I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. I know, I know Halloween hasn’t even happened yet and we are talking about Christmas movies but honestly, Christmas movies are always so cheerful that is it ever too early to start them? I have always loved Christmas and right around mid-October I start getting […]
“After Death” Coming to Theaters October 27th (& Tickets Giveaway Ends 10/27)
Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. After Death in theaters starting October 27th! John Burke was a skeptic before he first read about near-death experiences. Now, after researching near-death experiences for over 30 years and interviewing countless people who have gone […]
Book “Potatoes for Pirate Pearl” (& Pirate Giveaway Ends 11/6)
Potatoes for Pirate Pearl by Jennifer Concepcion / illusustrator Chloe Burgett Celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day with Pirate Pearl and her parrot, Petunia, as they grow tired of their hardtack biscuits and abandon ship in search of new vittles. Their treasure map leads them to an unlikely place: Farmer Fay’s potato farm. Farmer […]
DVD “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” (& Giveaway Ends 10/27)
I received this product in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts October 10, 2023 OPTIMUS PRIME and the AUTOBOTS take on their biggest challenge yet! When a new threat capable of destroying the entire planet emerges, they must team up with a powerful faction known as the MAXIMALS. With the […]
Emergency Survival Kit and First Aid Kit Giveaway (Ends 11/1)
This post contains affiliate links. Just Free Stuff is giving away a Portable Movie Projector. To enter – just input your email address on their form and confirm their email. Super easy and someone has to win, right?!? Emergency Survival Kit and First Aid Kit Giveaway Click HERE to Enter To Win an Emergency Survival Kit and […]
“The Blind” Coming to Theaters September 28th (& Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 10/6)
Many thanks to Tread Lively for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. The Blind only in theaters starting 9/28 Long before Phil Robertson was a reality TV star, he fell in love, started a family, and began to spiral out of control. THE BLIND shares never-before-revealed moments in Phil’s […]
“On Fire” – Inspired by a True Story Coming to Theaters September 29 (& Giveaway Ends 9/29)
I will receive compensation in exchange for sharing this information and my honest opinion. See On Fire on September 29th Follows a family who lives in a trailer home in the woods and are suddenly confronted by a wildfire. Survival becomes their main objective. We all heard about the fires and many all over even […]
Portable Movie Projector Giveaway (Ends 10/1)
This post contains affiliate links. Just Free Stuff is giving away a Portable Movie Projector. To enter – just input your email address on their form and confirm their email. Super easy and someone has to win, right?!? Portable Movie Projector Giveaway Click HERE to Enter To Win a Portable Movie Projector Prize (1): Portable Movie Projector One […]
“Camp Hideout” Coming to Theaters September 15th (& Fandango Gift Card Giveaway Ends 9/15)
I will receive compensation in exchange for sharing this information and my honest opinion. Camp Hideout is in theaters nationwide September 15th Directed by: Sean Olson Written by: Kat OlsonC. Neil DavenportDave DeBorde Starring: Corbin BleuAmanda LeightonEthan Drewand Christopher Lloyd Produced by: Phillip GlasserJason Brown Check out the Camp Hideout Trailer: Camp Hideout Social Media: Website camphideoutmovie.com […]