Wordgirl Vs. the Energy Monster
Released: May 14, 2013
Studio: PBS
Running Time: 50 minutes
WORDGIRL and her sidekick CAPTAIN HUGGY FACE fight the good fight against dastardly villains and bad vocabulary in this thrilling collection!
Dinner Or Consequences (Parts 1 & 2): Dr. Two Brains and the Energy Monster want to turn the whole city into cheese! It’s up to WordGirl to stop them even if it means missing her family feast and facing the consequences.
Best Fan Club Meeting Ever: TJ plans to divulge a secret about WordGirl to International WordGirl Fan Club members, until Tobey threatens to destroy the clubhouse. Will WordGirl save the clubhouse and her fans?
Day at the Museum: Scoops takes Becky, Bob, and Violet to the museum to find inspiration for his next news story. When they go in search of a haunted treasure, The Butcher follows right behind! WordGirl enriches vocabulary skills, fosters better reading comprehension and instills a love of language in all children.
Honestly Wordgirl is a show I didn’t think my kids would like or get, but I was wrong. I think they have seen it before on PBS but having a whole DVD was perfect for them. If you (or your child) has never seen Wordgirl, it is a show where a girl is both a regular girl and a superhero, along with her sidekick who is a monkey! The show is all about vocabulary words with it teaching eight new vocabulary words in the four episodes. I am amazed at how my kids pay attention to this show even though the main character is a girl and its about words, I guess they haven’t realized I want them to watch it because its educational! What is great though about the vocabulary words is that not only do the characters use the words but they explain they explain the words. My boys even repeat them and I think they are understanding them. The show is also unlike other animated shows though which is a nice break.
BUY IT: You can buy “Wordgirl Vs. the Energy Monster” wherever DVDs are sold for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
WIN IT: (5) US winners will receive the DVD “Wordgirl Vs. the Energy Monster”
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
Monica O says
My 2 yr olds fav word right now is planetarium. NO idea where he heard that. My 5 yr old, sorry to say it’s booty. Learned that at school.
Karen Gonyea says
Well, it is a toss up between fart and burp !
Sue Hull says
My daughter is grown. My 5 yr old neice likes to say poop & pee.My 9 yr old neice likes why which drives my sister nuts. LOL!! Kids are just funny. Thank you 🙂
Michaela says
Savannah miller says
My kids like a word he made up “redunkculas” lol
Lauren p says
Sandrea Igess says
My 6yr old son loves to say “stop the presses” when someone says something he can’t believe lol
Amanda Rauch says
I would probably have to be “right?”
Marissa M says
Ed Nemmers says
susan smoaks says
our son’s favorite word right now is dada
Jenny says
My son’s loves to use the word favorite….everything is his “favorite” right now
Catherine says
I think DD’s current fav is appreciate. She says Mom I appreciates this 🙂 Super cute
Karen says
Her favorite word to say right now seems to be “no”
Amber Faith says
My daughter has a lot of favorite words. Kisses, Disney World, no, come here
Brenda Elsner says
My son’s favorite word right now is trains!
Melissa Snyder says
My daughters favorite word is strawberry because this is here favorite food.
So if something she doesn’t like happens she says “oh strawberries!”
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
silly is the word if the day
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Kelly H. says
Joanna says
I don’t have a child, but my nephews current favorite word is yo-yo. So cute!!
Michelle Tucker says
I don’t have any children, but my little cousin loves to say “pickle”.
Christine says
My kid favorite word is “mama”.
Thanks for the chance!
Kelly Boudreaux says
My granddaughter would love this
Brandi says
We just learned the word solemn.
ReggieMann says
Crystal says
my kids would love this!
Sacha Schroeder says
She said baby kitten. LOL!
rebecca day says
i would say my sons favorite word is mine
Mariah says
My sons favorite word is Lego
Alecia says
My nephew’s current favorite word is hot.
Cheryl Reinhardt says
Karen Smith says
My son’s favorite word is love, he’s all the time saying he loves me!!!
Staci Luker says
My daughter uses “ridiculous” all the time!
BusyWorkingMama says
My 5 year old daughter loves to say complicated words. She’s hung up on architect and architecture.
Lisa says
lena says
My son’s favorite word is spaghetti.
Stephanie Grant says
My son is all about brunch right now LOL!
Jessamine D. says
My 2 year old’s favorite word is “no”. My 4 year old loves saying “why” 🙂
Edna Williams says
My princess loves to say money!
michelle koerner says
My 2 year old’s favorite word right now is little punk. LOL, I know we shouldn’t encourage that but its so cute when she says it.
tina reynolds says
right now it is a toss up between iphone and lets go
matt roren says
i’m not really sure, she’s super talkative though
shaunie says
fave word – water
Joana A says
my 20 month old loves to say hi and hot
Lee L says
D U C K spells duck— quack
Addison Kat says
My son’s favorite word is “no!”
Madonna says
I hear that a lot during the day.
Audrey Griffis says
Oh Barnacle- from spongebob
Elise G says
My oldest (6)- Dude
My Youngest (2)- probably
Daniel M says
NO of course
Bud L says
Les Johnson says
My daughter’s favorite word right now is “Awesome”.
Mayla M says
The word my son keep repeating is ‘annoying’, usually in reference to his younger brother.
Vicky D says
Linda Bradshaw says
My kids are teens so theirs is Money. I want to win this for my little nieces though. I know they would love it when they come and visit for weeks at a time.
Gianna says
Athena S says
My Daughter likes the word I know when we tell her something she always say I Know
Robin Wilson says
My great-niece likes to try and say Bazinga sp? ~ my nephew loves the show The Big Bang Theory and says it all the time so she picked it up.
Madeline says
I don’t know, it seems every week my granddaughter comes up with something else to say! LOL
Yolanda says
Her favorite word is MOM, all day long.
danielle Johnson says
lol, 4 year old is “no”
Stephanie Larison says
Poopy…she thinks it’s the funniest thing ever. I hope it passes soon!
ivy arrington says
My daughter 5 tells the big kids “well i’m your moma now” when i send her to calm them down which is all the time cracks everyone up but for a single word park or mcdonalds comes out her mouth all the time.
Leslie Galloway says
My daughter likes the word crustacean… it is fun to say!
Stephanie says
Sharon C says
Of course!
Kathleen says
her favorite word right now is more of a sentence..’it’s not fair’ when she doesn’t get her way
kport207 at gmail dot com
jessika rathbone says
my daughter is 19 months saying sentences! like where are you? lol
jessica says
Both of my boys love Wordgirl, PBS, and Sprout!
Charlene S says
no, no, no
Sharon Kaminski says
fav word is “the end” when reading a book
Steph says
The current favorite word is “spectacular”!
denise says
It would have to be money..
virgina says
favorite word is ” oh strawberries”
Darlene Sullins says
My daughter say her favorite word(s) is “kittycat”.
Jackie says
I think one of her favorite words is “awesome”
Birdie Skolfield says
Bananna is his fav well he says applnana
Emily Adams says
Amazing is my daughters favorite word
shannon Baas says
right now it’s no.
Jan Lee says
LOL her current favorite word is NO hahaha Serious, she says it to everything lol 🙂
steve weber says
favorite word right now is WHY?
ken ohl says
my niece loves to say hi uncle it’s so cute
Carolyn Colley says
not really a word, but my grandson is 4 and when he wants you to stop talking to him he put his hand as a stop sign, it’s cute for me not his mom
Sarah Ann Walker says
My son’s current favorite word is “no”.
jamie braun says
her fave word at the moment batman.. everything is batman… you ask her a question, the answer is batman!
June S. says
Not yet, but I’m sure it is coming up, ( Why )
nannypanpan says
jedi…due to star wars addiction
tracy p. says
My son has had the same favorite word since he was little and I don’t think it will every change. It is “Game”
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
My son love the word no of course LOL.
Peggy says
Her word is Princess
fancygrlnancy (Nancy Partin) says
.hummm well his word changes often. But he has been stuck on the word convenient lately. He loves to tell me that the McDonalds and Circle K are convenient when we drive by near our house.
sandra says
Sylvia White says
actually–and she is only three
Nancy says
Our daughter likes the word : credit.
Dorothy Teel says
My youngest granddaughters favorite word is “that’s mine…lol”
Debby Chandler says
no is pretty much all he wants to say right now. Going through that no stage.