Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in exchange for sharing this information.

Image and value provided by our partner, Peet’s
This summer Peet’s is hitting the road with their new Single Cups, the same handcrafted Peet’s Coffee their known for but now available for single serve brewers. To celebrate their new Single Cups they are offering up samples but America gets to decide where! In ‘Give a Cup’, the Internet’s first social sampling experiment, Americans get to vote on whether they will give or not give a cup! Each week is a new topic, this week being Zombies! I decided to Not Give A Cup, so the zombies will go back where they came from! Or for all the Walking Dead fans out there, I chose not to share my Peet’s coffee with the Walkers!
The voting determines where they will host their sampling events each week! This week Peet’s is in Chicago, but where will they be next – Washington D.C, New York, Boston? Other voting topics are Hot Dog Eating Contests, Summer As a Verb and more – I got a good laugh out of the Zombie one and can’t wait to read the others each week!
Follow Peet’s on Twitter to see when and where the next sampling event will be! Check out doyougiveacup.com to read the topics and start voting!
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