Garfield Holiday Collection
Released: November 11, 2014
Studio: Anderson Digital
Running Time: 144 minutes
Anderson Digital brings you five Garfield TV specials in one hilarious must-own collection. GARFIELD HOLIDAY COLLECTION includes Emmy™ Award-winners “Garfield Halloween Adventure” and “Garfield on the Town,” as well as Emmy™ Award-nominated “A Garfield Christmas,” “A Garfield Thanksgiving” and “Garfield in Paradise.”
GARFIELD first debuted in the United States on June 19, 1978 in just 41 newspapers. Today, it has become a phenomenon. The cartoon strip is now in over 2,100 newspapers worldwide and read by 200 million people. Guinness World Records named GARFIELD “The Most Widely Syndicated Comic Strip in the World.”
“Of the three holiday specials, the Thanksgiving show is the most ‘Garfield,’ in that it involves food,” said GARFIELD creator Jim Davis. “Garfield gets put on a diet early in the show so he spends a lot time thinking about food, talking about food, and trying to get food. There’s also some funny stuff dealing with Jon’s bachelorhood and the general ‘haven’t a clue’ approach he takes to making this big meal to celebrate the day.“
“A Garfield Christmas”: Garfield, Jon, and Odie go to Jon’s grandmother’s house for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.
“A Garfield Thanksgiving”: Finds Jon with a love interest– a veterinarian who orders Garfield on a diet–and then comes for Thanksgiving dinner!
“Garfield Halloween Adventure”: Finds the portly hero and airhead-sidekick Odie the dog scrounging through owner Jon’s attic to find perfect costumes, then encountering ghosts and ghoulies that seem a tad authentic.
“Garfield on the Town”: Garfield escapes from the car on a trip to the vet and finds the place where he grew up.
“Garfield in Paradise”: The Garfield gang is in Hawaii with a 1957 Chevy.
GARFIELD HOLIDAY COLLECTION also includes the brand new featurette THE HOUSE THAT GARFIELD BUILT – A VISIT WITH JIM DAVIS. Visit Paws, Inc. Campus and watch as Jim Davis draws Garfield and talks about the programs.
BUY IT: You can buy the “Garfield Holiday Collection” on DVD as a Walmart exclusive on November 4, 2014 for an SRP of $14.99, and available on VOD and iTunes on November 11, 2014.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Garfield Holiday Collection”
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Giveaway Ends November 17, 2014.
Kristen H. says
I have loved Garfield since I was a kid and would be absolutely elated if I won a copy of the Garfield Holiday Collection on DVD, especially since it has been a long time since I have seen some of the Garfield holiday specials. Being able to see them again would make me so happy. Thanks for the fantastic opportunity to win!
Sand says
When I was little, Garfield was my favorite.
Hollie Jahnke says
Odie was always my favorite when I was a kid.
heather s says
Just like Garfield I love lasagna….and his cuteness.
Laurie Emerson says
I love Garfield. I love cats so his cattitude has always made me smile and laugh.
Melina R says
I use to read Garfield books when I was younger.
Brittney House says
I grew up reading the comics.
Trisha McKee says
Growing up, my best friend and I would fight over who liked Garfield more !
Vikki Billings says
I love Garfield! He and I shared the same favorite meal….Lasagna!!
Danielle Wood says
Garfield and Odie are awesome, this would be a great way to introduce awesomeness to a kid
Samantha says
I love Garfield! He’s actually making me want some lasagna right now!
Leslie Davis says
Loved Garfield and Friends growing up.
Robyn Norris says
I love Garfield but I think Odie is underrated!
tina reynolds says
I loved Garfield as a kid my son recently discovered him
Candace says
Frank Polgar says
Still read the Garfield comics.
Lisa Miller says
My son loves to watch Garfield!
Candice Hull says
I have always loved Garfield and I love that I can share it with my boys now. They both love watching the new Garfield cartoons
Janet W. says
My daughters loved watching Garfield when they were younger. Now I get to watch and enjoy with my grandsons!
Rosey says
Garfield was always my gram’s favorite cartoon. I like it, and the kids do too. 🙂
Shannon says
Garfield was one of my favorites as a kid so I’d love to see these again.
June Ebinger says
Carolyn Daley says
I always enjoyed Garfield and his crazy antics. I think my nephew would love the Garfield Holiday Collection, but if he doesn’t than I will enjoy it for him.
Terry Cross says
We love Garfield!
Michelle Hagewood says
Absolutely love Garfield!! Unfortunately my kids don’t share the love and don’t understand why it was such an iconic cartoon when I was younger so I’d actually keep this movie for me.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Karen Gonyea says
Is that LASAGNA I smell ?
Ty says
I loved this show when I was growing up. Garfield and friends.
Lisa V. says
I remember reading the Garfield comic strip when I was younger.
Melissa Stover says
Lasagna! Lasagna! Lasagna! We love Garfield <3
Lisa says
I loved watching Garfield growing up!
Daniel M says
my niece loves everything garfield!
Erica B. says
I always loved Odie.
Karen Drake says
We have a cat that looks like Garfield, he is a brat too.
Paula Michele Hafner says
I’ve always loved Garfield. I used to have a whole collection of stuffed ones.
Tammy Hayden says
I’ve always loved Garfield!! I’d love to win these for my daughter!!
Stephanie Grant says
Love Garfield! I watched it and read the funny papers just for Garfield growing up :)!!
Jennifer Boehme says
I loved Garfield growing up, and even now, he is a funny character to watch. The kids laugh at his picking on Odie.
Ellen says
I loved Garfield when I was kid. I can’t wait to share with the grandkids.
cheryl says
we love garfeild
Susannah says
I LOVE garfield! so glad that the younger generation likes him too!
Ashley Garrett says
I grew up reading all of the garfield comics and movies and he never gets old! He also shares my love for Lasagna!
Shakeia R. says
I love watching Garfield with my nieces
Heather in VA says
My mom loves Garfield. She keeps a stuffed Garfield in the back of her car. I would love to give this collection to her for Christmas.
kayla hyde says
My husband loves Garfield!
Richard Brandt says
This would be better with lasagna on it.
Denise S says
I loved reading Garfield comics as a kid.
amy tolley says
i remember watching gar-feild when i was younger hes one funny cat
Michelle says
I’m a big cat person and have always loved Garfield. His attitude and plumpness are irresistible… and poor Odie is a joe to watch too.
michelle Hill says
Funny how this never gets old. I enjoyed crowing up watching this and my kids love it
Brianne says
I love Garfield! i have the fondest memories of reading the comics at my grandparents house as a kid.
Cassandra Eastman says
My husband loves Garfield, i’d love to win these for our kids to watch with him!
Angela Bloodworth says
I love the first movie when garfield sees odie in the front seat where he seats
Shemp DeYoung says
My daughter still laughs herself silly over the scene in the first Garfield movie where Odie dances to Black Eyed Peas.
Elizabeth Ray says
Didn’t Odie used to belong to Jon’s frined (what was his name? The guy with the fluffy mustache?) and eventually, Odie somehow “became” Jon’s?
Melissa L. says
We have two Garfield movies, and the kids love them! Thanks for the chance!
Sindy Murray says
one of my favorite shows growing up.
Mary Cloud says
I’ve always loved Garfield – Odie is my favorite – poor thing always gets kicked off the table
Tara Liebing says
Garfield was my favorite cartoon growing up. My cat reminds me of Garfield, he’s big and likes to eat and sleep.
Robin Abrams says
My sister is a die heart Garfield fan. She collects everything Garfield
Deanna says
I loved watching the Garfield Christmas episode when I was a child!
Heather S says
Garfield was one of my favorites as a kid!
Jared Ruman says
The Garfield specials from the late 80s were the absolute best!
Sandra Watts says
My favorite on Garfield is Odie. My grand kids love Garfield.
Lesley F says
Loved Garfield when I was younger
jeremy mclaughlin says
My son loves watching Garfield.
Sarah C says
I love that this is one of those timeless characters you can enjoy at any age. My daughter loves Garfield!
LIsa says
When I was a kid I would watch the Halloween and Christmas specials every year! They eventually wore out the VHS tape that they were recorded on. I would love to watch them again with my little girl!
Heather D says
Garfield is my all-time favorite cartoon — that is my email name too 🙂 I got my cat a “pookie” teddybear even to snuggle with. He LOVES it.
Wendy R. says
I loved Garfield in the 80’s!
Linda G. says
My grandson loves Garfield, he would really enjoy this movie
Ria Andrews says
My daughter loves to Garfield, hope to win this for her!
Natalie says
I love Garfield! Love his sidekick Odie ! And love how he loves lasagna
Nancy Luebke says
I love that cat. I even crocheted a version of him once. Don’t know where that went to. Anyway, Thanks for the chance to win this.
Kat says
Garfield has always been a favorite of mine.
Sara says
I grew up loving reading the comic strip and would like to introduce my son to the film.
Nichole Smith says
Omg I need this so bad! My son Loves Garfield! Ever since we got Netflix and he discovered the garfield cartoon series he’s been obsessed. I swear if I have to make one more lasagna… lol! I have to admit though, he’s a classic, I loved him when I was younger too.
Rachel says
I think my daughter would love this because she’s obessed with cats!
Sara Marshalek says
Does this prize come with a pan of lasagna? If not, you may want to consider that as an add-on… just a suggestion 😉
janet woodling says
I would watch the Garfield DVD and eat lasagna while watching.
Jessica Stout says
My kids would LOVE this for christmas :)) They love Garfield. Awesome giveaway
Carrie Edmunds says
My kids love Garfield.
Sharon Kaminski says
I Garfield and Jon Arbuckle.
rochelle johnson says
i love lasagna to
Anita Yancey says
I have always loved Garfield, and now so does my daughter. We would really enjoy the Holiday edition. Thanks for this chance.
Kaori says
My children are big fan of Garfield.
david s. says
oh no it’s Monday ha ha love garfield
Rebecca Orr says
My sister and I loved Garfield as kids. I loved the cartoon in the paper as well.
Holli G. says
I couldn’t wait to read the Sunday morning cartoons in the paper.
Brandon Overton says
Lasagna! My son loves Garfield!
Danielle Jones says
Garfield was one of the only cartoons that I liked as a child.
Leela says
When I was a kid I couldn’t wait to watch Garfield cartoons and read the books.
harolde says
My granddaughter is always watching Garfield on Netflix, she loves it!
Darlene Sullins says
Garfield is hilarious! I loved the Sunday comics because Garfield comics were always there! ♥
trisha kilpatrick says
I love Garfield almost as much as I love lasagna.
Adrienne gordon says
My son loves Garfield.
Michelle S says
I have always loved Garfield cartoons. My kids didn’t want to believe that their Mom knew about Garfield and liked him.
Jenn Short says
I remember watching these when I was a kid. I especially loved A Garfield Christmas and could practically quote it word for word when I was little! Would love to have it on DVD.
Jan Lee says
I still like Odie the best lol I do like Garfield’s sense of humor tho 🙂
Sharon Schoepe says
I loved Garfield comics when I was a child and now my kids love the cartoons.
sandra davis says
I love Garfield and Odie.
rebecca day says
my daughter and i love Garfield i would lover to win this for her
Sue E says
We love that big orange cat that loves lasagna! Odie is a cool too. We still watch the cartoons & read about him in the comics.
Peggy Johnson says
I love Lasagna too!
Natalie S says
Loved Garfiled growing up! Would love to win this 🙂
Sacha Schroeder says
I loved Garfield as a kid. I would love for my kids to get to know him!
Leigh Anne Borders says
I grew up watching Garfield! LOVE HIM!
michelle k. says
My little cousin loves Garfield
Tara says
Garfield was my favorite as a kid!
amy williams says
I loved watching this as a child and I love the garfield movie
megan tilley says
I use to love watching Garfield when I was younger!
Amy W. says
My daughter reads the Garfield comic every Sunday.
Lauren Becker says
Aw, I love Garfield. He’s just a classic.
Tabitha says
I watched garfield growing up.
I love that my daughter can have the same memories!
Ani says
I remember watching Garfield as a kid and reading the comics. This would be a great collection for my kids.
Bianca Wesley says
I used to watch it when I was little and I would just love to share that experience with my 2 boys
Alexa Nernberg says
Garfield has always been a favorite in our house. Thanks for sponsoring this fun holiday giveaway and for the opportunity to participate.
Alyssa Christian says
Garfield is hilarious!
Maralea says
Absolutely love Garfield!
Marilyn Nawara says
I love Garfield — he is a great cat.
Kim says
now I crave lasagna!
Julie L says
It brings back memories of when I was a child watching Garfield!
lena says
I loved watching Garfield as a kid and now my son loves Garfield too!
Bernie W says
I love Garfield. Especially his movies. Thanks for the giveaway.
deb c says
Growing up, Garfield was my sons favorite character. He used to sleep with a Garfield stuffed animal that was in a bunny costume.
Anastasia Falling says
We have some Garfield fans in this house 🙂 I’ve been watching Garfield my whole life! 🙂
xty cruz says
One of my best childhood memories is watching garfield with my sister
lana simanovicki says
garfield is awsome
ReggieMann says
Odie and Pooky are adorable!!
Nancy says
Garfield makes me smile! I like lasagna too!
Kimberly Schotz says
Garfield and my daughter share a love of lasagna
tara darity says
I have loved Garfield since I was little!
Debra Hall says
my favorite is odie
June S. says
I think it’s funny when he makes fun of john-
nannypanpan says
I like that he likes lasagna
Jenny Q. says
My kids and I love both the Garfield comics and the cartoons.
Jessamine D. says
I read the comics when I was younger. 🙂
Kelly Nicholson says
Anything Garfield-related!
fan of the comic..havent really saw any movies
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I’ve love Garfield since I was a kid! I love the my nieces and nephews are fans too!
Adrienne L Rudolph says
I remember watching Garfield with my dad as a child, we even had a cat that we named Garfield.
polly says
Love Garfield…..so does my grandson!
Patricia says
I love Garfield and Lasagna.
Lynn Desroche says
I loved Garfield growing up and I can’t wait to show my 3 year old nephew all of the cartoons! I think I still have a few Garfield books too. Happy childhood memories for sure!
Jennifer @Mami2Mommy says
I remember the best Christmas present I ever received as a child was a talking Garfield doll! I use to love pulling his string & listening to his funny sayings. Now I get to enjoy Garfield with my son who really loves him too!
jen mort says
bill norris says
I hate Mondays!!!!!!
Linda Manns says
My oldest son loved Garfield when he was young. He would love this DVD for his own kids. Thank you for sharing
amy guillaume linderman says
my kids and i love watching Garfield cartoons. we have the cutest Garfield mugs
vickie couturier says
my son loved Garfield as a kid ,don’t know if his boys do or not
Lisa Williams says
I used to have all the Garfield stuffed animals,Garfield,Odie,Nermal,Arlene,I have always thought Garfield is so cute and I love how lasagna is his favorite food.
cheryl s says
Odie is definitely my favorite Garfield character.
Charlotte Winters says
I loved Garfields friend Odiie.
Vicki Wurgler says
my kids and I loved watching Garfield
Kaycee @ My Crafty Zoo says
I absolutely love the Garfield Christmas special from back in the day! His Granny always made me smile!
Rachael Brown says
I loved watching Garfield as a kid. I had a stuffed Garfield and stuffed Odie.
Marci Wright says
I grew up watching these shows – they are awesome! I love Garfield & so does my son – he would love to have this!
Jackie says
This looks like it would be a cute movie for the family to watch together.
Thank you!
Sylvia White says
My Granddaughter loves Garfield and food
Deborah D says
love Garfield love the Christmas show the best!
Rae Jean Wycoff says
I love Garfield’s attitude!
Angela W says
I love to watch garfield with my children.
I think I love Garfield as much as the kids.
Sarah Hall says
I love Garfield as he and I both love lasagna.
Danielle D says
I have always loved this cat!!
Jessica Beard says
I remember all these shows growing up, I’d love for my sons to watch them too.
Karen says
I loved Garfield as a child, and my kids love it now – makes me happy 🙂
D Schmidt says
I love watching the show as a child, so much fun 🙂