Okay so since I started using my new FitBit, I figure I should also cut back on calories. Now I am not one to diet, nor do I want to not eat foods that I normally would, but I have found a few ways to cut calories. I figure every little helps, right?! Cut out […]
3 Teeth in One Month!
Beginning of the month Aidan, my soon-to-be 6 year old, lost his first tooth. It had been loose and him and his brother were fighting and out it came. Blood everywhere! He was so excited! Then the other day, they were playing around again and Aidan lost another tooth! The next morning, he was wiggling […]
You Can’t Just Be a Mom…
Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the hardest and most important job I have ever had, and I wouldn’t change it for a second. But I am also a woman and a wife, a daughter and a sister. As a mom of three I know how hard it is to get caught up […]
Give Your Blog an Audit For the New Year
Okay believe me I am no expert and I make mistakes pretty much daily (sometimes hourly) on my blog as it is a never ending learning process for me. I did not go to school for web design or coding but rather I taught myself from books, following other blogs and lots of Google searches. […]
What Is Your Worst Mommy Moment?
So the other day a big baby product company posted a picture on its Facebook page of a maybe 3 year old holding a marker sitting next to a maybe 9 month old in an infant bouncer, the baby of course with his face covered in blue marker. The post was meant to be funny […]
How to Fix Your Kitchen Sink Cabinet Floor
I saw this somewhere on Pinterest awhile ago but never saved it and the other day I was reminded of it. We had to change the cartridge on our water filter so my husband had to take everything out from other the sink. We have had so many drops and leaks under there that our […]
How Early Do You Put Up Christmas Decorations?
Okay so yes Thanksgiving is the next big holiday, but I am really needing the whole Christmas mood right now. Something about having my house decorated and then snow (which in Chicago can be anytime now) just makes me smile. Yes I hate the cold and driving in the snow, but I do like looking […]
LEGO Pumpkin Carving Template
Since my boys are totally obsessed with LEGO right now, here is a fun LEGO Pumpkin carving template we used. I also cropped it and re-sized it, but if it is not the right size for your pumpkin just change the “Scale” % when you click Print (it should be an option and the default […]
Tip: Keep Green Onions Longer
I am constantly using green onions and the times I really need them is the time that I am also usually out. Well I figured out a way to save them from shriveling up! I cut them up and put them in an old parmesan cheese container (you can use any container, this works great […]