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Green Eggs and Ham: The Complete First Season
A chance meeting at a diner and a briefcase switch-up, results in two unlikely companions Sam (Devine) and Guy (Douglas) getting mixed up on an adventure that takes them on a road trip to save an endangered animal – the elusive Chickeraffe – from a far-off zoo. The two mismatched souls cross paths with the overprotective Michellee (Keaton), whose daughter, EB (Glazer) desperately wants a pet and falls in love with the Chickeraffe…despite her mother’s fears that it will eat off her face (it won’t).
As Michellee’s walled-up heart connects with the heart-hardened Guy, a laborious love story begins. With the foursome also unknowingly pursued by a bounty-hunter Goat (Turturro), two bad guys, McWinkle (Wright) and Gluntz (Bell) and Snerz (Izzard) a tiny, evil overlord who’s out to get the Chickeraffe as his ultimate trophy, they set out on a cross-country road trip, learning to try new things along the way – like hope, friendship…and a certain delectable dish!
BUY IT: Check out Green Eggs and Ham: The Complete First Season on Amazon or wherever DVDs are sold.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Green Eggs and Ham: The Complete First Season”

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Hesper Fry says
I always enjoyed Dr. Seuss growing up and now my 2 daughters enjoy it too!
Beverly Metcalf says
My grandchildren love reading these books and I know they would love the movie. Thanks!
Judy Rittenhouse says
I remember “Green and Eggs and Ham” as one of my first Dr Suess books.
Anne Perry says
OneFish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is a great book.
Rosemary says
Jamie Martin says
I just started selling some Dr Seuss washi tapes in my Etsy store: LifeIsGoodToday.
Annmarie Weeks says
I’ve always loved Dr. Seuss…and I think that Horton Hears a Who is probably my favorite!
Lauryn R says
Green Eggs and Ham was/is my all time favorite Dr. Suess book when I was a kid! We still haven’t seen this cartoon yet though. I know kids would love it.
Tina Berrier says
What a wonderful gift for my grandchildren.
Kim Roach says
Love to read booka and watch movies with the kiddos
Vickie L Couturier says
I read to my children DR Seuss and now the grandchildren,,such a classic
Donna L says
My daughter had a lot of Dr. Seuss ‘s books when she was young.
Linda G says
Oh my goodness I use to read all these Dr Seuss to my daughter when she was little, they were her favorite books
Terri Schneider says
Dr. Suess was a huge part of my childhood! And my kids!
Tony Platz says
My first books as a child also all of my childrens first books .
gloria patterson says
Leave a blog post comment on anything Dr. Seuss related?
I got my great niece a green eggs and ham book when she was about 15 months old. Lets say it became her favorite. She wanted it read ot her all the time. Next time I saw her dad he looked at me and told me he hate me……………
Nancy says
Dr. Seuss also created the art work for the bug spray Flit with this slogan: Quick Henry, the Flit!
Lisa Williams says
I have always loved all things Dr. Seuss, all the books as well as the shows my mom would have on the the t.v. such as The Sneetches and The Lorax with some great messages in the stories.
Jan Lee says
I loved Dr. Seuss as a kid…One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish was one of the first books I remember reading. Then of course How The Grinch Stole Christmas 🙂
Leela says
They were some of my kids first books.