Did you know that September is the most common month for babies to be born? Children born in this month are likely conceived in November or December and follow the sign of Virgo.
Zodiac signs can tell you a lot about your baby before they are even born. Horoscopes provide insightful information on babies, based on their expected birth month. You can get a glimpse into your baby’s unique personality and what the future may hold for them.
Ready to learn how your baby’s star sign can influence their behavior and other traits? Here is your guide to understanding and interpreting baby horoscopes.
Learning Your Baby’s Sign
You’ve known your expected due date since the first positive pregnancy test you took. Kids horoscopes get determined by their estimated birth month and day.
Here is the list of zodiac signs, based on expected birth date.
- Aries – March 21 to April 19
- Taurus – April 20 to May 20
- Gemini – May 21 to June 20
- Cancer – June 21 to July 22
- Leo – July 23 to Aug 22
- Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22
- Libra – Sept 23 to Oct 22
- Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21
- Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21
- Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19
- Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18
- Pisces – Feb 19 to March 20
First-born children are more likely to be born before or past their due date. It’s not common for first-borns to come on their actual due date.
In some of these births the estimated conception date may be off. Other babies need a bit more (or less) time in the womb.
Either way, it’s helpful to look into zodiac signs that fall before and after your estimated due date. This way you’re getting accurate baby astrology should the child come a few weeks early or late.
How Baby Zodiac Signs Influence Personality
Baby horoscope signs can give you insight into what type of personality your child may have. Depending on their sign, babies tend to display certain behavioral characteristics. These traits can get used to help prepare you for parenting.
Aries babies tend to be high-energy, with an explorative side. This can make them more accident-prone as toddlers.
They have natural leadership qualities and are born competitors. They respond well when challenged with games and puzzles.
An Aries may also have an independent and impulsive streak. They value their alone time. Pressuring them with too much socialization could result in a meltdown.
Taurus babies are often more sensitive and stubborn when tried or hungry. Yet, they tend to be better nappers and nighttime sleepers. This sign loves music, so busy them with songs and musical toys.
Babies born under this sign also love being outdoors. Take them for strolls around the neighborhood when they are fussy. Outdoor play activities are also important once they reach toddler years.
A Taurus will likely become a creature of habit as they age. It’s best to try to help them thrive outside of their comfort zones.
Many baby zodiac signs tend to be born with special gifts and abilities. Gemini is one of them, with babies born both curious and intelligent.
Gemini babies have excellent communication skills. They enjoy socializing with other kids and making friends. Yet, as a parent, it can be hard to keep their attention.
Those born under this sign tend to be emotional and sensitive babies. They may fuss and cry more than other babies. Yet, they respond well to soothing methods.
Babies of this sign tend to gravitate toward their mother. They are more reserved and can be shy around new people. Cancer signs have an artistic and compassionate side that makes them quite special.
Leo babies tend to have outgoing, playful, and happy personalities. Their baby astrology chart shows them as having lots of energy in the early years.
Yet, they can also have bad temper tantrums and be needy for attention. This sign provokes a love of animals, both real and stuffed. They will grow to be high achievers, loyal, and confident.
Virgo babies get known to be picky eaters and great communicators. They love reading and staying busy with activities. Virgo horoscopes for kids show them thriving on a routine.
Virgos are happy helping others but can sometimes have anxious personalities. They like things neat and may go on to have perfectionist tendencies.
A Libra baby loves attention and affection. They are happy socializing with others and learning new things. This can sometimes create issues with naptimes.
These babies are creative types and music lovers. They enjoy when you sing songs and let them play with instruments.
Libra toddlers tend to be better at sharing with others. They prefer peaceful situations and like to avoid confrontation.
Both intuitive and sensitive, a Scorpio is quick to change moods. They may show a more introvert and private personality. Yet, they appreciate one-on-one time with their parents.
Scorpio babies love water, enjoying activities like bathtime and swimming. They like having personal space and may have trouble sharing.
Babies born under this sign are outgoing, honest, and get along well with others. These little explorers also love playing outside and with animals.
A Sagittarius will likely grow into an independent child. Yet, they can become restless and tend to get bored easily. Keep them stimulated with different toys, games, and activities outside of the house.
A Capricorn often grows into someone responsible and ambitious. They strive to do their best and value a family-oriented environment.
Capricorn babies tend to be well-disciplined, not wanting to disappoint their parents. They are natural problem solvers and enjoy socializing and making friends. They tend to grow into old souls and stay well-liked by everyone they meet.
This sign loves companionship and craves learning new things. Aquarius children tend to have a great moral compass. Yet, they can become assertive in their toddler years.
An Aquarius often displays a unique personality type with a range of interests. They enjoy being part of a team environment and will likely have a great sense of humor. January 27 Zodiac Sign Aquarians are often drawn to social causes and have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world.
Pisces babies are imaginative and intuitive, with a strong creative streak. They tend to be emotional and sensitive to the feelings of others.
This star sign loves activities that involve movements, like dancing or ice skating. They can be strong-willed and are not afraid to voice this as children. You may need to help them learn to control their bossy side.
Pisces are the big dreamers when it comes to all the baby horoscopes. All leap year babies will get born under the Pisces sign.
Learning About Your Little One with Baby Horoscopes
Baby horoscopes offer a fun way to learn about the personality of your unborn child. They can provide insight into what type of behaviors and interests your child may have.
Looking for more advice for soon-to-be-moms? Check out the baby section of our blog for the latest!
Gabrielle says
My aunt did my chart when I was a baby. I still have it. It’s fascinating really.