I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Since 2015, my 12-year-old son has become quite the farmer thanks to Farming Simulator. You know how some kids like monster trucks and others like race cars? Well my oldest has always loved farming equipment and construction trucks. His whole wardrobe growing up was always yellow and green for John Deere and construction. He would sit for hours and build little farms and construction sites with his trucks and Lincoln Logs.
Then in 2015 we discovered Farming Simulator and he found something he could play as he was getting a little old for his truck and farm toys. Seriously this game series has kept him busy for hours and hours and he has really learned from it.
The newest edition was just released before the holidays and Farming Simulator 19 has surprised my son with all the fun packed in it. Yes, you can watch grass grow too if that is your thing.
Here are X reasons to check out Farming Simulator 19:
- So realistic! Everything is so crisp and clear in the game, its amazing!

- All sorts of farming brands are included, including John Deere! My son was so excited to see all the different brands that he recognized.

- So many different types of vehicles to work with and ride on. My son loves how when he drives the tractors and such that his view is as if he is driving.

- More than just grass growing! I tease my son all the time that he is literally watching grass grow, which yes you can do but there is so much more. Other than just driving the vehicles, there is work to be done just like on a farm. There are missions to complete and the more you work the more you earn and can then buy new machines and upgrades.

- Honestly, this game is unlike any other game I have seen. It is a great game to unwind to and yet challenging too if you need that. My son loves just driving around sometimes, he loves earning money and figuring out what he can buy and he loves learning about all the different machines.
I found this YouTube video which shows off the game perfectly:
Get Farming Simulator 19
You can buy Farming Simulator 19 for Xbox One, PS4 or PC on Amazon or wherever games are sold.
Karen Propes says
Oh my, I love this. I would like it myself. I was raised on a farm and this is great they have a simulator for it. It’s a great way to enjoy without the smell and bruises from actually working on one. This sounds like a Christmas Gift for them.
MD Kennedy says
OMG! I have never played a single video game, but you can bet I’ll try this one!
Vickie L Couturier says
how cute ,my grandsons would love this