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I feel like the slime phase is here to stay and every time I think my kids are done, they ask for more. From making it to playing with it, my kids love all things slime. I admit too, I am quite fascinated by it as well.
Well since slime is more than just a green goo, the company behind the Original Super Cool Slime has expanded its collection with some of the hottest trends in the toy world! Some of their slimes include Jurassic World, Unicorn, Emoji Poop and Glow in the Dark.

To make perfect stocking stuffers or just small gifts, there is themed glop that comes in a fun plastic container resembling a chemistry beaker. You can tilt it, pour it, squish it and watch it ooze. It is like science in a bottle – non-Newtonian fluid! My kids love the bottles they come in just as much as the slime itself! So much cooler than just a plain container.

These bottles are fun little treats perfect for playing with slime on the go and have just enough in them to keep kids busy. It is not
For budding scientists, there is The Original Super Cool Slime Lab. The boxed kit includes 18 pieces to make slime! You get measuring cups, mixing sticks, slime activator and more – everything is included for slime making! I know this kit is going to keep my kids busy and they will get to not only play with slime but create it all by themselves! The kit is less than $13 too which is a super good value!

I will say too, we have made slime before with ingredients around the house and this kit is much easier! Everything is in one box and I am not scavenging through my cabinets to see if we have everything and then finding small containers to put them in. We have had a lot of slime fails too and with this slime

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Mia Rose says
I have done the slime lab with my grandkids and I liked it because it was easy and not messy at all. They had a blast.
gala says
Awesome, my kids would love it
Vickie L Couturier says
I am not into slime,,but myt grandsons are,,some of them ask for it for chirstmas
Sarah L says
I like the The Original Super Cool Slime Lab. My niece & nephew like playing with slime and I know they’d like this kit.