When you first buy your house you never envisioned leaving it. Staying in the same place and growing roots with your family can give you a sense of belonging and it’s something that you should want to achieve at least once in life.
When you are there for a long period of time you become accustomed to the way your home looks and feels, and that means you practically become a native in your local area. The thing is, there are plenty of times where you may notice that you get that itch to move somewhere new. It may not even be about the location, but the house that you have right now. Of course, moving to a new place invites a whole load of things to do from getting a plumbing test for foundation repair, after speaking to a new surveyor about checking out the house to see if it’s livable before you move in. Speaking to electricians and other tradies can help you to determine whether or not the house you want to move into is liveable, but you should also check whether or not the one you’re currently living in has any issues.
So, what are the signs that you should look at moving on?
- You are feeling hemmed in. If you’ve been in the same place for a long time then it’s realistic that you’d like to move on to somewhere new at least once. As your family expands and you bring in new members of the household, moving into bigger premises is a must. Sometimes, you don’t need to add new babies into the mix to feel crammed. Maybe you’ve run out of storage space or you’ve got extra furniture that you need somewhere for it to go. Either way, if you’re feeling cramped then you need to move.
- There’s a problem with the foundation. As your house ages, there may be some issues with the house that require you to conduct huge repairs. The renovation and repairs may be necessary, but it’s important that you make sure that your home hasn’t converted itself into a complete money pit. After all, you may not want to spend a tonne of cash on saving your home from structural integration when you could just move to a new place entirely.
- You’re being relocated for work. It’s a good sign that you should move out of the house, because if you can’t commute you can’t get there. You can start afresh and make friends with new neighbors, make new memories with the family and consider having an ease of access to your new workplace. This should be an easy decision to make, because you wouldn’t have moved your job to a new place if you weren’t willing to move home.
- You just don’t fit. Maybe you’ve outgrown the house. Maybe the house that you bought when you were twenty just really doesn’t align with your goals now that you are 30. Regardless, if you don’t feel like your home is yours anymore, moving on is probably the best idea.
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