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My son is starting lacrosse for the first time and so we have a whole new set of gear to keep track of. Now my kids have been playing sports for 10+ years and while they have outgrown a lot of gear, they have also lost their fair share. Kids are rushing and throwing gear here and there at practices and games so stuff gets misplaced or left behind easily.
How awesome are these?

One thing I have done to keep his new stuff at least as safe as it can be is label everything with his name. I mean we can’t help if it gets left behind but if it ends up in a teammates bag at least his name is on it. All the equipment pretty much looks the same, well at least to me it does, and I’ve always felt its better to label than not to label.
Labels are not just for preschoolers! I first used personalized name labels when my oldest started preschool and used them for years on his school supplies but then I realized they are useful for all ages and items!
Name Bubbles offers labels for all sorts of items that can be personalized in colors, name and even ways to adhere them. Need to label clothes or jerseys? They offer iron-on labels! Shoe lables are perfect for inside cleats, skates or everyday shoes! Everyday labels are perfect for all the gear and random items.
Have a son with allergies? My son has multiple food allergies and I love that they have a special personalized label for a medical alert of allergies.
Name Bubbles makes it easy to create your own labels or even buy a value pack bundle with a whole variety of shapes and sizes. I have always found the bundles to be the best bang for your buck!
Need to label something? Not yet – you will soon enough! No more hoping your marker writing won’t rub off the item, adhere a label and stop worrying!
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