I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

I remember going to my local Babies “R” Us to register for my son way back when and I was so intimidated. Back then there were not a million places to create registries and the information on baby products was overwhelming to me. I had no friends or family who recently had a baby so I was on my own. Moms today now definitely have more choices in products and stores.
Thinking back to the registry I created and the supposed “must-have” items, I cannot help but laugh. Does my son need a wet wipe warmer? Of course, he does, I mean I cannot possibly wipe his butt with cold or room temperature wipes. Tee-Pee Shield to block him from peeing on me? Yes, of course, I will use that on every diaper change since they do take a long time. I can go on and on with products I wanted and received that I cannot believe I had.

Last month, Offers.com compiled the results from 500 U.S. respondents to launch the article “Baby Products Shopping & Spending Survey.” Honestly, whether you are a new mom or old mom, it is worth reading as it will remind you of those silly items you had to have or good memories with the products you loved. For new moms, the survey might just help you prepare a registry of items you will actually use.
The Baby Shopping Survey that found the No. 1 underrated baby product is a White Noise Machine and that Target is the No. 1 favorite registry. I have to say I have shopped off the Target registry before for gifts and it is so much easier since Target stores seem to be everywhere. The closest thing I had to a white noise machine was the static sound the baby monitor made but I can definitely see the value today of an actual white noise machine, for infants through adulthood.

Offers.com wants parents to be able to experience a white noise machine for their child and has partnered with me on a great giveaway.
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Offers.com combines all the best Offers from across the web on one website. Every day, they serve up the latest coupon codes, product deals, discounts, and other Offers from more than 16,000 stores and brands.
Don’t miss a deal or discount next time you are shopping or looking for ideas!

WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Marpac Dohm Elite (top-rated by What to Expect) + a $50 Target Gift Card. Total value: $100

Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
WaooMart says
A lot of baby products available. Diapers and rashes cream is very important for babies
Laurie Nykaza says
I loved the baby swing i had to help him sleep my son had colic and he loved to swing.
Julie Lundstrom says
Lots of diapers and wipes.
Susan Christy says
Baby Monitor!
Dana Matthews says
Wipes! Wipes for everything!
rosemary says
Leah Shumack says
Definitely need diapers and wipes!!
Christy Peeples DuBois says
When mine were in diapers of course I needed diapers and diaper cream, but a few items that helped tremendously were diaper Jeanie, swing, pacifier…,well 10 just in case, and a monitor. My daughter had my first grandchild July 4th, 2018 and they use these items I used plus a noise machine.
Sarah L says
Never had kids. I think a good changing table would be handy.
Thanks for the contest.
Amy D says
Diapers and diaper rash cream are so important. 🙂
gala says
a lot of diapers
Kayla Harmon says
lots of bottles
Donna L Holder says
diapers and wipes
ger says
Must have..lots of diapers!
Tami Vollenweider says
Two things come to mind,diapers and Boudreaux’s Butt Paste!!
Donna Richie says
must have plenty diaper
Jessica Peeling says
Definitely a monitor
Janet W. says
My must have baby item is the Wubbanub pacifier attached to a little stuffed animal!
Edye says
a baby monitor!
Samantha Wagner says
Baby must have besides diapers and car seat would be a Boppy. I use mine all day everyday. There are so many uses for it
bernie wallace says
My must have baby item is lots of diapers.
shelly peterson says
A baby swing is a must have item .
Lesley F says
It would have to be a stroller and car seat
Katy says
My must-have baby item is the nasal aspirated from the hospital. That thing is heavy duty grade. Another mom told me to grab it. We pay for it with the birth!
Elizabeth Miller says
My must have baby item is of course diapers but my second would be a boppy. When you have csections for having babies it is a god send.
Heather! says
A ‘shutter’ came in super handy with our granddaughter.
Jackie says
My must have baby item is a car seat.
Sue E says
My must have baby item was a tie between a baby swing and a cloth baby bouncy chair.
Avis Baker says
It machine would be good for helping me sleep.
Jenn koziol says
My first must have aside from the basics was a humidifier! It’s so important to have during the winter.
sarah says
Wipes and diapers.
Lots of diapers!
Shannon D Citrino says
When my kids were babies one of the most important things I always had with me were goldfish crackers….I dint think I wouldve survived 12-36mos without them!
rosemary says
wipes and car seat
Anne S says
Car seat! And also a good baby monitor would both be must have items.
I’d say a monitor, so you can always keep baby monitored lol
Tammy Catterton says
I have to say first must have is comfortable diapers & great wipes
rosemary says
car seat and wipes
Kate S. says
The first must haves that came to mind are comfortable diapers and wipes. 🙂
Maryann D. says
A baby monitor is a must have supply. Also plenty of diapers and wipes are important also.
MaryAnn says
Wipes. I use them for everything.
Tony Platz says
car seat
Lula Ruger says
Diapers and wipes of course but a good digital thermometer
Debbi Wellenstein says
My must-have item for baby-good diapers!
Cynthia C says
A good safe car seat is a must for babies.
Jennylyn Gross says
diapers and wipes
stephanie jones says
diapers and baby wipes!
Jan Lee says
Must have baby item…..diapers 🙂
Nancy says
A baby monitor with split screen video and audio is a must have when you have two children.
Michael Coovert says
Teething rings and chilled pacifiers are my must have items.
Mary Daiely says
A Noise Machine would be a must-have!
Amanda Ripsam says
wow! Such a sweet offer to giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.
My must have item was a baby video monitor my youngest is 12 now but If I could give a tip put a baby video monitor on the crip saves you from waking up the baby since the video you can see the child and know they are safe and sound or up and awake.
Leela says
A boppy was my must have.
jeanette h sheets says
a baby monitor as well ,a must have
Rosie says
I go with a baby monitor, also. An upholstered rocker is second!
Julie Wood says
I would have to say a baby monitor is a big must!
Vickie L Couturier says
a good diaper bag is a must
Gina Ferrell says
My must-have baby item is a baby monitor.
Mia E. says
A bottle warmer was something that was helpful.
Tracie Cooper says
My must have item is a great rocking chair!
Joanna says
I love the Boppy for nursing!
Susan Smith says
Our swing was a must have. It was a guarantee to put our children back to sleep.
Natalie says
A rocking chair is a must have! It is so easy for a baby to fall asleep when rocking on a rocking chair.
mami2jcn says
With our 4th baby, we really loved the 4Moms Rockaroo.
Amber Kolb says
Quality diapers that prevent against leaks!
NANCY says
I loved those bottles with the plastic bags. Made things so much easier.
kelly nicholson says
Leave a blog post comment on your must-have baby item?
i dont have a baby…so my item would be a baby
monique s says
Plenty of wipes are my baby must have
Dana Rodriguez says
A baby monitor is a must!