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Looking to spread some holiday cheer but running out of ideas? Maybe you just need a gift for the person that has everything? One way to spread the love this holiday season is by sending a beautiful floral arrangement from Teleflora.
This holiday season, Teleflora is celebrating the gift of being together with family and friends near and far with the new campaign, Love Out Loud. By sending a holiday Teleflora Bouquet, you are sending a one-of-a-kind thoughtful gift that keeps on giving thanks to the adorable container the flowers come in!
Teleflora’s New Christmas Floral Bouquet Lineup Includes:
Teleflora’s Merry Mercury Centerpiece
Deliver the magic of Christmas with this stunning centerpiece overflowing with red roses, red carnations, chrysanthemums and fresh winter greens accented with silver berries and natural pinecones. All elements are arranged in a crosscut mercury glass bowl that can be used as a table centerpiece for Christmas and beyond. Available on Teleflora.com for $69.99
Teleflora’s Flurry of Elegance Bouquet
Celebrate the natural beauty of winter with this elegant and timeless Christmas bouquet brimming with red roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, winter greens and accents of glistening snowflakes and red berries. The limited-edition white porcelain vase features winter-white snowflakes on the front and back, making this a delightful dual vase and votive, perfect for displaying in your home for the entire winter season. Available on Teleflora.com for $64.99
Teleflora’s Deck the Holly Ornament Bouquet
Deck the holidays with this gorgeous bouquet of red roses and miniature carnations accentuated with glistening red ribbon and silver bobbles, all nestled within a shimmering ornament jar. This jubilant keepsake can be filled with holiday treats or decorations, allowing your loved ones to experience the gift that keeps on giving. Available on Teleflora.com for $59.99
Send a Hug Snowman Bouquet by Teleflora
Welcome winter home with this cozy and cheerful bouquet featuring red carnations, chrysanthemums, winter greens and frosted pinecones nestled within a charming snowman mug that is guaranteed to become a holiday keepsake. This sweet, oversized, limited-edition snowman mug will allow the recipient of this joyous bouquet to sip a delicious cup of hot cocoa and keep themselves warm all winter long. Available on Teleflora.com for $49.99
Teleflora’s Merry Vintage Christmas Bouquet
Give season’s greetings with this vintage-inspired Christmas dream adorned with red roses, carnations, winter greens and bronze ornaments with cinnamon stick accents. This classic bouquet that fits snugly within a rustic metal cube adorned with a retro holiday design will evoke Christmases past and will complement any décor, from traditional to modern. Available on Teleflora.com for $54.99
Check out a Teleflora Holiday Bouquet this year
This holiday, LOVE OUT LOUD by sending a beautiful floral arrangement by Teleflora—all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. To place your order, please visit www.teleflora.com.
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