I received products in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.
My 12-year-old has been in love with building ever since he discovered he could stack two blocks together and they stayed there. My oldest son liked building but my youngest son has stuck with it. It is like he can see a building and design by just looking at a pile of blocks. Aside from the exterior design though of a building or set, he doesn’t know much else about a building – like how it is powered!
Elenco has come out with a set called Snap Circuits® MyHome which teaches kids all about how electricity powers your home.

MyHome answers questions everyone should know, like:
How does the electric company get power to your house?
How does power travel inside your walls?
What happens when you turn on a light?
What happens when the power goes out?
What are fuses and circuit breakers and how do they work?
What does MyHome teach?
Seven colored base grids to make your structure your own design.
Learn about circuitry, security systems, dimmer switches, automatic lights, alarms, motion detectors, fan speeds, appliance motors, generators, and much more!
Approximately 60 parts and 25 projects to complete.
What do my boys think of Snap Circuits?
My 12-year-old is a builder and loves to piece things together while my 13-year-old is more techie and loves anything powered. This kept them busy for over an hour the first time they built it and they actually worked on it together – which never ever happens anymore.

Now my oldest son has placed his MyHome creation on his desk and he fidgets with it while he sits at his desk. It is a great toy to unwind to and he has already re-built it to move things around. This is seriously a fun toy and it gets kids thinking!

Check out Snap Circuits
You can find Snap Circuits My Home on the Elenco website or at a toy retailer near you!
Here is a quick video of his creation:
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