I received product in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Author: Dave Wiesner
In this hilarious gem from triple Caldecott winner David Wiesner, it’s big sister to the rescue when a new baby is delivered to a family of robots and the adults are flummoxed by technical difficulties.
A new baby’s arrival is a big moment in any family, even a family of robots. Award winner David Wiesner captures the excitement and fanfare when baby Flange appears—as a crate full of components. The adults bungle the process of assembling Flange, with catastrophic results. Big sister Cathy, with her handy toolbox and advanced knowledge of robotics and IT, hasn’t been allowed to help, but in the ensuing chaos she calmly clears up the technical difficulties and bonds with her new baby brother. A shout-out for girl scientists and makers, Robobaby is an eye-opening and engaging blend of the familiar and the fantastic.About the author: David Wiesner is internationally renowned for his visual storytelling and has won the Caldecott Medal three times—for Tuesday, The Three Pigs, and Flotsam—the second person in history to do so. He is also the recipient of three Caldecott Honors, for Free Fall, Sector 7, and Mr. Wuffles. He lives near Philadelphia with his family.
Need a robot to go along with your child’s new book Robobaby?
Check out the Sillbird STEM Building Blocks Robot for Kids on Amazon:
Once assembled (which is part of the educational fun), the remote-controlled robot can move left, right, front, back and 360 degree. Remote control distance over 20 meters. It can also be controlled with the smartphone app via remote control mode, path mode, voice control, gravity seneor, and STEM programming. The modes are simple and easy to use. The robot joints are free to move, and the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, tracks, and eyebrows can be rotated for various expressions. Rechargeable batteries via USB cable. A120 min charge allows for 40 min of play. The remote control needs 2AAA batteries (NOT INCLUDED). This building toy will promote your child’s hand-eye coordination and creativity, enhance critical thinking and development skills, all while having fun. It is made of high quality, safe and harmless ABS plastics for children.

Check out Robobaby
You can find Robobaby on Amazon or at a bookstore near you.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive Robobaby with a specially designed, signed bookplate

I also wanted to share a giveaway the publisher is hosting which includes the book Robobaby and the Sillbird STEM Building Blocks Robot for Kids.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Ryan Schemmel says
I would take over the world with a fully-functioning robot
christina moore says
My grandson would love this kit and book
samantha says
My son is definitely into robots. This would be a perfect gift for him!
Rosemary says
wow-need it
Donna L says
I would like to have a robot that will clean my house!
Shadow62310 says
I would love for the robot to help with dishes and laundry
Pam Flynn says
It would be fun to have a fully functional robot to bring me my books to read and rub my feet. It would be fun!
Tony Platz says
We all could use a robot for something .
Tony Platz says
I f I had a robot it would do housework .
Dana says
I would have the robot clean my house because I hate cleaning.
Tressie L says
I would have it complete all the things I normally ask my husband to do so it can finally get done. Also have it teach me the things I want to learn. Hope the programmer can give it patience.
Rachel says
I would get it to wash the hand-wash dishes! Being home all the time in 2020 has shown me how those can pile up.
Kathy Persons says
I would take more time to play instead of cleaning cooking and laundry
Natosha says
If I had a robot hat could do much of anything, I would love to have it be able to fetch me something from one side of the room back. I would also love it to pass letters or papers from my room to my mom’s room.
Heather Kaufman says
It would clean my kid’s bathroom.
Jan Lee says
I would have them grocery shop and do my laundry for me. Both are tasks I can barely do because of my disability.
Jan Lee says
I loved watching the Jetsons cartoon with Rosie the robot as their maid 🙂
Anita Yancey says
If I had a fully-functioning robot, I would get it to do my housework.
Linda says
If I had a working robot, I’d ask it to help me clean the house.
Samantha Wagner says
I feel like robots would be helpful in the real world, just would’t want them to be smarter than us humans 😄
Samantha Wagner says
Oh my goodness, if I had a fully functional robot, it would clean my house for me 😄😄
Shirley Emitt says
If I had a fully-functioning robot, I would at the end of the day let the robot finish what I had not got done.
Nancy says
If I had a fully-functioning robot, it would quickly and efficiently do every single household chore that needs to be done. And…. I would love it!
Nancy says
We love our robotic vacuum cleaners!
gloria patterson says
would do if you had a fully-functioning robot??
At 70 this is not the type of robot I want 🙂 But I think this is a great STEM learning project and we need all of our kids to get involved as early as we can. My great niece would need some help but oh what a great learning tool.
gloria patterson says
I just ordered my great great nephew in TN who loves dinosaur ;a dinosaur robot
Brenda K Boone says
it would do the task i can not do around the house
Leela says
My kids love robots.
Gina Ferrell says
Robots are the coolest thing and interesting at what they can do.
Patricia E says
This would be great. I would make my robot wake up my kids for school.
Polly Hall says
Ever since the Jestson’s I have always wanted a Rosie Robot to do all of the housework.
Vickie L Couturier says
all my grandsons love robots,so they would love this
Jennifer Cervantes says
If I had a fully functional robot would have it help clean up after my kids and bug them to do their chores for me.
EDYE says
my cousin loves books!
EDYE says
I have it help with dishes!