I partnered with Polaroid for this giveaway.

Last year I got to check out the new Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera. While times have changed with all the features of digital cameras, sometimes you just want your photo right then and there. Maybe you want to give someone a photo as a gift right then or maybe you just want to display a picture of someone you love.
The Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera combines the best of both worlds: classic Polaroid and digital capabilities.
Features of the Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera:
It is a 20MP digital camera that yes you can save photos on the camera (more storage possible when you add an SD card)
You charge it via USB, no batteries required. I found too that the battery life is long as I haven’t had to charge it yet.
Camera strap included which makes it great for holding and securing so you don’t drop it.
No printer, computer or ink required! Just the camera and photo paper required. The photos print right out of the camera.

Adding the photo paper is super easy. You literally just open the bottom and place the paper in, no lining up or messing around.

The screen is 3.97 inches and touchscreen. Yes, you can touch the screen to change the settings, edit photos and more.

Take regular photos or 1080 HD videos. You can even make GIFs. Easily change the settings by tapping the screen, even my 7-year-old daughter was able to do it all herself.

Edit photos from the touchscreen or via an app you can download on your phone. You do not need a phone to use this camera, it just gives more features to edit and share photos. You connect the camera to your phone with WiFi.

Some more features to play with from the smartphone app:

3×4 classic Polaroid photo border – makes photos look pretty cool!

You choose what you want to print! Just because you take a photo doesn’t mean you have to print the photo. When you are ready to print, just click the photo and printer icon, it prints in seconds and pops right out. I love this feature because it allows me to choose photos I really want to print so I am not wasting photo paper. It is perfect too for my kids to take photos and then I help them decide what to print and if they want to add edits like text or borders.
Save the photo, print the photo, edit the photo, share the photo – do what you want!

Check out the Polaroid Pop Digital Camera
You can find the Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera on Amazon for the new low price of $149.99.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive a Polaroid Pop Digital Camera ($150 value)

Need help entering a giveaway? Check out my blog post for some help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winstonsof says
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JosephLek says
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Это универсальный тип материала, так как он обладает хорошими водоотталкивающими свойствами и не содержит вредных для цемента примесей https://al-keram.ru/blog/primenenie-keramzita.html
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Керамзит является достаточно легким, но в тоже время невероятно прочным материалом https://al-keram.ru/review.html
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Georgeecoro says
Кухня Айс-крим:Кухня комплектуется столешницей толщиной 26 мм и длиной 1200 мм (на модули 40 и 80 см);В http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/item/23
Кухни по индивидуальному размеру являются одним из доминирующих компонентов современного домовладения, а их производители – почетными, уважаемыми людьми http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/item/20
Наша компания изготавливает кухни на заказ http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/item/23
Основные акценты, которые отличают произведенную нами продукцию от аналогов, это – отменное качество, переходящее в долговечность, и цена, доступная большинству жителей Москвы и ближайшего Подмосковья http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/type/3
Модели оснащены фурнитурой (доводчиками, пневматическими или гидравлическими механизмами), обеспечивающими плавное, бесшумное открывание шкафчиков и ящиков http://www.aristo-chekhov.ru/garderobnaya_sistema
Ламинированное или пленочное покрытие поверхностей гарантирует эксплуатацию кухонных гарнитуров без ущерба для привлекательности в течение десятков лет http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/item/4
Купить кухню или другую мебель в Москве можно в любом фирменном салоне http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/type/2
Материал фасада: МДФ Стиль: Евро, Минимализм, Скандинавский, Современный Цвет: Белые, Орех Столешница: МДФ Цена за погонный метр: 34 732 рублей http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/type/1
Недорогие кухни http://aristo-chekhov.ru/catalog/item/20
Megan Wilson says
I will follow my kiddos with it!
Annette says
I would take this to a family reunion.
Virginia Rowell says
I would gift this to my daughter and she would definitely take it to Disney with her!
ger says
I would take the camera on my next trip!
Tammy says
I would love one so I can teach myself how to take really good pictures
Lauren U says
I would take it on vacations and let my kids go crazy with it!
gala says
We would take this camera to our next road trip
Leah Shumack says
I’m sure my daughter would take over on this so it would go to lots of volleyball games!
Rajee Pandi says
Love to use it for road trip
Tabathia B says
i would take it to the park
MaryAnn says
I would give this camera to my son to use.
Elizabeth Miller says
This camera would be great for my teen on all her high school events. I would give it to her for that reason.
John H. says
We would use this everywhere.
Jennifer H. says
I would take this everywhere.
Kassie Brown says
I would take this camera on family vacations.
ae minx says
This camera would be great for a quick trip to the beach with friends
LeAnn Harbert says
I will take this when I go camping with my granddaughters.
Donna Porter says
I would take this camera on our weekend away to the mountains. I am excited to see the beautiful Fall leaves and this camera would take some great pictures!
heather says
I would take this camera to the beach with me.
Michelle says
What an awesome opportunity!! Our 12 year old daughter would love this! Thank you!
Sarah Oswald says
I would take this on our yearly family vacation.
Holly Thomas says
I would take it with me everywhere.
Pauline Milner says
Hi. I just wanted to let you know that your entries are not working today. It keeps says, ‘shucks, we didn’t get your entry.’ Thanks.
Antoinette M says
I would take it on road trips and vacations.
Sue E says
I would take this anywhere and everywhere there are good pictures to be taken ?
Lynne says
I’d take it on vacation.
Joanna says
I would take this when kids visit cousins.
Eliza Ferree says
Would go on a walk around town with it. We have some beautiful parks I’d love to get photos of.
carl says
Katherine Klein says
I would take this on our vacations.
rosemary says
Elin Roberts says
I’d give this camera to my niece and nephew. They might like physical photos to have. I’m guessing they’d take it to friends’ homes, and for holidays with relatives. Thanks for the giveaway. ✌?
Donna L Holder says
i would use this for holidays
Michelle S says
I would love to take this on vacation or to our local amusement park.
Michelle Catallo says
My kids and I would love this so much and take it on all our vacations, staycations, and numerous nature hikes we do. We love creating memories, this would be fantastic to capture them with!
Christina Gould says
I would take this camera to go sightseeing with my family. Thanks for the giveaway!
Andrea v says
This would be so much fun for my daughter to use at games and things at school.
Cheryl Chervitz says
I would use it anywhere. I have 3 dogs and this would be great for showing them off!
Lisa Williams says
I would take this camera everywhere,we keep going on walks where there are deer and we go to family gatherings and I always wish I have a camera with me,and also my niece is going to have a baby and I’d like to get pictures after that.
Carol Moore says
I would take the camera to the beach!
Angelica Dimeo says
I would take it whenever i go somewhere.
Leela says
Just wherever we go.
Laurie Nykaza says
I would take this camera everywhere. It looks so easy to see what your taking a photo of and that would be wonderful for me. It would be fun to take on walks with my dogs and kids.
Julie Lundstrom says
I would love to take this camera to the Zoo with us.
Amy D says
I would take this camera everywhere. It is super portable, and it would allow me to take some great photos of my kids. I would love this!!! 🙂
Carly S says
I would love to take this camera to the park to snap some pictures of squirrels 🙂
Christy Peeples DuBois says
I love this camera. It is the nearest thing. I can’t get over all it’s features. I would take many pictures on my new grandson that turned 1 July 4th. Also I would take pictures of my daughters and family and friends.
Terri Shaw says
I would take it to all family get-togethers.
Tracie Cooper says
I would love to take this to Disney World!
Donna says
I would take this on vacations and to family gatherings.
Darlene Carbajal says
I would take it to a party!
Dana says
I would take it on vacation and day trips.
Dana Matthews says
I would take it on our vacation at the beach!
Robin Abrams says
I would take it every where that we go to get a lot of pictures of my grand kids
Jessica Peeling says
Out on the nature trails and out with friends
Tony Platz says
I would take it to Canada with me I like going there it is not to far and very nice.
Anita Mitchell says
I would take lots of pictures of my 3 grand children.
Marissa M says
I would take this on an upcoming trip to Colorado!
Kate S. says
I’ve been wanting a camera like this since my last camera broke… so I would take it everywhere including to Florida when we go next month!
Barbara Long says
I would take this camera on family trips to capture fun moments.
Debbie Welchert says
I would take it to all of my grandchildren’s school events.
Edye says
on family road trips!
Rhonda Rowe says
I’d love to win this camera for my daughter. Thank you for the chance.
Stephanie Jones says
i would take this with me everywhere!
jeanette h sheets says
i would first take to my cousins wedding on oct! ty
Abigail Schuette says
I would take this camera anywhere because I love making memories anywhere and everywhere! Plus it is so cool looking id love to show it off everywhere!
Thomas Gibson says
I would take this camera on an Alaskan cruise.
Suzanne Giorgione says
It’s so exciting Polaroid is making a comeback! What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance!
Suzanne Giorgione says
I would use this to take pictures of my kids and two grandsons!
Jennylyn Gross says
to school events
jennifer bowen says
I like to take it to all kinds of places like to fairs and shows
Shannon D Citrino says
I would take thus out with us on family fun nights! My kids would live taking and having instant pictures!!
Jeanna says
I would take this camera to my daughter’s next performance!
Christy Caldwell says
I’d take it to my son’s school activities and on family vacations.
Vickie L Couturier says
i would take this to all my grandkids sporting events
Jeanna Massman says
I would use it everyday to take pictures when we take our grandson on adventures.
Pauline Milner says
I would definitely take this camera on our upcoming trip to the UK! Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!
Mommy Crafts says
My daughter would love this! Taking pictures around the town and at parks, she’s always wanted a camera so this would be fun one to start with…
It would be fun to take to the beach.
Michael Coovert says
I would take this camera anytime my family gets together. I have always been the family historian.
Michael Coovert says
This is awesome! I remember the old huge clunky Polaroid cameras and have drawers full of old Polaroid photos.
shelly peterson says
I would take this to the park with my grandkids.
Cheryl says
I would take this camera out with us when we go for a hike in the country, so we can get some great pictures
Heather S. says
I would take this camera on Girl Scout outings so the girls could have instant fun pictures.
Lesley F says
Would love to take on vacation
Gina Ferrell says
I would take this camera on a trip and to the zoo.
Amber Kolb says
We like to take day trips to places in our state we haven’t been to yet and it’s always so much fun! We would love this camera to capture candid moments and nature.
Katy says
This would be perfect for parties so you could hand everyone a favor! I love the idea of taking it to our daughter’s kindergarten class parties too!
Dawn Monzu says
I would use this camera to take photos of my granddaughters. Actually, my granddaughter is turning 7 this weekend, so I may give it to her as a gift!
Nancy says
I would take this camera everywhere! It would be fun to use on vacation or on day trips.
monique s says
I would take it on hikes to take pics of nature
mami2jcn says
I would take it to the beach.
Kristen Joiner says
I’d take this camera on vacation with me, to parties are the holiday times, I’d take it practically everywhere. It’s awesome. 🙂
Jo Ricker says
I would take this camera everywhere!
Mia E. says
I would take this on our vacations and hikes.
Robert says
I would take it on vacations.
Katherine S says
I would take it to my kids baseball and soccer games
samantha says
I would take this everywhere. I have always loved photography.
Marilyn says
I would take this camera to my neighborhood to capture all the lovely different seasons.
Kelly Woods says
This would be perfect everywhere. We are a very active family. We love especially abandon buildings. This would be great. Thank you!
Heather! says
We have a weekend beach getaway planned for next month. This would be the perfect opportunity to test it out!
Darla Peduzzi says
I would love to have this camera to take pictures of my grandson. It would be so nice to have the actual print instead of all of them on my phone.
Dana Rodriguez says
This is an awesome little camera. I would use it on vacations and weekend outings.