I received tickets in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Last month my family visited Denver, Colorado and we had two days to fill with activities that would appeal to my range of 11-42 years old. We also tried to do something that each of my kids would enjoy. So for my oldest we went to a NHL hockey game, my middle son we went hiking at Red Rocks Amphitheater and my youngest was a struggle. She loves both hockey and hiking but here true love is artsy stuff. I admit too I love anything different and out of the norm. When I realized there was a Meow Wolf there in Denver, I knew it was destined that we go. We were in Las Vegas last year and ran out of time before we could go to Meow Wold there so I was bummed.

So what is Meow Wolf?
Honestly, it is something so hard to explain that you just need to go and experience it. The way I have been explaining it is that it is a giant warehouse packed full of art exhibits that are like nothing you have ever seen before. Its like the warehouse let artists come in and create whatever they wanted to and the crazier the better! Everything is family-friendly and nothing is inappropriate. Some art interactive and you can touch and move them around but most are just ones you can’t stop mesmerizing at.

Here is the actual description of Meow Wolf Denver:
This 4-story immersive art exhibition is home to 70+ unique installations, rooms, and portals. Together, they tell an unforgettable, cathartic tale of converged worlds. Arrive as you. Leave transformed.

We explored for about three hours and honestly, we could have spent longer. There is even a cafeteria if you need a food break! We didn’t realize this until later so definitely something to keep in mind.

Now as I mentioned this place is a huge warehouse, 4-stories to be exact, and you can get through each room/exhibit by going through various doors all over the place. We went through the same door multiple times and would just turn around and try a different door to explore somewhere else. It can be frustrating but it can also be fun to see where you are going to end up. I feel like we kept backtracking because I didn’t want to miss anything.

I loved the place and while it is expensive, I highly recommend trying to check it out. While art may not be your jam, there is definitely something to surprise everyone. My boys are as anti-art as you can get but they loved the lights and interactive exhibits.

My 11-year-old daughter was just amazed by everything and I saw her re-creating art installations in her head. She couldn’t believe how everything flowed together but was totally different and out there.

Buy a QPass to experience more at Meow Wolf!
So when we were exploring we saw people with these card scanning them at different kiosks. I asked a worker and they explained they are QPass cards that enhance your experience. I wish we knew about them right when we got there because we totally would have bought a card – especially since a family can share one and they are only $3!

The QPass cards can be purchased in the lobby and give people a change to interact more and delve deeper in to the world of the rooms in Meow Wolf. I mean for $3 it seems totally worth it to me but I didn’t figure it out until we were done what they were, don’t make that mistake! While I am usually hesitant with add-ons this is super affordable and I like that it would be a mission for kids especially to scan them all.

Are you ready to experience Meow Wolf Denver?
Make sure to check out the times on the website and pre-pay for your tickets so you are all set to go once you get there.
Convergence Station
1338 1st St.
Denver, CO 80204
There is also a Meow Wold in Santa Fe and Las Vegas to check that are totally different!
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