If you are finding it incredibly hard to lose weight and you have tried everything, why not think about a tummy tuck. Having surgery to help weight loss and feel happier in yourself is not “cheating”, some people genuinely find it a lot harder to lose weight than others due to many things such as genetics and other conditions. There are many health benefits of getting a tummy tuck.
Improved Abdominal Tone
With weight loss, the abdominal muscles become weakened as they have been stretched when you were at your largest and when you begin to lose weight they relax, and it can be hard to tone up after this. Pregnancy can also reduce your abdominal tone. Having a tummy tuck will surgically tighten these abdominal muscles, and remove excess skin and fat, flattening the abdomen. This means you will find it easier to tone up after a tummy tuck.
Better Posture
Weak abdominal muscles are also a cause of bad posture and many other conditions such as lordosis. When the abdominal muscles are retightened in your tummy tuck, you may notice you have a better posture and this is because your stomach will feel tighter- this is not painful or uncomfortable. Improved posture has many benefits including reduction of back pain and improved support. If you were considering a tummy tuck and have back problems, discover a professional who can help such as plastic surgeon in Maryland for tummy tuck.
Reduction of Incontinence
After normal vaginal delivery, some women may suffer from a condition known as Stress Urinary Incontinence or SUI. This is a problem in which the bladder has lost some control and can be very distressing for women. It causes leakage during sneezing, coughing and even laughing, making women feel uncomfortable and worried to go anywhere in case this happens. This can occasionally be fixed without surgery but for some women, they still struggle. A tummy tuck can reduce this incontinence by creating a small bladder obstruction using excess tissue near the pelvic area.
Mental Health
One of the most important things a tummy tuck can help with is your mental health. If you have been trying despite your best efforts to lose weight and cannot, it can be extremely frustrating and this can get you down. You may have a condition in which exercising and eating the right things can prove almost impossible, and having the body you want is very hard for you. Having a tummy tuck can leave you feeling more confident in yourself and your body and being able to wear the clothes you want without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. Perhaps you have a big event coming up such as your wedding and the anxiety of walking down the aisle is enough to make you dread the day instead of being excited for it.
Whatever the reason for your tummy tuck, you will feel happier and more confident after the surgery, having a happy healthy image of your body matters most in having good mental health.
Peggy Nunn says
Those are all great reasons to have a tummy tuck. Any woman that needs it and can afford it should get one.