The New Year brings a fresh start and an opportunity to practice resolution-setting with little ones. While there is no “right way” to teach your children how to set goals, a great idea is focusing on giving back and being kinder to others.
Whatever resolutions your family creates, there are always opportunities to teach children the importance of lifting others on the way to personal success. By spreading kindness you are more likely to inspire others as well as receive a little love in return. For children, this can be in the form of sharing, helping others, or saying please and thank you.

To provide a family-friendly activity for the New Year your whole family can benefit from, FTD has created 3 “New Year, New Me” kindness calendars that are versatile for every month of the year.
Each calendar offers inspiration to stay kindness conscious all year long. One is even geared at random acts of kindness for family members and friends. These simple reminders will help you and your little ones spread kindness at school, work or wherever life takes you!

They’ve also provided kindness challenges that are simple and can be turned into fun family activities to do together! Try these with your family or on your own to enter the New Year on a positive note
Give Back to Family and Friends
Pay it forward to a friend or loved one! Kindness can be contagious and being nice to your family and friends can make for a happier home! Keep track of loving those closest to you with a daily reminder from the printable calendar below.
Pick Up a New Skill
Challenge each other to pick up a new skill or hobby to enhance your creative tool belt and add some fun into your life! Learning is a great way to stay sharp and increase your little one’s brain functions.
Show Gratitude to Colleagues
Show a bit of gratitude to benefit every colleague at your office or whoever mentors you. If you run your business solo, show some love to someone who has helped or inspired you in the past!
Invest in Yourself
Show yourself some love by expanding your skills or knowledge, caring for your body and fitness goals, or simply cultivating your mental and emotional health.
Pay It Forward to Your Community
Give up some of your free time by volunteering in your community. Organize an event or take on a leadership position to get more involved!
Use this activity to show the ones you love some kindness and bring positive energy into your home. Teaching kindness to your children early can increase their generosity as they grow older! The New Year is all about refreshing for the better, so use this time to teach gratitude to your kids by thinking of fun ways you can show others kindness. Happy New Year!
Antoinette M says
This is awesome. Such great ideas!
Dana Rodriguez says
I really like these. Great way to teach kids kindness. Thanks!