Chances are that you don’t often think about how important your air conditioning unit is to your family’s comfort. Without it, your home could become unbearable rather quickly, especially if you’re using air conditioner without a window. The good news is that you can keep your air conditioning unit running properly with the following five easy DIY maintenance tips.
Just remember, if you do notice anything out of the ordinary with your air conditioning unit, it is strongly recommended that you reach out to a team of HVAC experts like JAK Services for some specialist advice – you can learn more about some of the different AC repairs services that they offer by taking a look at their website here: jakservices.com/ac-repair/
Inspect Your Unit for Visible Damage
Since the main part of your air conditioning unit is outside, it is prone to damage due to weather and other factors. Take the time to inspect your unit periodically by looking for any type of visible damage. A professional HVAC technician always should inspect major damage or questionable damage.
Trim Shrubbery Around the Unit
Many homeowners choose to plant various types of shrubbery around their air conditioning unit to hide it from view. While this idea is often good, you’ll want to keep plants at least 2 to 3 feet from the unit.
An HVAC technician can give you tips for dealing with vines, shrubbery, and trees close to your unit. Maintaining vegetation will make sure that the airflow in and out of the air conditioning unit is functioning properly. Having enough airflow will improve the efficiency of your air conditioning unit, increase its lifespan, and decrease the risk of damage.
Check the Condensation Line
Over time, mildew and mold can build up in the condensation line of your air conditioning unit and clog up the line. Check for clogs regularly to prevent water from backing up into your home. You can check for a clog by simply loosening the clamp on the condensation hose with a screwdriver. If the water is coming from the unit, all is well, but if water is coming from the drain line, you will need to remove the clog.
Look for Leaks
Air conditioning unit leaks are often hard to detect without close examination. Get down on your hands and knees and look under the unit for any leaks. Depending on how well the area where your air conditioning unit rests is illuminated, you may need to use a flashlight to see directly under the unit. A leak of any kind could signify a problem, which you’ll want to have an HVAC services professional, like those at davisacservice.com, inspect. Having a professional contractor with expertise in air conditioning systems look at your unit is always preferable over executing a DIY job without the correct tools and knowledge.
Clean the Vents on Your Air Conditioning Unit
Your air conditioner filters trap dust, mold, and pollen particles to keep them from entering the air in your home. However, if you let these particles build up over time, the filters will no longer be effective at removing these allergens from the air. You can prevent this problem from happening by changing your air conditioning filters at least every six months. Not only will this simple maintenance task improve the air quality in your home, but it will also keep your air conditioning unit operating efficiently, extend the lifespan of the unit, and help to lower your energy bills.
For the do-it-yourselfer, the above practical tips can keep your air conditioning unit running properly throughout the season. If you find that you don’t have time to do your own maintenance this year or you suspect a problem, such as a leak, exists with your unit, contact an HVAC services team near you to schedule a maintenance appointment.
gala says
Thanks, very useful. Now would be a great time for doing them.
Laura Collins says
These steps I would like to do every season
Lisa Brown says
These are great tips. Our downstairs air conditioner is a little iffy. I’m going to check the shrubbery around it.