This is a sponsored post. I support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation on behalf of Healthy Ones. All opinions are my own.
Every 2 minutes in the U.S. a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. One in eight women will be diagnosed with the disease in her lifetime, and about 40,000 women in the U.S. die each year from it, according to the American Cancer Society. Those are some pretty scary statistics, and that is not even including the men that get breast cancer. Yes men can get breast cancer, even though it is 100 times less common for men.
I have had two women in my family suffer with breast cancer. My step mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was just 18 years old. I remember her telling me how they wanted her to get a mastectomy as part of her treatment but she refused since she was so young and luckily beat it. The other woman who had breast cancer was my husband’s grandmother.
Grandma K was diagnosed with breast cancer just last year. She was fine and then she wasn’t, it was that fast for her. She had stomach cancer ten years ago and then she was diagnosed with breast cancer as her next cancer. She went through chemotherapy but it really kicked her butt this next time around. We didn’t see her that much that whole year she was treated and when we did, it was hard. I never knew what to say or how to help her. She did beat breast cancer but then she was diagnosed with liver cancer only to decide not to fight through with chemotherapy again. She passed away just a few weeks ago now but she is no longer suffering.
Needless to say breast cancer scares me and makes me realize how it can happen to anyone. As a mother of a daughter too I worry about her and what would happen to my family if something happened to me.
Well with October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, Healthy Ones has partnered with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) yet again in an effort to raise awareness and funds to support breast cancer research. Since 2012, Healthy Ones has raised $170,000 for the BCRF.
How is Healthy Ones helping?
Healthy Ones is donating a portion of October sales to the BCRF. For every 1 pound of Healthy Ones deli meat sold, $0.05 will be donated (up to $50,000.)
How can you help?
Shop for Healthy Ones at your local retailer. Not only will you pick up some yummy lunchmeat but your purchase will help support the more than 240 scientists on 5 continents as they pursue research to make a difference.
Find Healthy Ones at a retailer near you. Look for containers like the one below which remind shoppers to “Think Pink.”
Check out the Healthy Ones Facebook page for ideas! Who knew you could do so much with Healthy Ones?
Aunesty Janssen says
I love that they changed their package color. It makes it so much more noticeable on the shelf.
Shelley Zurek says
It’s great that Healthy ones is contributing in such an active way to the cause. I didn’t know that every 2 min a woman is diagnosed. That could be me. Scary.
Liz Mays says
What a great way to support this important cause. I’ll be on the lookout for that pink packaging!
Claudia Krusch says
It’s such a great initiative! Love the color of the packaging too! Thank you for sharing it!
Heather lawrence says
My Aunt is a 25 year breast cancer survivor!!
She had radiation and chemo and fought like hell and we are so blessed to have her still here with us.
I wish they would find a cure soon so no one else has to go through this.
Rosey says
My grandma had ovarian cancer. She got the radiation and chemo but she still didn’t make it. It was a very sad time.
Carol Bryant says
Any message that can get out there to help solve this crisis and find a cure is sorely needed. Nice to see Healthy Ones step up and help out.
Mama to 5 BLessings says
I love how they changed the color of their packaging to show their support! Such an important cause!
Athena says
I love Healthy Ones and turn to them frequently for my meals. I am very impressed with their commitment to breast cancer and love them even more now.
Sherri says
This is such a great way to support a fantastic cause. Breast cancer is such a big problem that affects so many women.
Helene Cohen Bludman says
Cancer sucks and I am always happy to hear when companies like Healthy Ones support research.
Milena says
Im already a fan of Healthy Ones. I have to say that I LOVE that they actually say what they are donating as many others won’t/don’t. Good job!
Pam says
I am glad Healthy Ones is giving to support breast cancer research. Several women in my family have had it!
Lois Alter Mark says
I’m so sorry about the loss of your grandmother. We need to prevent and find a cure for breast cancer, and I’m glad that companies like Healthy Ones are supporting research.
Rebecca Bryant says
I think it’s great when companies give back especially to something like breast cancer research. The statistics on this disease are awful and we need a cure.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
My cousin just had a lumpectomy a few weeks ago. It kills me to watch her going through this.
Joann Woolley says
We really do need to take action to support those we know and love going through this. I had a distant friend diagnosed last year and she died in January and I was so sad to see her depart far before her time. A friend of mine recently lost her mother to this…. we have to be mindful about what products we put on and in our bodies. We are exposed to so many more toxins now than 50 years ago.