Disclosure: I received product and gift cards in exchange for sharing.
Did you know that thousands of children don’t have access to books? Something as simple as a book that so many of us, myself included, take for granted, so many kids don’t get the chance to experience. Books have always been my escape and ever since I can remember I have loved books. Now while I do still make time for books for myself, I am also constantly picking up books to inspire a love of reading in my own kids. I am so grateful that we have access to libraries and bookstores.
To help provide books for children in need, Macy’s has launched the Macy’s Be Book Smart campaign. Customers can donate $3 at any Macy’s register in-store and 100$ of those proceeds will go directly to Reading is Fundamental (RIF) to provide books and learning resources to children who need them most. Customers are not only giving the opportunity for children to build their literacy skills, but also the opportunity to experience the magic and power of books!
As a thank you, Macy’s customers get $10 off a purchase of $30 or more, PLUS 20% to 15% storewide for their $3 donations.
RIF has also just released the 2015 Multicultural Book Collection, which is funded in part by Macy’s. This is an amazing compilation of high-quality and engaging books for elementary-aged children. Each book incorporates at least one science, technology, engineering, the arts or mathematics (STEAM) theme while also emphasizing multiculturalism and diversity in content and character development.
Reading during the summer is so important to keep kids on track, and for kids who lack the resources such as books, the lack of reading and quality books can hurt literary skills up through high school. There is research that shows that 75% of students who read poorly in 3rd grade, a benchmark year for literary skill building, remain poor readers in high school. The key to helping children maintain or improve their literacy skills over the summer is providing access to lots of quality books that they can choose based on personal interests. When kids have lots of books readily available to them, they are more motivated, empowered and inspired to read. That is why Macy’s is committed to providing as many books as possible to children who need them most.
Here are some tips for fun activities you can play at home to engage your kids:
As a parent, you can help increase your child’s reading ability. Whether it’s playing games, singing songs or taking a trip to the local library – use this time to create new experiences together!
Have a “book-nic.” Grab a blanket, snacks and books to celebrate a beautiful summer day.
Use sidewalk chalk to make a mural with your family. Don’t forget to title your masterpiece.
Play easy work or rhyming games with your child.
Visit the library and check out books for the entire week – pick one about birds or insects and go on an adventure walk to see if any live in your neighborhood.
Reading is contagious – let your kids see you reading books, magazines and even cereal boxes!
Play the alphabet game by finding letters starting from A to Z while in the car or on a walk.
Looking for summer reading resources to help your own children avoid the summer reading slide? The Reading is Fundamental website has you covered!
Stay Connected:
Macy’s WEBSITE | Reading is Fundamental WEBSITE | Macy’s TWITTER | Reading is Fundamental TWITTER | Macy’s FACEBOOK | Reading is Fundamental FACEBOOK
WIN IT: (3) US winner will receive a $25 Macy’s Gift Card & (1) US winner will receive a 10-Book Mini Collection.
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
This Giveaway Ends July 10, 2015.
Amy Deeter says
we read different variety of books a week and i let my daughter pick them out ~~~
liz l says
15 mins for tv for 45 of reading
Peggy Rydzewski says
Both have to read a half a hour before bed every night.
Bryan E. says
Thank You for the giveaway…our kids have a 60-90 minute “reading time” every day of summer vacation, with either my wife or myself, using real books, no ebooks allowed!
Sand says
We do story time before going to bed. Maintaining a good schedule and being consistent about reading makes it easier and fun.
Trisha McKee says
I encourage my daughter to search for her interests – what would she enjoy reading about ? And I am sure to encourage her and explain that everyone reads at different levels/speeds and it is just important that she enjoys it.
Cheryl Reinhardt says
I always read good night stories to my children and they would look at the words and memorize them and learned to read books that way.
Pamela Makuta says
Thanks for the great giveaway! To motivate reading and to pique interest, I like to have big exaggerated expressions, accents and fun voices!
Polly says
My grandson is 6 & is reading. I just have him sound out the words before I tell him what they are.
brittany says
I usually try to get my kids to read after me what i said. I also ask them questions about what we are reading. We make it fun.
Leah Shumack says
I was always reading to my daughter when she was little and we give advent calendar of books for Christmas that she looks forward to every year! She loves going to the library to pick out her own books too!
AEKZ2 says
My tip on reading is to find books on subjects that your children like.
Racquelle says
Make it into a game.
Kimmy Ripley says
We read together every single day. My 5 year-old loves it.
Marissa C says
Reading a book is part of our nighttime routine.
e michelle says
i let them pick the book (books) they love to feel like they are in charge!
laurie murley says
we always have a book before bedtime
Sonal says
I like to read every night before bed, and slowly let them take over. Even if it is just a few random words at first, it is still a good start and they will pick up more and more as time passes.
Pam Flynn says
I always make it a fun time and let her pick three books, but only two we will read, and the other one will be part of the next night’s reading. She loves it.
Heather McKenzie Carter says
I think a kid should enjoy what they are reading instead of being forced into reading something they may not like. So, I let me kids pick what they want to read
Heather McKenzie Carter says
I maintain a child should would they enjoy, not what they are forced to read. So, I let my kids pick out whatever they want
Jan Hammersmith says
Read what you like as long as you are reading
Katherine Persons says
Shakeia Rieux says
Choose the ones that work best for your child
Stephanie Davis says
I let them each choose their own books before bed, which encourages their individuality while enhancing their team spirit.
Carrie Conrad says
Take turns reading aloud with your child.
Nataile Brown says
My grandson is too young to be reading but we read to him daily because he loves it. With my son, I also read to him daily and, along with pre-school teachings, he was reading quite well in kindergarten.
kris m says
we read a new bedtime story each night
mary lee anderson says
When I don’t have time to listen to a child read, I suggest they read aloud to the dog, who always listens intently.
Jacob B says
We have three books by the same illustrator and he always makes me read them all! Short pages with big, colorful illustrations are best.
Amanda Whitley says
i let my child pick the book and we like to discuss what’s going on in the pictures.
Lisa V. says
I always found that when starting out, it’s good to bring out a book when the child is in a calm, relaxed mode before attempting to read.
tina reynolds says
My advice make it fun and a routine you do everyday
jules m. says
i always read several books to my youngest every night at bedtime… and she loved it so much, i think that it had a lot to do with her love of reading now. i try to encourage her and we go shopping at Barnes & Noble when we can afford to
Paula Michele Hafner says
The best way to raise a reader is to let them see you reading! Kids learn by example.
charlene says
My kids are teens now but I have always encouraged my kids to read and we took lots of trips to the library when they were younger and that got them excited
clynsg says
My kids have been grown for a long time now, and I honestly do not remember anything special that I did to encourage reading–unless the fact that I frequently had 2-3 books going at a time did it1
Angela P. says
I try to read to my kids every night. Now that my oldest is learning to read. I pick books that I know she can get through fairly easily and let her read to us. We go to the library a lot. I love to read myself, so it’s always been important to me that my kids enjoy reading as well.
Keeley Sullivan says
We read every night at bedtime
Regina says
My tip is to get excited when you read.
Diane Dorriety says
I have them read at least a bit everyday, to keep their skills up, and for cognitive stimulation.
Erica B. says
We take time to read everyday.
Michelle H. says
I like to take the kids to the bookstore to choose books on subjects that they are interested in.
Dawn Keenan says
I think that you need to show the reading is important by reading yourself, and then, of course, read to your kids every day.
Sonal says
Reading before bed every night, slowly letting them take over as they are able too – even if it is just a few words randomly here and there it is still a starting point!
Desiree Grubbs says
If you don’t understand ask! You’ll never know if you don’t!
Rachel says
I have my daughter point to the words as I read them
robyn paris says
We always read before bed. My Daughter is crazy about reading, lucky me.
jennifer says
reading is part of our bedtime ritual, it happens every night
Thuy Vu says
I tell my kids to take their time/
Stephanie Galbraith says
I let them pick the books they read, and give them options like, read or do something else, so they can feel like reading is all their idea.
Solducky says
I let them pick books and subjects they are interested in, even if I don’t care for them.
Carla G says
I sit with them for a few minutes or we take turns reading aloud.
Sue E says
I don’t have anymore little ones at home, but I do read to them while they are here. We also buy books for them as gifts. Reading can take your imagination anywhere & be anything!! I read all the time. It relaxes me & at times, keeps me from being lonely!! I know my daughters have enrolled some of their kids in reading programs at their local libraries.
Deana Honeycutt says
My kids love to read. We take weekly trips to the library where they pick out the books they like and read together every night
Dominique says
We have a schedule and every night we read a book! The kids get excited about it!
Kristi C says
We go to the library once a week to participate in programs there and check out new books.
Karen Drake says
My granddaughter is just learning to read so I find books with simple words for her.
Katy says
Our daughter is 19 months, so we have made it a nightly ritual to read to her as a family. We also read ourselves, as I find she altered wants to mimic us. We keep her books out and at a level she can see them and get them herself so she can “read” any time.
Melissa Teears says
I always try to encourage my son to try new things. At the library he’ll get books that he knows he is interested in and gets 1 book that maybe different than what he usually gets. He started getting into a lot of new things that he thought he wouldn’t be into because of this.
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia says
We read together every day and I set the example by reading on my own in front of my children.
Peggy D says
I always read book to my kids that interested me as well, so I didn’t get bored either…..made reading to them more enjoyable
Janice Cooper says
Make reading fun. I love adding humor (sounds, etc) when reading to my little niece.
Cindy Merrill says
My Grand daughter loves animals, especially cats, so I find interesting stories related to cats.
katie klein says
We read lot of the same books so it is easier for them to recognize and learn the words.
katie klein says
we read a lot of the same books so it makes it easier to recognize and learn the words.
rosemary says
Vera Wilson says
I start out ealy when just a baby, so they will enjoy story time. As they get older, get a book with just a few words, so they can start reading. Try to make storytime fun.
Danielle Marie says
i have to go with practice makes perfect. and we take turns reading.
Carole Spring says
I take my grandkids to the library and let them check out books. Both my 6 yr old grandson and my 11 yr old granddaughter have their own library cards. As part of their birthday and Christmas gifts I always include a gift cards to Barnes & Noble, so they love to go to the bookstore & purchase their own books.
nicole says
my daughter would rather go to the bookstore than a toy store, so giving her $$ to spend, lets her pick out books SHE wants to read, which cuts down on the ‘i dont want tos’
Jan Lee says
My great niece and great nephew don’t read yet, so we do read to them
jim zahorian says
speak in a soft tone
amelia carrington says
Believe it or not my gkid Joey loves to read when he’s in the bathroom, and I so the same thing.
Roy F. says
There are a lot of good books at the public library.
Cheryl Abdelnour says
When my sons were young I took them to the summer reading program at the library. They always had fun and turned out to love reading.
tonya dreese says
I make my kiddo pronounce everything so it’s easier for him to learn to read.
Pam H. says
Every time they finish a book, I let them choose something fun, either a movie, game, or treat.
Robin says
We read a bedtime story together every night, on some books I have him try to read the story to me.
Deanna says
I offer a variety of reading materials-magazines, books, etc. as well as things they would see in the real world (driver’s manual, car dealer books). Letting them choose is important.
Mary Happymommy says
We start with simple BOB books.
Katie J says
I don’t have kids yet, but something my mom did with me when I was little was record her voice reading the book, and then I followed along with it to learn the words.
Mary Cloud says
I try to help them with their pronounciation by teaching them to say the word slow and break it up into parts
Mia L. says
I like to use finger movements to act out the stories.
breanna pollard says
We strive to read daily!
Sharon Kaminski says
We help the kids sound out words when reading stories at bedtime.
Tara says
I take them to the library so they can choose their own books.
Natalie S says
We try to read very often – practice sight words, sounds and reading bill boards when we are driving.
michelle jacobsen says
would love the books for my grand daughter
Emily Endrizzi says
We try to read each night before bed. My tip would be to chose books at your child’s level so they don’t get frustrated.
Bridgett Wilbur says
We practice reading every night at bedtime…I help them sound out the words.
Holly Guerrio says
I don’t have kids.
Meagan says
I always have a winding down time before bed and read my kids a book. It helps them get ready for bed & value reading.
Jenn H says
we read everything and often. i find that keeping one familiar book in the rotation allows for memorization and then easier word recognition!
The main tips I have given to my daughter and they have helped her a lot would be, to sound out the words that she doesn’t know and to look at the letters to see if they sound like a word she may already know that would help her to pronounce the word. I also told her to never give up on Reading because you have to be able to read to do anything in life, there is always something that you will need to or have to read.
Linda G. says
take them to local library so they can pick out their own books to read.
Misty w says
Read everyday and it will improve how fast you can finish a book.
Lasonda says
We read together everyday.
Ashley C says
We have story time every evening to wind down before bed. It works for us!
Jennifer Tilson says
I mostly let my kids pick what they want to read. It doesn’t matter if I find it silly or it’s the umpteenth time that we’ve read it. All I think matters is that they’re reading.
ellen schull says
We read everyday and something that really interests them and it is easy to get them excited.
Birdiebee says
My grandkids and I take turns reading every other page as we read together.
Amber L. says
I’m always reading so it’s no surprise that both of my kiddos want to read as well. We have always read a book before bed since they were babies. With my 6 year old daughter I have made her a chart and when she reads me 10 books she gets to pick a thing out of the “treasure box”. She usually reads 1 to 2 a day. I told her I would take her out for a special treat and to buy a new book once she reads 50 (this is our summer goal).
jill rivera says
I you pick up a book they will pick up a book.
Seyma Shabbir says
I get them to help me read easy words or ask them what they think during the story!
Paol Trenny says
We started reading to our kids when they were still in my womb. When they were born, we read to them on day one (home from the hospital). Even when they were too young to read, we always pretend that they were reading to us so that they would learn to enjoy the process/step to reading.
Angie says
We always used to read after bathtime and before bedtime. It helped to settle them down, and we were learning as well as spending quality time!
Trisha W. says
We like to go to the library and let our kids look around and pick up something that looks interesting to them.
Lauren says
I like to make a fun reading area with pillows and blankets.
Steph D. says
We go to the library and “shop” for new books
I also read with my son every chance I get so he is exposed to new vocabulary and language.
Kate F. says
Let the kids pick out books that interest them.
Karla R. says
I read long story books and read several pages a night to keep her entertained with the story.
Tammy Woodall says
One way I encourage the kids to read is to find out what interests them and then find books that will keep their attention. Their interests change all the time, so they are not just reading one subject.
kathy d says
I started when they were young potty training we read lots of books and as they grew we read all the time
Amanda bellard says
A few ideas on helping. Your children read would have to be, read often, at least 1 to 2.books per day. Let them read to you, even if they don’t know how. Ask them questions between pages about the story, colors, letters, or numbers depending on the age
Emily says
We use the prize tequnique the more chapters you read the bigger the prize at the end of the month!
FRANK says
We read together before bed time.
kyl neusch says
read them books
Courtney says
Let them pick out 1 or 2 before bed so you know you get it in everyday.
HilLesha says
We go to the library much as possible.
carol w says
the best tip is to do it as much as possible.
Luna S says
We love to read before bedtime, if my daughter has trouble with any words we have her sound it out.
Jillian Too says
We always include reading books in our bedtime routine and we’re excited to read them at any time during the day too to build a love of reading.
Richard Saechao says
Sorry, no kids right now!
doug gerard says
I don’t have any kids but would like to enter the contest please!
connie danielson says
Well, my only daughter is 41 years old now so i can’t remember what I used to do. I still would love to win! Thanks for this chance to win! connie danielson
Vicki Wurgler says
our city has wonderful programs at our local library this summer that we attend
Beth Hill says
I think the bedtime stories start the love for reading. I read to my boys every night. Our schools enforced reading, but sometimes forcing it too much causes them to pull away from wanting to read. Do not force it.
Zoe Arnsmeier says
Challenge them with harder books and reward them
When they go above and beyond what you’ve asked.
Denise C says
They’ll be more interested if you let them pick the books.
Natalie U says
You gotta get books that interest them…my kids loved goosebumps and read all of them
Alona Y says
My daughter is really young still so when we read books every night we make sure to follow her lead and adapt the story/make it up as we go instead of reading page by page.
xty cruz says
My only advice is to make it a fun activity
Kelly Brown says
i let my students pick the books they want to read.
Courtnie says
I don’t have kids, but I buy books for my niece/nephew and read with them.
Tina W says
The rule is EVERYONE does at least 15 minutes of reading a day, even Mom!
velder dixon says
read every day as a group
TARA darity says
We try to read together before bed!
Lana Bradstream says
Both my children love books. When my son asks me to read a book to him, I automatically do it. When I take my daughter to the book store, I do not discriminate on what children’s book she wants. As a result, she loves to read and is one of the best readers in her class.
Jessica V. says
Read together as a family; take turns reading and have them pick out something they think they’d like.
Sarah L says
Make the library your second home. Summer reading programs, story time, books, DVDs everything is there.
Thanks for the contest.
Rebecca Orr says
My tip is to not just make your child read. But to also read to your child. From ages birth to 13, children comprehend more when they are read to as opposed to just reading on their own.
D Schmidt says
My tip is to sit with them for 30 minutes a day with no background listen and encourage them to read to me.
I bring my kids to the library & let them choose the book they like.
nannypanpan says
we go to the library and get books they have an interst in so reading is fun
Robin M says
We put books in the car for long trips.
Bonnie Day says
I try to get books on something that they are interested in live one might like animals another one likes trees and nature another one likes travel that way they are more interested in the book
Jeanna Massman says
We look at the illustrations and try to predict what is going to happen next before were ad the text.
Daniel Thornton says
I dont have kids. But, for myself I pick books I want to read. IN the past I picked books I thought I should read but, had no interest in reading them. I also got them because they were cheap and I like a good deal.
Sonoma J. says
We have our children read a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
Leigh Anne Borders says
We promote and encourage reading at home by setting aside time daily for it.
Robert Tschinkel says
when I read to young children I read slowly and emphasize words and ask them to try and repeat them
heather s says
Let them pick out books they want to read so they are excited about it
ken ohl says
We have not gotten to this point yet but I do read bedtime stories.
Kathleen says
My tip is letting my daughter pick out the books at the library.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Rosie says
Read their favorites and then read a new book
Janet Woodling says
Reading is an adventure that everyone can enjoy. When you love books as a child you will become a life long learner.
Julie Matek says
We read before bed. I make different voices for the different characters in the books.
Darlene Sullins says
We like to act out while we read out loud and take turns see who does the craziest, or funniest acting.
Rebecca Kellerman says
A reading tip I use is to let them pick out things that interest them, that way they won’t be so opposed to reading.
Monique Rizzo says
We have reward charts and they get a fun activity once they have read to many minutes.Thanks for the chance.
Stacy says
I do not have children, but I read to my niece and nephews over the phone. They live in Nebraska and I live in Florida. I will buy us both a copy of the same book and then I will read it to them while they read along.
nickie says
We encourage reading by picking tops that my son is interested in reading.
Richard Hicks says
We encourage them by taking them to the public library to browse
KJ Skib says
My daughter is just learning. I read to her but when I come to an important sight word, I let her read it.
trisha kilpatrick says
When pleasure reading, don’t get stuck on one word. Just skip it and keep going. Sometimes the word and its meaning become obvious. Other times, they don’t. Stopping to look up every new word, while educational, can become a chore and take away from the joy of reading. It’s okay to skip new words if that will help your child’s enjoyment of reading.
james doyle says
rewards for reading books! In the form of candy lol
June S. says
My grandson has a lot of books that he enjoy’s having Mom and Dad to read to him.
Cynthia C says
When my kids were small I read to them daily. We also participated in summer reading programs at the library.
Stephanie MacDonald says
We read nightly and go to the library – they love books!
Sandy Klocinski says
Just as I spent time each day talking to and with my daughter, I also spent some time each day reading to her from the time she was a baby. This spurs interest in books and as children become toddlers and preschoolers who want to imitate their parents doing all kinds of things, reading will become one of them.
McKim says
When they are first learning to read I have them read out loud.
Francine Anchondo says
I let my kids pick books they are interested in.
Sara says
Let your kids pick whatever topics they want to read about, and use fun voices and don’t limit reading time.
JLin says
Read to daughter with a doll
erin dear says
Reading together daily and letting the kids pick which books we will be reading works well for me!
Renee B. says
We go to the library and each pick out books. I also pick out books that are level appropriate.
Adrienne Gordon says
I let them go and pick one book they like and then I pick a book I think they should read.
Holly Thomas says
I allow my kids to pick out their own books, keep them more interested. We point to the pictures and really focus on the pictures after reading each page. Sometimes we even point to words as we are reading.
greentopiaries says
My tip is to let children pick their own books. Always a strong motivator! Thanks for the chance! P.S. Sorry if this gets posted twice – was having connection troubles…
greentopiaries says
My tip is to let children pick their own books. Always a strong motivator! Thanks for the chance! P.S. Sorry if this gets posted twice – was having connection troubles…
greentopiaries says
My tip is to let children pick their own books. Always a strong motivator! Thanks for the chance!
pu ye says
We spend at least 20 minutes every day reading. I always keep new books in the house to keep their interest.
Brittney House says
We try to read every night so that they can get used to the words and saying them out loud.
Stacey b says
We spend at least 20 minutes every day reading. I always keep new books in the house to keep their interest.
Lana Simanovicki says
My kids love to read
Ellie Wright says
I take my boys to the library every week where they participate in the summer reading program. They love picking out their books and always start reading on the ride home.
wendi says
every night before bedtime we take 20 minutes and make sure we read!! to slow us down
Suzanne says
My best tip is to start them early. I read every night to my 3 year old and have since practically birth.
Brenda says
My kids love to read, so I just make sure and let them pick out the books they’re interested in, so they’ll want to keep reading.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
We join the Summer Reading Program at the library. It helps them by earning prizes and gets them to read way more than they would otherwise!
Nancy says
My best reading tip: Have a large number of books always within reach of your children, starting with sturdy board books. And of course,read to your child daily.
Barbara Montag says
The kids are all grown up now.
When they were little I set a good example by reading a lot myself.
thank you
jessica z says
I have the kids use pictures as reference when trying to figure out the words on a page and also sounding out. I like when they pick out the books they want to read.
Kristy Graboski says
We started reading to our son when he was just a baby and now that he is 3 we pick books that he likes!
Thomas Murphy says
Find books that will be fun for them.
Christina Foley says
I love to read so I’ve read with my kids from very young, they see me reading, we’ve gone to the library since they were a year old so reading has always jsut been a part of our daily routine and I’m lucky that my kids all love to read so far.
Julie L says
I try to ask questions as I read so they are thinking about what is being read to them!
Jenny Q. says
I try to make reading fun for the summer. We go to both the library and local bookstore events during the summer.
Jackie says
Take them to the library often. Kids love to read books that they are able to select. If they are young, read to them every day.
Andrea v says
We read every night together. Even older they still enjoy reading with me.
Leave a blog post comment on reading tips you use with your kids?
i dont have kids,and thats my tip…
Deborah W. says
We always participate in the library’s summer reading program. It keeps kids reading and rewards them not only with good books but extra incentives.
Colleen Maurina says
We go to our local library frequently and let them pick out their own books. Then when we are home we make sure to have quiet reading time that everyone enjoys.
mycraftingworld says
they get to pick the book and we find words they know.
Natalie says
My best tip is to read WITH your child.
shelly peterson says
I make sure I buy books I know my son is interested in or let him pick them out.
Jessica Beard says
Have a variety of genres for your child to choose from and provide a quiet place for them to read.
soha molina says
My best tip is to read with your child.
Amanda Sakovitz says
I let my niece pick out the books she wants to read.
Holly Thomas says
I let them pick the book.
Kathy Artis says
I let them read to me & then I read to them
Katherine says
I try to make a fun contest out of it
janetfaye says
I read to my grandchildren when they visit and they also read stories to me.
Ellen B says
Reading at bedtime – let them choose books they like.
Michele P says
I find books that she enjoys and get them for her or take her to the bookstore usually once a month to choose what she would like.
Terry Maigi says
My reading tip is to let them pick the book! My daughter loves picking out books at the library and cant wait to go home and read them!
Maryann D. says
I always let my kids purchase books at their school’s book fair. They were always interested in reading them right away when they got home from school.
Allison Swain says
I let them pick out a book each night to read together.
Thanks for the chance to win this !
Janet W. says
A reading tip I have is to make reading part of the daily routine. My grandsons love reading about three short books before bedtime.
Jeani b says
we read every night. when something happens in the book i ask a question about it to check her comprehension or see what she thinks of it, or even compare it to our life. it’s fun.
Kat says
I sit with my son with my own book so he sees that I enjoy reading!
steve weber says
My tip is to encourage them to do it.. also read at night so they are used to it.
Jennifer Clay says
We go to Goodwills and thrift shops to find books for my daughters to read. I let them pick out 4 books a piece each time we go! They love it!
Gina M (Wild Orchid) says
We like to go to the library together every week and pick out new books to keep things interesting.
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latanya says
we take turns reading pages
Dana Rodriguez says
Great program! You should start them at an early age.I always loved reading.
Cynthia R says
we make a big trip out of going to the library every week and we read a few stories during the day and before bed.
Kelly D says
My daughter and I take turns reading the pages.
Jessie C. says
We like to pick books and read together.
Leela says
Start reading to them at an early age.
Patricia says
We participate in our Library summer reading program.
Lisa Dorsett says
All of us gather around and pick a book and we listen as each of us reads a paragraph or page. By listening and sounding out the words, the kids have gotten better with reading each time.
Tara O. says
We go to the library at least once a week and I like to find books about something my daughter is interested in!
Mia says
We read everyday and try to find books that are fun and interesting.
Carly D. says
I am always very animate when reading! It makes reading more fun and exciting!
Angela W says
We have a reading log and try to read 15 minutes or more a day. At the end of the month we let the kids choose a prize.
LeAnn H says
We sign up for the summer reading program at the library so they win prizes for reading
Candice says
I read with my niece and nephew when I babysit them.
Michelle S says
I started my kids very young reading and now I don’t have to do anything to make them read. They read a ton! They sometimes even get in trouble at school for reading when they shouldn’t be.
sandra says
fine books about their interests
Marilyn Legault says
We have a ritual where we promise 2 books to read before bed. Problem is, the books are starting to get longer, might be promising chapters soon
vickie couturier says
i always set a time of the day when its time to unwind and sit and read