I received this product in exchange for sharing my honest opinion.

Working at home has had its ups and downs but mainly it has been better for both my husband and I. We are more productive and waste less time overall. We definitely had to upgrade our workspaces though.
We started upgrading our workspaces with dual monitors, standing desks, comfier chairs and good headphones with a microphone in them. A lamp didn’t cross our minds until someone pointed out how dark my husband looked on screen. While I thought we had sufficient light in our office, it apparently is not enough once you start going on Zoom meetings. I had no idea how dark my background was with the regular lights we had in our office.
The Quntis Double Head LED Tall Desk Lamp has been a lifesaver! It is something that I wish I would have picked up two of these back when we started working from home.

Benefits of the Quntis Double Head LED Tall Desk Lamp:
Clamps on the desk so no worrying about taking up valuable desk space.

Foldable and a broad 71″ width lighting range.

Worked with dual monitors, curved monitors and extends a max 27.5″ working height.

1500 lumens of uniform and soft brightness with 32 lighting modes available through the use of two light bars.

Sturdy material made of aluminum and ABS material for better heat dissipation and can be used for up to 50,000 hours.
There is no glare, strobe lights or annoying colors.
This lamp really has been amazing at home for us and brightens up our space. I like that the light is long and adjustable rather than a circle or traditional lamp that aims light downwards. This lamp gives an equal display of light that Zoom calls are not longer dark and unflattering. A good lamp gives a more professional appearance and is something so simple but often overlooked.
Get a desk lamp for your home office
Check out the Quntis Double Head LED Tall Desk Lamp on Amazon or on the Quntis website.
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