Disclosure: I received the product below to review in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
Now that school is out I have been looking for activities that can both entertain and engage my kids. The Young Scientists Club are makers of kits perfect for introducing kids to science in a fun and engaging manner. The kits come with items to get you started for learning through science experiments, you just need to add household items such as salt, sugar and baking soda.
The newest kit from The Young Scientists Club is the The Magic School Bus™ Growing Crazy Crystals. My kids were thrilled to check out this kit as we have been watching The Magic School Bus lately on Netflix. Ms. Frizzle and her third grade class are there to help kids on a journey of making and observing crystals, rock candy and more.
The kit contains an instruction booklet as a sort of recipe guide that instructs users on how to make the various experiments. There are also tips and facts throughout the book. They are designed to teach basic concepts in chemistry, physics, geology and mathematics.
We just started this kit and my kids cannot wait to grow their own rock crystals, okay to be honest they are most excited about the homemade rock candy. We started first talking about all the tools included and what they are for. While we haven’t started with the rock crystals yet, we have started with the simple experiment so far of examining the different shapes of salt and sugar crystals with a magnifying glass.
The rock crystals do take a few hours to form and they do need to be left alone, which is hard with curious little kids. My kids have been coming up with all their own science experiments and I hate to shatter their dreams of science so I have let them work on their own experiments before doing the actual ones from the book.
BUY IT: The Young Scientists Club’s subscription kits are mailed monthly to thousands of children around the nation and the company’s retail kits are sold in hundreds of specialty stores. All of their kits have been very hot sellers in the Amazon STEM store.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the The Magic School Bus™ Growing Crazy Crystals
Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
This Giveaway Ends June 29, 2015.
Mia J says
My daughter likes to experiment with magnets.
Leah Shumack says
My daughter really like to play science with food! She’ll mix things or we’ll do the borax science crafts on rainy days!
Cheryl Reinhardt says
It has been sink or float experiments with my kids.
Candace says
Everything! This is one of my sons fav shows
We watch it on Netflix together.
rosemary says
Samantha B says
They love to experiment with food right now!
shea balentine says
my boys are getting into wanting to learn about magnetics and solar energy
ellen schull says
testing for acid or base is my sons favorite experiment.
Stephanie Galbraith says
My kid likes to experiment with magnets.
Amber L. says
Both my kiddos are really into helping and learning about our different compost bins. We have two traditional compost bins and a black soldier fly bin. Over the last year they have been fascinated watching everything break down and the difference between the bins.
liz l says
Mixing things to make something new
Ms Gretchen Ann Luper says
my grandsons will enjoy making sugar crystals and learning about crystals in general.
Rebecca Peters says
My kids like to grown plants and veggies
brenda boone says
something for little mad scientist.
Paol Trenny says
My kids would love to bungee jump but they are all too young.
brittani adams says
ANything that would get them messy!
Lauren says
My kids like to see things grow in the garden.
Erica B. says
Anything nature related would be good.
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia says
My son just learned about composting so his experiments have recently revolved around rotting food.
Jamie Williams says
My daughter loves to draw and craft. She would have fun while learning with this too!
Heather K says
My kids are fascinated with the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.
xty cruz says
My nieces loves to make paper animals
Paula Michele Hafner says
My son would love the Volcano Madness kit. He loves science kits. He loves magnets, anything nature, and bugs. We hatched praying mantis last year.
Tara darity says
My son has recently become obsessed with science! He would love this!
Jeanna Massman says
My grandson learned about volcanoes at pre-school so we mixed baking soda and vinegar to make one at home!
ken ohl says
She loves playing scientist Would love to win this for her
Lana Bradstream says
My daughter loves to experiment with her gooey science kit
Carrie says
My kids love to experiment with color mixing – whether it is with paint, colored water, markers, or colored bath drops!
denise low says
My granddaughter loves to draw. She has been interested in drawing for years.
Darlene Cruz says
So far slime and mixing ingredients the more sizzle the happier they are .
Connie campbell says
Have had lots of fun with the kids using different projects from the magic school bus! Love thier products.
Nataile Brown says
My grandson loves to paint. He has an easel he got for Christmas and plays with it quite a bit.
Nicole Sender says
My grandson likes to help in the garden and watch the plants grow from the seeds he planted.
Raquel Beaty says
My son likes to experiment with mixing ingredients in the kitchen.
Summ says
My son love to know what everything is made from, how it’s made, when was it made.
Amelia Drew says
My daughter LOVES science experiments so this is great for her
Sarah L says
Trying to figure out what seeds need to grow best.
Thanks for the contest.
charlene says
My kids have always loved playing with corn starch an water
bill norris says
anything science related….
suzanne says
My son is very interested in anything he can move, take apart, “experiment” on. I think his latest experiment is seeing what happens when he blows air into his milk straw.
lana simanovicki says
my son likes this show
Nicole Lancaster says
My daughter likes to experiment on rocks and bugs,
Kalani says
My sons love to ‘experiment’. We do lots of freezing ‘guy’ in ice or melting baking soda with vinegar!
Denise M says
my daughter loves to experiment with sounds like echos
Sandra davis says
We love doing experiments
Jolene says
She is obsessed with being in nature and learning/experimenting like that. And kitchen stuff
jessica z says
My child likes to experiment in the kitchen with different ingredients and food coloring
Darlene Sullins says
My girls love to examine and study… bugs!!!
Francine Anchondo says
She loves make crystals and loves to draw cats
Julie L says
My kids would love experimenting with water and ice.
Tarah says
My son loves to create “robots” from anything he can find lying around.
sandra says
I think they would enjoy watching the crystals grow
Nannypanpan says
He likes to create with legos
Cynthia C says
My niece loves experimenting in the kitchen and planting seeds.
Debra S says
Oh my goodness, the kids here love science and crafting. The big hit so far was different slimes.. polymers! They loved it and boy we went thru a lot of supplies. Keeps them busy, sparks a love of learning.
Fiona N says
My son loves experimenting with his legos and car toys
Thank You for the chance
John Thuku says
My kid brother loves to experiment. He would be so happy if I could get him this. Thank you for the chance of winning it.
Jodi Kershuk says
My son loves experimenting with different legos.
Heather B says
My kids love taking things apart and figuring out how they work.
Brenda says
My child likes to experiment with magnets.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
My nephew likes to experiment with cooking different foods!
LeAnn H says
They like making volcanoes erupt with baking soda and vinegar
JLin says
love flowers
Heather in VA says
My daughter is crazy for science especially chemistry. This would be the perfect kit for her. She loves to try different experiments she reads about in her books.
megan Tilley says
She loves anything with flowers or water!
abedabun dawn says
My grand daughter loves to line things up according to size, shape, color etc. Everything has to be uniform.
D Schmidt says
My children love to create experiments relate to plants.
Sharon Schoepe says
My son has really been enjoying experimenting with magnets
Nancy says
She likes activities and experiments with water.
tina m says
My kids love to create legos
mycraftingworld says
they love to see if they can grow parts of things… like carrot tops, potato buds, and avocado seeds
Kathy Davis says
Nellie like to try different play dough recipes to find out which is the best and what lasts the longest.
Leela says
They like growing plants.
Holly Thomas says
My son loves making volcanoe’s and tornados in a bottle!
Marilyn Nawara says
She has planted her own garden and loves to do crafts of all kinds.
Deborah W. says
My granddaughter loves to make those volcano things that spew colored stuff.
Robin Abrams says
My grandkids love experimenting on everything they are very inquisitive. They love watching things grow
Mia says
We enjoyed planting seeds and watching how they started.
Patricia says
Mine love to garden and watch things grow from seeds.
Tara O. says
Wow, this set is awesome! My daughter has been watching this show on Netflix and is so interested!
Mai T. says
My kid loves constructing lego buildings / characters / space ships. I always need to be there to instruct him and find it interesting and educational myself.
vickie Couturier says
the grandkids made their own play dough last week
Gina H. says
My niece likes to create crazy food concoctions.