Looking to sell some of those gift cards you got for Christmas or maybe buy some at a discount for stores you want to shop at for those post-holiday deals?
If your like me then you probably got a few gift cards you don’t need and probably a few that you wish you had got! To me some gift cards end up costing me more than their worth! Like the $25 DSW gift card I got is going to end up costing me probably $50 out of pocket (at least!) And do I really need another pair of shoes? Right now we actually would rather have a Home Depot gift card which we could use towards new flooring in our basement. Or even restaurant gift cards for a nice break from the kitchen!
One site I use regularly (probably too regularly) is PlasticJungle.com (Buy, sell & trade gift cards.) I use them for both buying and selling gift cards. Like I recently sold a $100 Foot Locker gift card for $68, which yes I lost money but I wasn’t going to use the gift card so something was better than nothing. I really like Plastic Jungle though for buying gift cards for places we are definitely going to visit. They have restaurants, gas stations, entertainment and just tons of great gift cards in general. There is no fee to buy from them and free shipping! I especially love buying from them for stores that don’t offer coupons because I feel like it is a great way to get some kind of saving. Like I bought a Home Depot gift card for 7% off which is better than nothing! Oh and since these are regular gift cards you can of course use them with coupons, they are not special certificates or anything, just basic gift cards that cost less then their value!
Here is a small snapshot of what they offer to Buy:
I am honestly hooked on them and have never had a problem!
Wendy O. says
This is awesome! How have I never heard of this?!? We have gift cards wasting away (I’ve actually THROWN some away) because our relatives from out of state buy us cards to restaurants & stores that aren’t local to us (I mean really…they can’t take 5 minutes to figure out that we don’t have a Meijer Foods in our state?!?). Thank you so much for this!
Jennifer Kreisler says
I know that sometimes this happens, but most of the places I’d get a gift card to I’d feel good using or giving as a gift to a family member.
Heidi J. Sisco says
Thank you for posting this. I have been trying to find a good site to sell some of the gift cards that I have that I am unable to use.
Mikki Cross says
Oh wow…I really have to look into this. I won 2 gcs that I can’t use. Maybe I can get one that I can use. It’s a win-win. Thanks for the info. This is the first time I heard about this.
Keisa Rogers says
Great! Thanks for the info.
Kathy Idol says
I didn’t know anything like this was around. Will be checking this one out for sure. Thanks for sharing with us
Cher says
No problem! I use it all the time and they are great!
Pamela Halligan says
I had heard of sites that buy unused gift cards, but I wasn’t sure where to go. Right now, I do need the cash more. Thanks for sharing.
Cher says
No problem! I have bought and sold many times with Plastic Jungle and they are great!
krystel says
i wish
Jennifer Johansen says
Oh wow. Combine that 7% discount on the Home Depot gift cards with the 10% military discount, and you’ve got yourself an awesome sale every day!
Cher says
That’s awesome! I just learned they give a military discount, thats so nice!
Julie Wood says
This is nice to know that I can sell gift cards that I do not use! I know that I will loose some money, but I got a gift card for Christmas that I do not want to use at the store. I am going to sell it!
Cher says
It is totally worth it even though you loose a little, like I said sometimes you end up spending more in the store anyways!
Alison says
Where can i buy gift cards for reduced prices – that is great
Cher says
It is definitely nice to save even a little!
Rich D says
I used plasticjungle recently and it was a good experience. It is a little worrisome to sending gift cards in standard mail since they say treat them like cash.
Cher says
I worried too but I wrote down the number before I sent it and figured I could track it if it got lost in someone elses hands.
rochelle haynes says
Marissa says
Great deals! But I would only use them if I really need to buy something or if there is a bigger discount.
Cher says
I honestly buy the $25 gift cards for stores I know I shop at even if it only saves me a $1