Giving life is a miracle, and the moment a mother holds her newborn is magical. After nine long months however, the cramps and stretches involved in the delivery process can be a traumatic experience to any new mother. As if that is not enough, a delivery gone wrong can cause damage to the infant. Unfortunately, some children are born with birth defects, some of which happen right during the process of birth. Here are four kinds of birth injuries new and expecting mothers should be aware of.
Delivery Fractures
Collarbone fractures are the most common kinds of injuries in child delivery. They occur as the mother pushes the baby through the delivery canal. They also occur when the baby is bigger, and when the baby is premature. An immature baby has fragile bones, which can break if not carefully handled. In some cases, the shape and size of the mother’s pelvis may not allow the baby to be born through the vagina. Other instances include maternal obesity, prolonged labor, difficult labor, and cases of abnormal birth scenarios.
Brain Injuries
Some injuries heal by themselves, but others have no cure. They render the baby disabled as soon as they face the light of the world. There are several causes of brain injury, and the most common one is medical negligence from the medical team. Physical injuries could be caused by blunt forces, vacuum extraction, or pulling of the head during delivery. There are times when the baby gets choked with the umbilical cord. Some of the challenges they face as they grow up include delayed development, behavioral challenges, and cognitive difficulties. As the mom, you are, therefore, advised to review the chronological accounts of what occurred before the child’s first very birthday the time of delivery so that if there are traces of negligence, your family can be compensated.
Cerebral Palsy
Nowadays, many mothers opt for a C-section, thinking that it is the safest method. However, this option has its own set of disadvantages. During the procedure, the baby may sustain cuts, for instance, which may affect delicate organs such as the brain. On a deeper look, cerebral palsy is among the most common conditions that may stem from physical injury of the brain.
Rather than at birth, the condition often results from brain damage as the child develops in the womb. This is among the reasons expectant mothers are advised to keep in check with their doctors so the baby’s development and positioning can be monitored while they’re in the womb.
Cerebral palsy can have devastating effects on both the newborn and the new mom. According to The Tinker Law Firm, symptoms may vary from one patient to another. It can limit the speech, vision, and hearing of a child and above all limits how the child’s mental and muscle functions. Some of the situations that can cause cerebral palsy are a bleeding brain, fever and infection, heart attack, and medical negligence during childbirth.
Treatment is often expensive and extensive, and it may hurt to know that the doctor who attended to you during pregnancy could have prevented this condition if they were attentive and professional enough. Some cases of cerebral palsy are caused by medical negligence, which means that your child may deserve compensation if they suffer from the condition.
Spinal Cord Injuries
The spine is a crucial part of the body that sends signals to the brain to control the movement of the limbs. During delivery, when the doctor exerts too much force when pulling the baby, it may injure the baby, making it have issues with mobility and sense of touch. The injuries can either be complete or incomplete depending on the intensity of the pull. Other defects include bowel and bladder problems, sharp nerve pain, weakness, and abnormal reflexes.
While some of the above-mentioned circumstances are inevitable, an expectant mother needs to be careful as she labors to see the fruit of her womb. It is also important to invest in a recommendable doctor. This will help spare her from the agony of raising a child with a disability, not forgetting the costs involved.
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