Max & Ruby – Easter With Max & Ruby
Released: February 18, 2014
Studio: Nickelodeon
Running Time: 97 minutes
Spring into the Easter season with two very funny Easter bunnies – Max and Ruby! From Ruby’s Easter bonnet to Max’s Easter bunny, and an Easter Parade too, you’ll be celebrating the season bunny-style.
First off I will say I am not a big Max and Ruby fan, I feel like it is strange that their parents are never seen and Ruby does everything, with that though this is a cute DVD. It includes 12 episodes featuring Max and Ruby, with Max always saving the day. It is 1.5 hours of fun and mischief. Cute show that is wholesome for young kids. I like how Max is an outside the box thinker and always saving the day! While these episodes have been previously aired on television, it has been nice to have them all on one DVD.
Episodes include:
- Ruby’s Easter Bonnet
- Max’s Easter Parade
- Max and the Easter Bunny
- Ruby’s Loose Tooth
- Ruby Scores!
- Ruby’s Sand Castle
- Max’s Work of Art
- Max Meets Morris
- Ruby’s Scavenger Hunt
- Max’s Check-Up
- Space Max
BUY IT: You can buy “Max & Ruby – Easter With Max & Ruby” on Amazon for $6.41 currently or wherever DVDs are sold.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Max & Ruby: Easter with Max & Ruby”
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Giveaway Ends March 5, 2014.
Beverly Metcalf says
They love to see who can collect the most easter eggs on Easter morning. Thanks for having this contest.
Vikki Billings says
My grandchildren love coming to our house to have their annual Easter Egg Hunt! Its so much fun, I love doing it every year.
Heather Moore Sutter says
My 2 1/2& 4 yr old boys love and can’t wait for “sticker funnies” during egg coloring!
It started as being silly w/leftover stickers from the color kit, during my oldest’s first Easter and just became a fun tradition to attack and cover each others faces with as many as possible. Goofy but were creating precious memories <3
Susan W says
Her favorite tradition is decorating the bunny cake.
susan smoaks says
Our son loves getting a chocolate Easter bunny for Easter each year.
wendy rozema says
Easter Egg hunt is their favorite tradition!!
Leslie L Stanziani says
My 4 kids love to color the eggs.They also love the huge diner we have after hunting the eggs on Easter morning.
Debra Hinson Sauvageau says
The easter egg hunt is their fav
Danielle hall says
hunting eggs is the favorite here
Rebecca Peters says
we love the easter egg hunt
Candie L says
My kids have always loved hunting easter eggs. Thank you
Robin Abrams says
They love coloring the Easter Eggs. Always make a mess but they love it 🙂
Karen Drake says
My child’s favorite Easter activity is coloring the eggs, they can spend hours decorating them.
Erica C. says
They love searching for eggs.
tanya holland says
My girls love Easter egg hunts.
amy pugmire says
we have a fun easter egg hunt at grandmas every year.
Jessica Whitehouse says
My kids love dyeing eggs,
Mihaela Day says
we love to paint Easter eggs every year 🙂
Keisha Gardner says
Easter egg hunts and making a special Easter theme treat.
Katie Klein says
They love seeing the bunny and going to the egg hunts.
Karen Propes says
Coloring the eggs and decorating the house, is something we always do together,
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Robin says
We color Easter eggs every year.
Robyn B. says
We love going to Easter Egg hunts~
Diane Hamel says
Love Max and Ruby- my grandchildren love them too
Daniel M says
decorating the eggs
J Smith says
The favorite is always the egg hunt. @smilejoylove
samantha von says
Dying Easter eggs is a favorite in our house!
Lisa V. says
My daughter always loved the Easter egg hunt.
natalie yeoman says
coloring easter eggs every year
Paula Michele Hafner says
My kids love that they get a large, chocolate bunny. They love it even more that we allow them to eat part of it for Easter morning breakfast. They’re only young, once 🙂
Nicole C. says
We love to decorate eggs.
Laura J says
Oh Carter loves our families outdoor if weather permitting….Easter egg hunt! All grandkids, niece, and nephews come…we have so much fun!
carey p says
Hiding Easter eggs all around the house. We all take turns throughout the day
melina r says
Our easter tradition is to celebrate my youngest daughter’s bday which falls near easter.
necta nelson says
going to church easter sunday! than going home to color eggs and egg hunt for the golden egg
Tammy Hayden says
Hunting eggs
sandra davis says
dyeing easter eggs is their favorite
Erin says
egg hunt!
Tiffany Banks says
Every Easter we go to my parents house & eat dinner & have an egg hunt. The kids are always excited to go!
Patti Hess says
Going to Church and then Egg Hunting
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you
Katrina J. says
My daughter loves the egg hunt!
tina reynolds says
easter egg hunt
Jill Rivera says
My favorite Easter tradition is dying Easter Eggs.
Crystalis says
I like to have a big basket of Easter goodies waiting for my son when he wakes up. And of course, he just loves the egg hunt!
Peggy says
They love the different ways of coloring the eggs.
Heather B says
We always do an easter egg scavenger hunt my kids love it
Jamie Brigham says
He doesn’t have one yet. He’ll be 4 this year and is finally into all holiday’s, birthday’s and any sort of celebration.
kelly willis says
my kids love the easter party on easter sunday
Monica Browne says
I’d love to win the Easter with Max and Ruby DVD!
Jackie says
Their favorite Easter tradition is coloring eggs.
Thank you!
Megan Cromes says
he loves easter eggs.
shelly leatham says
She gets very excited about the Easter Egg hunt!
Gayle S says
It would not be Easter without coloring Easter eggs! My grandchildren have talked me into getting more eggs more than once so they can color more even though we had more than we would ever use.
Tara O. says
My daughter’s favorite tradition is waking up and finding all of the hidden Easter eggs!
Anne Perry says
hunting for easter eggs.
Stephanie MacDonald says
finding hidden easter eggs <3
christine reyes says
My boys like to color eggs and then eat them. 😀
Sue Ellison says
My children love decorating eggs.
Sharon Kaminski says
I would have to say it would be the Easter Egg Hunt.
debbie miller says
kids and grandgirls love all max and ruby stories
Lesley F says
Our Easter egg hunt is a family favorite
Adrienne Gordon says
decorating easter eggs
Darlene Sullins says
My children’s favorite tradition is picking out a new spring dress for Easter.
Robyn says
Getting a basket from the easter bunny!
Brittney House says
My son loves the easter egg hunt at church.
Christie Kammerer says
Hiding and finding easter eggs in the backyard.
susan hartman says
We all love coloring eggs.
Jan Lee says
My great niece has only had one Easter so far but she liked opening her Easter presents 🙂
Whitney L says
My kids love coloring the eggs!
Jane Squires says
My granddaughter’s favorite tradition is easter egg hunt – she’s only 3
A. Beniot says
My kids love Easter egg hunts and coloring eggs.
Angela McKinney says
She loves picking out an Easter dress for church
Amber Faith says
My daughter looks for Easter eggs every Easter!
Sacha Schroeder says
Definitely finding Easter Baskets and going on egg hunts!
Edna Williams says
My daughter and I used to love dyeing Easter Eggs!
Sonya Morris says
My little one loves to hunt Easter eggs.
Gina H. says
Easter egg hunt.
Vickie Couturier says
hunting easter eggs at church
Anita Yancey says
My daughter’s favorite Easter tradition is to have an Easter Egg hunt. She enjoys seeing how many she can find.
Angie Moeller says
we usually have a big celebration with my moms side of the family. Lots of children running around hunting for eggs!
Debra Hall says
my grandson loves getting a easter basket
Vicki Wurgler says
favorite would be looking for eggs and candy
terry maigi says
My daughter loves hunting for Easter Eggs!
hedgehogi says
My girl likes to dress up and find all of her Easter eggs.
alholm.co at gmail dot com
angel d says
finding his easter basket
alena svetelska says
my kids favorite easter tradition is easter hunt.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
Coloring Easter Eggs then having an Easter Egg hunt.
Nannypanpan says
He loves the egg hunt
Kathy Davis says
This will be my granddaughter’s 2nd Easter. She loved her little bunny last year, and I am hoping that this year she will like to find some well placed eggs.
Lea says
Hunting for eggs and decorating them.
ken ohl says
the easter egg hunt
Vicky D says
They like to have Easter egg hunts.
JLin says
egg hunt
Patricia says
Mine love egg hunts and coloring eggs.
Jenny says
My kids love having Easter Egg hunts!
Rachel S says
Coloring easter eggs!
June S. says
Having the big Easter Egg hunt is always fun to look forward to.
Mary Happymommy says
My kids love Easter egg hunting.
Maralea says
Coloring Easter Eggs!