There are always going to be a number of homeowners who are prepared to tackle a variety of DIY jobs and a good number of tasks might be completed to a reasonable standard and save on the cost of calling in someone with a skilled trade. However, there are always going to be jobs that […]
Fun With a Handmade Teepee Made in the USA
I partnered with this brand for product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. When I was younger I was fascinated with tents and teepees. I remember I had one that clipped over my mattress that I loved. My daughter actually got a tent for Christmas from a retail store (that was actually kinda expensive) […]
Tips for Saving for a Summer Vacation #SharetheLuv
This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine. “Kids are expensive” is something so often said amongst parents. Don’t get me wrong, kids can be expensive but there are definitely ways to cut corners without sacrificing quality for kids. From day to […]
No More Fighting Over Netflix @Netflix #StreamTeam
I am currently a member of the Netflix Stream Team and this post is part of my involvement in the Group in exchange for receiving a product package. With summer break just starting out for my kids I have begun reminiscing about my own childhood. I was telling my kids the other day how when […]
5 Ways to Teach Kids About Electrical Safety
Recently, I discussed the importance of keeping your family safe in the winter when fires are more likely to occur. One of the main causes of home fires is faulty electrical wires and equipment. Electrical safety is something to keep in mind. If you have children electricity poses an even greater threat. When my oldest […]
Weber Grills Gifts For the BBQ Chef in Your Family #webersgreatesthits
I partnered with this brand in exchange for product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. Just in time for summer barbecues and Father’s Day, Weber Grills has some amazing products for the BBQ Chef in your life. Now you may think of grills when you hear Weber, but did you know that Weber makes […]
Beauty Bucket List 10 Unexpected Must Do Things
Want to look, feel and think more beautifully? Don’t we all? Several experts were called upon in dermatology, longevity, psychology and even plastic surgery to bring you 10 unexpected things to consider adding to your beauty bucket list. They are… Regardless of where you are on your beauty journey of life know that how we feel matters most and feeling […]
The No. 1 Sports Team Management App & Free 3 Month Trial #sspartners #OhSnapApp
This post is sponsored by TeamSnap brought to you through ShopShare Network. All opinions remain my own. A year ago my oldest son started on his first hockey team. It was our first experience of anything other than park district and required a lot of organization. From keeping his equipment clean and ready, to knowing […]
My Son Was Born With a Rare Congenital Heart Defect, Tetralogy of Fallot
If you haven’t seen or heard about it, Jimmy Kimmel just shared a monologue about his son being born with a congenital heart condition. His son was born a few weeks ago and diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. Hearing Jimmy talk about his son made me realize I never shared our story. What is Tetralogy of […]