Asthma is a condition that can cause occasional breathing difficulties. It is a disease that commonly starts in childhood, although it can sometimes be developed later in life. It is thought that over 6 million American children currently have asthma, for which there is no cure. However, it can be successfully managed, so it is important to know the signs of asthma, get a diagnosis and treatment if you think your child may have asthma. Here are some of the symptoms of Asthma to watch out for.
A cough is the most common symptom, and an asthmatic cough is likely to be a persistent one or one that happens in repeated spells. Asthmatic coughing spells often occur during play or exercise, in the cold, or at night. Children with asthma may find that coughs are worse after a viral infection.
People with Asthma may also be more prone to Infections and respiratory illnesses that affect the lungs, such as asthmatic bronchitis. Regular episodes of bronchiolitis may be an indicator of an underlying condition that needs to be checked. Furthermore, Asthmatic bronchitis in a child should always be examined by a physician, so if you think your child’s cough is more than an asthmatic or viral cough, be sure to get it looked at.
A child’s persistent cough may also be keeping them up at night or waking them through the night, disturbing their sleep. You may find your child fatigued during the day as a result. If this sounds familiar, it is worth seeking medical advice as it is easily preventable.
This is akin to a whistling sound when breathing in and out. Wheezing could be caused by the inflammation of the airways so seeking medical advice is always recommended. A doctor will listen to your child’s breathing with a stethoscope to determine the presence of any wheezing and may recommend treatment to alleviate the symptoms, if required.
Breathlessness or a tight chest
Breathlessness may not be as scary as it sounds and can manifest itself as rapid or quick breathing as opposed to the inability to breath. Watch your child’s body to see how they are breathing, are they using their entire body breath? Are their shoulders up and down as they breath? This could indicate some breathing difficulties that need to be examined.
Chest tightness may be harder for younger children to explain and may be confused with a tummy ache or holding the tummy or chest. If you are at all concerned you should visit your physician.
Predispositions to developing asthma
Some children may be more prone to developing asthma. For example, those who have a family history of asthma or children with allergies may be more likely to develop asthma. Children born prematurely, before 37 weeks and before their lungs have fully developed, may also be more likely to develop asthma as can babies with a low birth weight. These factors do not automatically mean your child will suffer from asthma, but when considered in tandem with the above symptoms, it is worth a trip to the physician to rule it out.
How the above symptoms manifest in children will vary from one child to another. A child may have one or all of the above in varying degrees, but if you notice any, however mild, a medical opinion should always be sought.
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