Disclosure: I did not receive anything for this post but couldn’t pass up this opportunity for my readers.
Going back to school can be tough for kids to get back into a routine and challenging with what they are learning but it can also be fun thanks to Scholastic. Yes I’m talking about Scholastic, the company known for being the most trusted name in learning. Scholastic is introducing a brand-new collection of imagination-inspiring, brain-boosting products just in time for back to school time.
The new products are not only affordably priced but they are also conveniently found at Walmart and Toys R Us stores nationwide. With over 30 innovative educational items available, from sequencing puzzles and pocket charts to matching games and learning cards, Scholastic has a lot to offer kids of all ages.
The products include:
- Preschool Games: These interactive parent-child learning games help kids practice basic alphabet, math and word skills. Each comes packaged in sturdy re-sealable foil bags and includes 96 full-color game pieces and instructions. Available in the following themes: Alphabet, Math, Sight Words, Blends and Word Families.
- Bingo: Children can build important fundamental skills while playing a fun game of Bingo! Each game includes four double-sided playing boards, call cards, bingo chips and instructions. Themes include: Alphabet, Colors & Shapes, Rhyming Words, Sight Words, Time and Money.
- Spinner Learning Games: These fun interactive games help kids learn basic color, alphabet, and counting skills. Each game includes one spinner, four playing cards, and plastic playing pieces (number of pieces varies by style). Available in Color Matching, Alphabet Matching and Counting.
- Learning Cards: Each set includes a dry erase marker and 26 double-sided dry erase cards, with a plastic ring to keep them all together! The dry erase surface and marker allow kids to practice over and over! Learning Cards come in two “subjects”:
o ABC’s Learning Cards: Build letter recognition, handwriting and basic phonics skills
o Math Learning Cards: Build number recognition, counting, handwriting, and basic math skills
- Pocket Charts: With this double-sided pocket chart easel, kids can learn basic alphabet or number and word recognition through associating a letter with the appropriate word and picture. Cards slip easily into clear pockets to visually display the number, word and picture associations! The Alphabet version comes complete with 26 alphabet cards, 54 word cards and 54 picture cards; the Math version includes 20 number cards, 20 word cards and 20 picture cards, as well as 87 equation cards for extra math skills-building!
BUY IT: Head to your local Walmart or Toys R Us to shop the new Scholastic line with prices ranging from $1.99 to $6.99.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a “Back to School Scholastic” prize pack
(Styles may vary)
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
abedabun dawn says
Talk about what to expect and what is to be expected. Put little notes in the lunch box and or back pack. Go to bed early and let them know that going to bed early is not a punishment.
Katie Bellamy says
We start going to bed earlier & earlier each night.
lana simanovicki says
they love to read so they read every night before bed
AEKZ2 says
I get them excited about learning by finding books to read.
Nichole Smith says
We start going to bed earlier with no screen time. I make sure they can find clean clothes in their drawers and have breakfast ready when they come down.
brittani adams says
We are always doing fun printable worksheets and activities.
susan smoaks says
we start going to bed earlier about a month before school starts so we are ready for the earlier mornings.
Ty says
We start their morning routine the week before. We also have homework time but they read since they have no homework.
Jim Lipscomb says
The routine at night and the routine in the morning seems to go smoothly if they know what to expect.
carla says
I set up our usual routine.
Linda Bradshaw says
We start going to bed earlier to help them not be so tired.
Kari W says
We try to get into a fun routine a couple weeks before they head back to school, plus they’re always excited about back to school shopping for new backpacks and shoes.
kristy thiel says
We try to get back into the routine of school bedtimes!
tina reynolds says
We work on getting back on good sleep schedule
Debbie Hinson says
we played school
Mindy DeLisi says
School supply shopping always gets the kids in the mood for school!
Karen says
Have a schedule prepared on what we are going to be doing (we homeschool).
Jennifer Cervantes says
I start bedtime and morning routines a week early to get them used to the new schedule.
Debra Hall says
all my kids are grown but i try to get my grandson excited about school
Teresa Thompson says
We start our new bedtime routine a couple weeks before school starts.
Samii Meyer says
We tarted doing early bed time about the week before school started so their sleep schedule could be back on track.
Brandon cerny says
make sure to let them play after school!
Allyson Bossie says
We read every day during the Summer and count down the days until school starts back. Once it does, they have an early bedtime, reading in the morning and before bedtime, and getting everything together the night before so they can get out the door with no worries
Brittney House says
We get him used to his new bedtime.
Daniel M says
prep everything they’ll need the night before
Jill Myrick says
The week before school starts we begin getting into bedtime routine an dgetting back on school schedule.
Danielle D says
Reading out loud!!
Erica B. says
They go to bed earlier.
Jeanine says
We start talking about school and the different things they’ll be learning and also start an earlier bedtime and morning routine.
Tiffany Banks says
2 weeks before school starts we start our early bedtime routine
dawn Keenan says
We learn all summer long, so the transition is easy. But getting up in the morning is a different story!
melissa stone (@momma1g2b) says
Back to school shopping! Letting them pick out notebooks with cool designs etc.
Fiona N says
We also go to the bed earlier one week before school starts!
Jenny Q. says
We start getting up earlier a couple of weeks before school starts and we work on going to bed earlier.
Mihaela Day says
A week before school starts they start going to bed earlier and they have to wake up earlier as well.
Danielle Johnson says
We follow a great routine when they come home from school and in the morning getting ready to go. Routine is so important for children.
Dorothy Boucher says
usually we do practice over the summer, and play games that have to do with counting or spelling.. fun stuff
Linda G. says
The start getting ready and go to bed earlier
Karen Drake says
I start putting my daughter to bed earlier and waking her up early to get her into the routine.
Jennifer Rote says
The first thing I do is to set an earlier bedtime.
Jayne T. says
Nothing to complicated. Just get the sleep schedule back on track.
Nicole Sender says
I start to set time aside for quiet, reading time prior to the start of school.
Nicole Sender says
I start to set time aside for quiet, reading time prior to the start of school.
Pam H. says
I get them in the school mode by having them go to bed early each night and waking up early in the morning at least a week before school starts.
Francine Anchondo says
we start going to bed earlier
Dani Osenbaugh says
We do worksheets & slowly transition back to the school sleep routines & times.
Trisha Burgess says
I print sheets off line to help them practice getting in school mode!!
June S. says
Put them to bed earlier then from when they went to bed in the summer months-
polly says
I bought our grandson workbooks for Kindergarten over the summer to get him ready
Stacey says
We pick out the new backpack for the year
Rona Berry-Morin says
When our son was little, we would get him in the mood, for back to school, by heading to Target. We would shop for back to school clothes and supplies.
Heather B says
We read throughout the summer to keep them learning.
Denise Elliott says
I have them do workbook and we read all summer long
Laura J says
We made a little paper chain for him to remove one each day …when they were gone…school started the next day!
April Farley says
3 weeks before school starts we head back to school bed time and wake up time. We also start study hour where the other half of the summer it is study .30 where they have to study for 30 min. We use refresher booklets and pop quizzes.
thuy vu says
I made them read a chapter a night all summer.
chantal says
we stick to a bedtime routine
Jessica Cox says
We read read read all summer long so they don’t lose that skill
Betty B. says
We go to bed earlier a couple weeks before school and make sure they read every day!
beth shepherd says
We start going to bed early and getting up early.
Danielle Papsis says
We try to stick to a bedtime routine and have ongoing conversations about what is expected at school.
Beanybopp says
Bed times being earlier and sticking to them for about 2 weeks before they start school
Kelly H. says
My daughter isn’t in school yet but I plan to get into a regular routine to help her transition.
Jessica H. says
We usually try and do an hour of “homework” a day during the summer. This is just workbook pages or another fun activity so that they keep their brains active. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Lynsay Leitner says
To help my kids get back into school mode the week before school starts we go to bed at our school night bed-time and get up at school wake up time so that their bodies are adjusted to the schedule before school starts.
Kim says
we shop for lunch items together
Monique Rizzo says
We start making them go to bed at a certain time with no electronics.
Heidi S. says
To get back in the swing of the school year, I switch up their computer games to the “Jump Start” games (right now its 1st and 3rd grade). It still allows them to enjoy the last bit of summer, and encourages learning at the same time.
Patti Hess says
Run through the rules, and get them to bed on time
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you
costana hornbaker says
go to bed on time
Nina H says
We went through what they could expect on their first day of school
Richelle says
Having fun shopping for back to school supplies and outfits.
JLin says
shopping with them and talk about greats things about back to school
crystal says
I take them shopping for back to school items.
melissaandkeith miller says
we start the bedtime routine about 2 weeks prior to school
Erika W. says
We play online games and quiz each other!
Erin Ellis says
We talk about the upcoming year,organize supplies, and figure out a good schedule for everyone. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
jodi says
we are on a schedule.
Vicki Wurgler says
we get our school supplies, new clothes and get on a school schedule
Melanie Montgomery says
We make a schedule
Deirdre says
We do workbooks leading up to the first day, and then we cook a healthy breakfast for the big day. Thanks for the chance to win.
jenn giannetto says
we prepare for back to school with an earlier bedtime
Marci Wright says
We shop for school supplies & get our new curriculum.
Tiffany Schmidt says
Get excited about it myself. Let it rub off on them!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
We do workout books and puzzles and such.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Naomi A says
Looks like fun
Michelle S says
We start them about a week ahead going to bed earlier and waking up earlier so that first day is easier.
Sarah C says
I let them pick out some of thier new back to school items. If they need new backpacks, its always fun for them to choose.
john says
No youngsters at home…I am entering to donate to a charity for needy children.
Sara says
We practice the morning before getting up on time, getting dressed, bag packed, and walking to bus.
shelly leatham says
The week before school starts, we resume our school year sleep routines!
xty cruz says
I always make it fun to go to school
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
We start waking up early a couple of weeks before school starts!
Julia Cosgrove says
We start planning fun activities and trips to get excited.
Sadie B. says
We start getting back on a schedule. LIke lunches and bed time.
shelleyb says
We tried gearing up with earlier bedtime and rise times. Let them pick out school supplies with me. Let them choose clothes for first day. I cleared some homework space for them.
erica h says
I start my son on a better routine during the day and night a few weeks before school begins
Marilyn Nawara says
We try to get back into a regular routine 2-weeks before they go back – going to bed a little earlier each night and getting up earlier in the morning.
jennifer says
Talk it up, buy new stuff.
virgomomwriter says
I buy school-related treats!
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
My son just started TK this year so I started talking to him about his new school and driving by it to see it a few times.
Patricia says
We keep up with lessons during the summer as well as continue reading.
Katie Klein says
We practice with workbooks throughout the summer and try to get back to a school schedule two weeks prior to school.
Denise S says
I let them choose backpacks, lunch boxes and clothes they like for school.
amy says
We try to get back on a regular routine.
Stephanie macdonald says
lots of reading education games, and hands on activities.
courtney b says
we read lots of books and start studying early. so they can get back in the mood of school!
i meant mode!!
Darlene Sullins says
Back to school shopping always gets my daughter into school mood!
Natalie says
We go back to school supply shopping, they love picking out their new supplies and clothes
Claire Rheinheimer says
My daughter is 17, so I really don’t have to help her a lot to get ready. My 2 little ones aren’t in school yet, but I want to start doing an informal preschool lesson every day with my 3 year old so that by the time he starts preschool next year he’ll be used to sitting still for a period of time.
Erin K. says
This is the first year we have a child in school. Our almost 4 year old has already started preschool at home. To get him ready, we had him pick out his own school supplies. He loved it!!
Debra S says
it is SO hard to get them to go to bed early, It’s normal for us to sleep with the sun… well, if we allow ourselves to be normal! LOL But, before school starts, it’s time to get the kids used to going to bed earlier. They have to get up so much earlier than they do now. Got to start the re-training two weeks ahead of school time.
Sharon Kaminski says
Something I do is have them go to bed by 9 every night a week before school starts.
Erin W says
We started getting up at the time we need for school a week before, so we’re prepared and not too tired for school
Maureen says
I homeschool so we are always learning…to get back into a formal schedule, we spend our last summer time days playing learning games and then ease our way into book work and lessons!
tina m says
We practice the months, days of the week, numbers, home address, and spelling. we also read books, a lot of books
Julie Lee says
We get back into a schedule and do some summer work.
Carmen Van Deursen says
I make sure that II attend open house and talk about the importance of school to my kids.
Tari Lawson says
I take my son to visit the school and see his new classroom.
Renee B. says
I use workbooks with by daughter throughout the summer
vickie couturier says
we start a week or two early with the scheduled bedtimes and getting up early so they are so shelled shocked
sandra davis says
I get them back on a regular sleeping schedule and I try to encourage them to like school.
Becky Fluff says
Take them school supply shopping with me!
Gina H. says
Buy new school clothes & supplies & start a routine before school starts.
Mia Dentice Carey says
We start going to bed on ‘school schedule’ at least 2 weeks prior to school beginning
Sharon Schoepe says
We have a set routine and we make sure we stick with it. Since my younger two are homeschooled we talk a lot about what we are going to be doing. They both can’t wait for school to start again
Karen Gray says
My son isn’t school-aged yet, but my mom used to make us get up at the same time we’d usually get up for school for the last several weeks of summer. It was so torturous.
Nancy says
We have a ton of books in our home. We read lots of books daily.
Samorjj says
Getting into an earlier bedtime routine.
Leela says
Get them into a routine.
Natalie F says
We get in the back2school routine with bed time and mornings. I also get them excited by bringing them shopping with me. Reading we do year round, but I try to read things for their grade level they will be going into.
Seyma Shabbir says
We start by getting up early, having breakfast, getting our backpack ready a few days before school starts!
fancygrlnancy (Nancy Partin) says
WE start the bedtime school routine with bath, brush, book, bed earlier.
Samantha Wagner says
We go to bed earlier and make sure that t get enough sleep
jenna tomaszewski says
Pick out outfits the day before, choose weekly lunch menus etc
Lisa McDaaniel says
Awesome find. My first grader will be part of a Book Club writing a book to submit to the Scholastic national competition, I love Scholastic!
Tara Liebing says
I have him start going to sleep earlier and wake him up earlier in the mornings.
Kimberly Schotz says
We encouraged reading all summer long.
Candie L says
We have them start going back to bed at their school bed times. Thank you
simple diet burn fat says
Spoot on wiith this write-up, I seriously believe that
this website needs far more attention. I’ll probably be back again to reawd more, tbanks
for the advice!
Lisa Williams says
I start having my kids go to bed at a normal time and get up early for a week before school so they can get used to the hours again.
gretchen luper says
we start reading together and using our flash cards, also going to bed earlier.
Jessica Z says
BTS shopping and getting back on a regular sleep schedule
Kimberly says
We do our back-to-school shopping, talk about what kind of schedule we’re going to have, and get back to our nightly routine.
D Schmidt says
Something I do is alter their schedule a few weeks before and start discussing school with them.
Colleen Maurina says
Before school starts we try to return to a regular schedule of getting up earlier and going to bed earlier.
Leigh Anne Borders says
Having them involved in the back to school planning and shopping helps to get them ready.
Sus says
Making our schedule like the school for lunch.
Rebecca Xavier says
We use their school bedtime schedule for two weeks before school starts.
Shemp DeYoung (@shempgames) says
We try to get everybody’s sleep schedule back in order.
Stacey b says
I like to have him start reading more and working in some math activity books that are appropriate for his age/grade level
Selene M. says
I started making bedtime earlier. and get up time earlier as well
Janet W. says
We go shopping for new clothing and school supplies to get back in school mode. We also start going to bed earlier!
Alona Y says
Doing back to school shopping together and getting into the routine before school starts.
Christanna Tucker says
Get on a schedule and have fun school shopping.
shirley says
We have set times, and read lots.
ken ohl says
we go back to school shopping and get set up the night before the first day of school
Robin Abrams says
We make them go to bed early and get them up early. And of coarse get shopping for all the new clothes
Emily Adams says
We make our kids start going to bed earlier to get ready to go back to school.
Andrea says
Get back on schedule. Going to bed on time.
Maralea says
We get into a bedtime routine a couple weeks before school starts.
Nannypanpan says
I have him start reading
Meghan says
I have them pick out their backpacks & supplies. They enjoy it!
Christine says
Weeks before they go back to school I start doing a countdown so they can be mentally prepared.
Tabitha says
we set an earlier bedtime.
my dd is not a morning person.