the time even in his sleep
Beth Palacios says
I have two little girls, ages 5 & 2. They do something “out of this world” practically everyday! Too hard to think of just one….
Tanya White says
My 7 year old has had Honor roll every marking period since kindergarten and she is in the second grade, I am so proud of her.
Gianna says
Meeting her favorite author recently!
Michelle Tucker says
I don’t have any children, but my nephews and nieces do out of this world stuff all the time. Hehe. I remember going outside once about 8 years ago and my then 8 year old and 10 year old nephews were, uhhh, changing the tires on my car. Ummm. I totally freaked. They were like we watch dad do this all the time. I KNOW they were trying to be helpful, but had to stop them right then. Even then they were doing stuff far beyond their age.
wendy rozema says
playing basketball
Heather R says
When she is in TaeKwondo class. She learns so quickly!
sharon cowles says
Omy where do i even begin… one grandson is teething and won’t stop chewing on his sisters barbies…boobies… he will not take a teething ring…. drags barbie everywhere
Renee owen says
my daughter used her money this year and got her sister a toy with it instead of herself (out of this world to me lol)
Tracy Allen says
Well today she crawled into a laundry basket, pulled another on top of her and called it her “pod.”
Eva Mack says
michelle jonassen says
My 14 year old daughter is in honors classes, my12 year old son is in classes that are two years ahead of him and my 8 year old daughter (who loves Novi Star dolls) sings and dances thru the house with her microphone. They are all out of this world to me!
natalie rose machowski says
My little brother won an archery contest and all of the other contestants were adults, way to go zach
sandra davis says
she dances and sings for anybody around…….doesnt matter where she is
Tanya Samudio ~ The Chatty Mom says
My daughters both amaze me…one sings from sun up ’til the moon goes down determined to be the next Jackie Evanco, the other brings art into the world wherever she goes and crosses her eyes just to make everyone laugh. They both amaze me.
Leslie Galloway says
My daughter made honor roll for the first time last six weeks!
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
Megan Parsons says
My daughter has escaped the house when I was going to the bathroom when she was 3 and when I got outside she made me chase her around the neighbors house! Needless to say we got locks up on the top of all the doors after that!!!
Gayle says
Recently my grandkids gave some of their gently used toys to the local woman’s shelter. I think this was an out of this world thing for them to have done.
Carolyn A Colley (Griffith, Smith) says
Oh my, I shouldn’t tell this. My granddaughter went to Sunday School class and the teacher ask for prayer requests, she raised her hand and said Pray for my mom she needs a new bed, it’s hurting _____’s back. He was living with them and I didn’t know anything about it, of course I’m not happy with that but she has to live her life, one thing about kids they tell it just like it is.
Sue Hull says
I can’t remember my daughter doing anything out of this world when she was little. I’m sure she’s done them now as an adult but I’m sure I’ll never hear about them. LOL!
I love these dolls! My 2 neices would go nuts for them. Thank you for the cool giveaway!
Lee L says
3 year old blows her nose (seriously you have no idea how i,important this is!)
Gina H. says
Got straight A’s in school!
Michelle.A. says
everything my kids do are out of this world.
they are doing really well in school…that’s out of this world for me.
Melissa says
my girls dance moves are out of this world! lol

Amy W. says
My daughter’s are selling homemade cookies and sending the money to World Vision.
jennifer bowen says
my girl can count in gaylic
Paul T/Pauline T says
my daughter was the star at her dance recital —– Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Patti Hess says
She can hide in pretty good places
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you
Brynn says
Started walking at 8 months!
john says
I dont have any young ones…i would gift this to a childrens charity.
Crystal F says
My daughter is working hard towards getting her black belt. She’s getting ready to test for her orange belt. thank you!
Tanya Samudio ~ The Chatty Mom says
At the age of 3 my oldest could recite VeggieTale cartoons from memory…without a cue on the TV!
Kristen says
She helped befriend the shy new girl in school
Stephanie Grant says
MY little one was able to hold her head up for a few seconds within hours of being born!!!
Kimberly Schotz says
My daughter draws awesome pictures
Jessica H. says
My daughter stole the spotlight at her school play, and she wasn’t even one of the stage characters, she was just in the choir singing! lol
Thank you for the giveaway!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
Sharon Kaminski says
donated some clothes to a few poor neighborhood girls
Sharon Kaminski says
donated some clothes to a few poor neighborhood girls
Katie Morris Crider says
My daughter chopped off a third of her hair above her ear a little over a year ago. Right before the holidays and Christmas photos. We put it up in a ponytail, used lots of hairspray, and she wore crocheted caps.
Priscilla Benavides says
My son broke 6 dozens (that’s 72 eggs!) of easter eggs in his room when he was 4 years old.
Jan says
My niece tried to run away, but she left a note saying where she would be, LOL
amanda roach says
my daughter has an old soul and understood heaven/death at the young age of 3.
Dorothy Deakyne says
sometimes talks backwards
Nicole says
my daughter pulled both of her front teeth out, one right after the other
Heather Stanley says
My little girl just being is out of this world!!! After 3 boys never thought it would happen
Bonnie says
Recently my 4 yr grandson cut his hair and his sister hair AND his cousins hair. Sad but true. The girls curls are now cropped on one side of their little heads. His momma shaved/buzzed his hair off. The girls a little more difficult to figure out. I see lots of BIG bows in the future of these girls.
Heather S says
My daughter’s art she makes is “out of this world”! She has two grandparents who are artists
renee walters says
One of my daughters’ just got a full scholarship to a university and my 3 year old son can tap dance. Thanks for the great giveaway and happy holidays!
deb c says
My granddaughter is a great cook at 10
Adrianne B says
My daughter uses words like incredible and stupendous…and she’s 3.
Sharon Schoepe says
My 4 year old daughter’s vocabulary is just taking off. She has Down Syndrome and is Speech delayed so to hear her finally speaking in short sentences is out of this world!
Gina R. says
My daughter is an amazing artist! Since she was 5 could could draw expression in faces and movement in bodies. I can not draw half as well as her and she’s only 9!
Anna-Leigh says
My girl has been pretty sick the last couple days, and getting her to take any medicine is quite an ordeal. Tonight she took the little measuring cup and drank the medicine all by herself. I was pretty proud
clenna says
My four year old grand daughter was being scolded by her father for having a tantrum, she truned to him and said, “Da Da, I don’t like your attitude!” in a very stern voice!
Natalie U says
My daughter could sing her abc before she walked and could count to 20 also
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
Sandy VanHoey says
My grandson who is 5 just received an award today for knowing the most sight words
Kami Bryant says
My 7 year old films dolls and puts videos on youtube. My child also likes to draw story books.
Gena Durbin Carrico says
Well she has done several things, but one time she got into my cake decorating stuff and got the pink and black food coloring and decided to cover herself in it. Her arms and legs were solid black. even after a bath she was stained purple.
Amy Green says
Pretended to be Alice from Disney’s animated Alice in Wonderland-by sticking her legs through the doors of her Fisher-Price farmhouse, to show that she “grew big”!
Julie Lynn Bickham says
When my daughter was about 2 she fingerpainted the living room with yogurt!
Kelly R. says
My daughter hasn’t really done anything “out of this world” but everything she does is special to me.
Jennifer says
My 5 year old is doing so good in gymnastics they moved her to the 12 year olds class!
tess says
my 3 month old can- blink her eyes at you when you ask her- where are your pretty eyes…
my 4 year old son- can count endless- the other day up til 218-with little help
tcogbill at live dot com
krista grandstaff says
I can’t pick out just one child for this…but all of my 4 children, from grade school through high school, so far…have had straight a’s in every class, and every subject. My oldest is a junior in Oklahoma at OU, and other sons are a senior and freshman in high school, and my youngest, my daughter, is in the 6th grade. ( the college kid does NOT get straight A’s any more…:( lol..but he still has a 3.85 so I’m ok with it!) I think this is wonderful, because I know how very very hard they have all worked, and still work to do this…