Moms are the busy ones, yet they manage to achieve everything. But, sometimes, moms need some help too, especially when it comes to day-to-day chores such as cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. The latter is a big chore, especially in big families, so if you’re a busy (and tired) mom, then it’s important to learn some tips that will make things much easier and efficient. Therefore, here are some amazing laundry tips for all the busy moms out there.
Separate the laundry by type
Separating the laundry by color is a well-known trick that saves the day. But, once you separate the laundry by type: washing bed sheets and linens should be done in a sitting, without mixing underwear or other types of clothes. That way, you can focus on washing what needs to be washed urgently. When you separate the laundry, you actually prioritize what deserves your attention immediately.
Make a laundry schedule
A laundry schedule is an amazing help, as it allows you to organize your time more efficiently. If you have a big family, then doing a load of laundry per day is a smart idea. Doing and organizing laundry can be stressful, which is why it’s smart to start using a schedule to help you stay on track. If you’re busy during the week, then feel free to leave bigger laundry loads for the weekend. Choose a day or few in a week to do specific laundry then: that will help you know what needs to be washed, and you’ll be able to organize everything in a timely manner.
Get some extra help
There’s nothing wrong with getting some extra help, especially if you’re a busy mom. Hiring a babysitter and/or domestic help is fine, as it shows that you value things being done regardless of your personal availability. Hence, if you live in the city, or nearby, then feel free to check out green cleaning in Chicago in order to keep your clothes clean and in great condition. Just because you’re a busy mother, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use everything at your disposal to get things done, including professional help or services.
Do everything in one sitting
If you’re not air-drying your clothes, then it’s important to be organized and do everything in one sitting. Finishing a load of laundry on the same day is a huge achievement and a great benefit, as it allows you more free time. That means you should aim to wash, dry, fold and arrange your clothes in one day. Sure, it might seem like too much work, but it’s also an amazing way to get rid of procrastination when it comes to laundry.
Ask family members to help you
Kids naturally love helping as it makes them feel like adults, so if they’re old enough, feel free to include them in the process. Folding laundry can be a fun game, and it teaches the kids the importance of responsibility. Also, asking your spouse to give you a hand is normal, and it should be practiced, mainly if you’re too busy to do everything by yourself. Remember that you, as a mom, deserve to get some help, so next time you feel too overwhelmed with too much laundry, make sure to ask others to give you a hand.
These laundry tips will help you a lot if you’re a busy mom who has a lot on her plate. Just make sure to keep things organized, and to reduce procrastination to the minimum, as that will help you be more motivated and focused on tasks that need to be completed, such as laundry. As long as you’re organized and on track, you have nothing to worry about, because your laundry will be washed, dried, and sorted in no time.
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