Whether you are trying to choose a name for a baby or have decided that you would like to change your own name, choosing the best option is important. While consulting a list of the most popular names in the country is an excellent start, there is so much more that goes into the process of deciding on the best name for you.
Believe it or not, choosing a name is a little bit of a science beyond simple decision-making skills. A name can have both short and long-term psychological impacts, so learning how to settle on a name you love is crucial.
Why is Choosing the Right Name Important?
From a psychological standpoint, names can have a major impact on how a person acts and is treated in their life. In fact, those same studies have shown that a name can go as far as to influence the profession in which a person works, the grades we earn, and even why we marry.
- Choose a name that resonates with you
Above all, the name you pick should be something that makes you feel happy when called. A good name will make you feel warm inside and it will just feel write to see it written down or to say it aloud. For some people, this means finding a name with a deep cultural background or a family name. Others may simple see a name that they really enjoy.
- Practice saying the name out loud to see how it sounds spoken
One of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing a name is failing to test how it sounds out loud. Enjoying your written name is one thing, but it may sound odd when spoken aloud or it may not roll off the tongue. Go somewhere in public and say the name at a volume as if you were trying to grab someone’s attention to see if you get strange looks when people hear the name.
- Visit a coffee shop to see what the name looks like written down
Equally as important as liking how a name sounds out loud is enjoying what it looks like written down. To test this, going to a coffee shop where they write names on cups is an excellent strategy. If the name is for you, it can also be a great opportunity to pretend for a moment that it is your name to see how it feels.
- Consider choosing a name based on the meaning
Some people may find that a name with a meaning is a unique way to choose. Whether this meaning is cultural, religious, or simply a long-forgotten family name, choosing a name with meaning is a great strategy.
- Choose a name solely because it is popular on social media
Social media tends to overinflate how popular something is, and names are exactly the same way. Avoid picking a name solely because you saw it on television or during a movie that is currently popular.
- Land on a name without looking up its meaning
As mentioned, names can have a number of different meanings. Everybody should take the time to research the name they’re thinking of in a number of religions and cultures to see what it tends to represent. Even if you’re not superstitious, it can be helpful to know.
- Damage your relationship trying to choose a name
Many couples often butt heads over the name of their child, so much so that it drives a wedge in their relationship. Avoid letting this happen by discussing names in advance and determining if there are names that can be “compromise” names which may not be your favorite but that you still love.
- Assume that because a name is out of style that it’s not a good name
The fact that a name is no longer commonly heard does not mean it’s bad. In fact, that may allow for a level of uniqueness with the name.
Find a name you love and cherish today
Any name can be the right option for a person given their circumstances. Start with trying to select a name that has personal meaning to you, and then see if it translates into anything odd in languages you may speak. Once you’ve settled on a name, don’t forget to take a trip to somewhere public to say the name out loud to see if people look at you weird and to see it written down. By following these strategies, you’ll have a better chance at settling on a name that brings you joy.
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