Being involved in a car accident during pregnancy can be upsetting, traumatic and have a long-lasting effect on the victim. The average settlement for this type of case will depend on a number of factors; compensation will depend on the outcome of the accident and the injuries obtained. There is also the factor of liability with regards to the accident, and where the fault lies.
Car accident attorneys have experience in helping pregnant women to fight their case and obtain the compensation they deserve. Whether it’s you or your loved one going through the recovery after the incident, there are professionals on hand who can help you gain some justice and be your advocate at this time.
There are numerous factors which can affect a settlement for a motor vehicle accident involving pregnancy injuries, all of which will be taken into account during the case. The extent of your injuries will directly influence how much money you might expect to gain from a settlement. The severity of the case and the higher your expenses are as a result of the accident will also impact the outcome of your compensatory rights if you’ve been hurt during a road accident whilst pregnant.
The economic damages you may be able to claim include, medical bills, physical therapy costs, medication costs, vehicle repair, transportation and hospital stays. This will compensate you for any financial losses due to your injuries. There may also be non-economic damages to consider such as, mental health, stress, scarring, disability, and lessened quality of life. Although these losses are not assigned with a fixed amount, a personal injury lawyer will help to assess and determine the value of any non-economic damages.
Take a look at the infographic below for more information regarding average settlement amounts for pregnant plaintiffs. This may help you to determine how much compensation you can expect as a result of your injuries whilst pregnant:

Infographic by Calculate My Case:CalculateMyCase
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