I partnered with this brand in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
June is an action packed month over at Comet TV! With so many films you can only see on the Sci-Fi and Horror Channel! But that’s not all, did you know that this July is the 70th anniversary of the famed Roswell UFO crash? This July 4th beginning at 10AM/9C Aliens Invade! Say wha? Yep, to ring in the 4th, Comet TV is holding an Invasion: Alien Attack Movie Marathon!
There’s Invisible Invaders (1959), The Falling (1987), Strange Invaders (1983) and more!
This July marks the 70th anniversary of the mysterious UFO crash at Roswell, and COMET is going all out to celebrate. On July 4, we’ll be airing our Invasion: Alien Attack Movie Marathon beginning at 10am/9C, which includes such classics as Strange Invaders and Without Warning.
July 4th beginning at 10AM/9C
Invisible Invaders (1959)
at 10AM/9C
The Falling (1987)
at NOON/11C
Strange Invaders (1983)
at 2P/1C
Without Warning (1980)
at 4P/3C
Alien Autopsy (2006)
at 6P/5C
Sunday, June 25 – set up back-to-back for your curiosity:
The Prophecy Trilogy starting at 2P/1C
The Prophecy (1995) at 2P/1C
The Prophecy II (1998) at 4P/3C
The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (2000) at 6P/5C
Is there a more underrated movie franchise than The Prophecy? The series of fantasy thrillers stars the one and only Christopher Walken as the Archangel Gabriel, who’s waging a war between angels in an attempt to effectively turn heaven into another hell.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive an Alien Attack Movie Prize Pack
1 – Limited Edition custom designed Fidget Spinner: They are all the rage right now and there’s no better way to cool down when you’re hot under the collar and worried about the survival of the human species!
2 – Comet TV Popcorn Tubs: Munch your cares away with these two custom design popcorn tubs. Perfect to share with a friend or keep all the rations to yourself. You just might need it!
1 – Comet TV Cylinder Survival Bottle: During times of invasion you still need to hydrate. What if you were by a lake or stream while running from the aliens and didn’t have anything to put water in. Breathe freely my friends, we got you covered!
2 – Bags of Popcorn: How can we give you Popcorn Tubs without the popcorn. We’re not evil… Well…. Only sometimes.
1 – Limited Edition Comet TV Alien Invasion Collector Card: Warn your friends about the Alien Invasion with this handy dandy card! Shout it from the rooftops, scream it from the top of your lungs… Or just share it on Facebook. Either way, this limited edition collector card is an awesome way to share the love!
The prize will be sent via FedEx or USPS. No P.O. Boxes please.
Lisa L says
Hopefully I’ll be prepared for the alien invasion! I’d head to someplace remote.
AEKZ2 says
I would try and survive an alien invasion by hiding.
Trisha McKee says
I would charm the aliens. Smile and bat my eyelashes and once they were charmed, I would run and hide.
Buddy Garrett says
I would hide out in the mountains.
Anita Jude says
I would go hide in my bedroom and pray that they go away
Kathy Pease says
I probably wouldn’t I panic too much
Kayla Klontz says
I would act like an alien myself or I would try to befriend them,
Annmarie W. says
I don’t know how long I’d survive…but I’d hide in my basement & hope they didn’t find me!
Lisa says
I have no idea how I’d survive
Lesley F says
I would probably hide and hope for the best
Judy Schechter says
I would stay in a group at all times because there’s safety in numbers.
Maridan Valor says
I would survive an alien invasion by hoping they are just here on vacation…if not by pretending to be an alien from another galaxy than theirs who was stolen by space pirates and dumped on a backwater planet for safekeeping until a ransom could be made and hope they just ignore me
Lea says
Let’s hope the aliens are friendly, otherwise I’m not sure we’d survive!
heather says
I would survive an alien attack by heading into the mountains.
Carl says
great prize
Leela says
By fighting.
Ronald Oliver says
I would survive by praying!
rosemary says
Maryann D. says
I have no idea how I would survive an alien invasion. I would probably try to be friends with them!
Edye says
With lots of prayer!
Darcy Koch says
I would dress up like an alien so they would think I’m one of them.
Melissa Craig says
I have enough can goods to last at least a year so I’m good
Lana simanovicki says
I would hide at my son’s house
Feist Laura says
I would try to hide
Feist Laura says
I would try to hide
Bridget E Calfee says
Hide in the attic
Azeem says
Laura Collins says
I would have different places of food hidden then I really do not know
shannon fowler says
I would run and hide. Im always a little anal about always being prepared, so surely i would be able to use some of our hurricane supplies to survive.
Jennylyn Gross says
I would hide!!!!!
Nancy says
During an alien invasion, I would hide in an obscure place that aliens have absolutely so interest in seeing. Of course, this obscure place would be well equipped with all the food, supplies, water, and everything else that I would need.
Richard Brandt says
I for one would welcome our new alien overlords.
vickie couturier says
probably get my gun and fight
Mya Murphy says
I’d join in! I get along better with aliens than humans…
Angelica Dimeo says
I would probably die right away lol
Robin Abrams says
I would hide underground
Lisa Williams says
I would find an underground bunker stocked with survival food and supplies,including ammo,and stay there as long as possible before venturing out.
retreat to the wilderness
Sandra Watts says
I probably would not survive an alien invasion. It is what it is.