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Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Grand Prix
Rev up and roll out! Join Blaze and his friends at the Axle City Grand Prix! The racing doesn’t stop there as we zoom into a Deep Sea Grand Prix, the Bouncing Bull racetrack and round it all out with a race day rescue!
Axle City Grand Prix
The Bouncing Ball Racetrack
Raceday Rescue
Deep Sea Grand Prix
BUY IT: Check out Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Grand Prix on Amazon or wherever DVDs are sold.
WIN IT: (1) US winner will receive the DVD “Blaze and the Monster Machines: Axle City Grand Prix”

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gloria patterson says
I don’t know if my great niece watches this or not. I don’t think she has when she spends the day with me…………. then again there is so many different shows
Vickie L Couturier says
oh yes all my gransons loved this and the little ones still watch
Leela says
My kids do.
Jamie Martin says
Not yet
Shirley Symon says
I don’t think so but it has cars so they will be interested.
Lisa Williams says
I don’t think my child has ever watched this show but it looks like a fun one she would love.
Gina Ferrell says
My Godchild loves to watch this show.
B.J. Bernal says
Yes my grandson watches this!