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This month marks a special day that reminds us that we need to stop and smell the roses. Well not just smell the roses but really take care of the roses and the trees and the water and all of Earth’s resources.
EnviroKidz is a company that hopes to empower positive change through tasty organic food. They offer gluten free, whole grain organic goodness in cereal that kids will want to eat. To show their love for the planet they donate 1% of sales to animal conservation groups like the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and the Australian Koala Foundation.
Nature’s Path, the company behind EnviroKidz, has come out with a great list of activities to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd (and really any day of the year!):
Learn about endangered species! Start Earth Day off with a bowl of Nature’s Path EnviroKidz organic cereal – each box features fun facts about an endangered species and highlights a few ways you can help protect them. It’s a quick and easy way for kids to learn about the importance of protecting animal habitats – and families can feel good about eating their breakfast because Nature’s Path donates 1% of sales of EnviroKidz products to support endangered species, habitat conservation and environmental education for kids worldwide.
Plant it Forward: Earth Day is a perfect time to work in a garden – whether a community garden or at your home.
Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Kids love getting outdoors and a walk on a trail, in a park or around the neighborhood can connect youngsters to the earth. Make it an adventure with a nature scavenger hunt – give kids a list or pictures to find of trees, flowers and insects.
Pedal Power: Give up driving for a day. Grab some wheels – the ones you pedal – or hoof it around the block, to your local store or playground.
Reuse Art: Create a fun craft table with only reusable items – from packaging, to newspapers to tins and jars – these leftover items can find new and creative uses.
Trash patrol: Armed with reusable bags, kids can do a beach or park clean-up and compete for the most items found (just remember no picking up glass or sharp objects!).
Brainstorm: Kids have great ideas – ask them for ideas on how the family can protect the earth every day – perhaps it is one hour less of electricity or having motor-less Sundays – they may surprise you with their brain power.
Read together: There are so many wonderful books for kids of all ages (such as Dr. Seuss, The Lorax) that have messages about protecting the earth, so grab a blanket, a book and head outside.
Recycle plan: How well does your family recycle? Make a plan to recycle more and set up trash bins for all to participate.
Help save the Koalas! EnviroKidz is giving away a 10 day family trip for four to Australia which includes a chance to cuddle with a koala, visit with koala experts and scientists, plant Eucalyptus trees and more! To enter, look inside your EnviroKidz cereal box for your entry code and visit: http://us.envirokidz.

Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Giveaway Ends May 9, 2016.
Rajee Pandi says
We recycle.
Sue Hull says
I recycle. Thank you for the chance 🙂
Jane H says
Our family is striving to have absolutely no garbage by both recycling andcomposting.
Melissa Williams says
We always make sure we recycle everything that can be recycled! And limit water usage in shower/ and even little things like turn water off while brushing teeth.
Candace says
We recycle.
carl says
Ai Lotus says
We compost, eat as much organic foods as possible, and avoid using synthetic chemicals in our home and in our garden.
Joy Venters says
We are constantly recycling
trixx says
We recycle as much as we can.
Chris Martinez says
We buy organic foods (plus, they’re good for you!)
Kathy Pease says
We try to recycle all we can
nannypanpan says
we recycle and buy in bulk
denise low says
We recycle our newspaper and our cans.
Lisa L says
We try to recycle everything and pass down clothing for others to reuse
AnnJ says
Between recycling and compost, I have almost no garbage. (But I still have to pay my town a fortune to collect it!)
Casey Everidge says
we try to recycle, and reuse as much as possible
Corey Olomon says
We recycle everything we can.
Cynthia Mercado says
My family tries to cut down on garbage output.
Sue E says
There are a couple camps near us. Bookmarked the page so I can inform my daughters. THANKS! I never heard of these FUN camps!!
Julie Mezmur says
We turn off the heated dry cycle of the dishwasher and let all the dishes air dry. We are also diligent recyclers!
Shelley P says
We recylce and use high efficiency appliances to help the environment.
veronica perkins says
I reuse packing materials from packages & try to repurpose items.
Sue E says
Our village gave us recycle bins & we use them all the time filling them up with newspapers, plastic, glass, aluminum, etc.!
Lesley F says
We recycle & compost
vickie couturier says
we recycle everything we can,,i hang my clothes to dry and wash in cold water and hand wash my dishes
Abigail says
We recycle everything we can, grow some of our own food and ride our bikes instead of driving – if our destination is close enough!
Christie says
We do a lot of recycling and try to conserve electricity and water.
Maryann D. says
My family helps out the environment by buying organic, recycling and not wasting electric.
Tracie brown says
We use glass straws.
Jackie says
We help the environment by recycling all that we can…paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and batteries.
Thank you!
Jessica Cox says
We recycle and I am big on saving water
Nancy says
We reduce, reuse, recycle, donate usable items, and have plants inside the house and grow a small garden.
Kayla @ TheEclecticElement says
We do our best to help by recycling when we can, limiting our water usage, buying local and organic, upcycling things, etc. A little goes a long way!
Thank you for this awesome giveaway opportunity!
Leela says
We grow our own garden.
Diana Cote says
we reuse, recycle, donate. buy organic and local if possible. we use eco friendly products as much as we can afford and avoid chemicals. we drive only one car and we grow organic fruits and herbs to help our pollinators, birds and butterflies.
Lasonda says
We recycle as much as we can.
sandra says
we mainly help through recycling
Dandi D says
We recycle and use natural products whenever it’s possible.
Gretchen Luper says
we recycle everything we can
desiree says
for reclye we take the can and thing we need to reclye them then i tek the platic bottle and use for craft
Jennifer W says
We help out by using totes for our groceries instead of plastic bags.
Stacy says
We recycle and reuse as much as we can, and we are slowly reducing waste. We recently switched from paper towels to reusable cloths (just cut up some old cotton tee shirts).
Richard Brandt says
We compost, and take all our recyclables down to the county recycling center.
Colleen Maurina says
We raise our own chickens for eggs, have a compost pile, grow a vegetable garden every year and use cloth diapers.
Sandra Watts says
We try to help by doing our part to recycle all that we can. We also are trying composting now.
Mia says
We try to recycle as much as possible and I try to buy items with less packaging.
Marti Tabora says
The things we do to help protect the environment are recycling, re-purposing and we also catch rainwater to use for outdoor plants and cleaning jobs outside. Thank you.
Anne Perry says
We enjoy a non gmo diet, compost and garden.
Lauren says
We recycle whenever we can.
June S. says
My husband and I have been recycling everything in our home for years now. We have really cut down on what goes into our garbage bag for the week.
Marilyn Legault says
We don’t use a dryer, we hang dry even in the winter