I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. I first learned about Moosh-Moosh last month when I got to check out a bunch of the adorable, squishable characters. They are seriously the cutest and most cuddly little plushies I have ever tried – think marshmallow-squishy. At the time, there was just three sizes […]
Working on Spelling & Phonics With Wonster Words
I received compensation/product in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. I feel like with each of my kids, school has gotten harder. Not necessary harder for my kids but harder in the sense that the expectations are higher. My daughter is tested daily in math and each time she passes a timed math test she […]
Battling Dysentary With The Oregon Trail Collection
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. My favorite class in school when I was younger was computer class. They were just coming out and we had limited time with them in school. The computers had two games on them, one of them being Oregon Trail. I remember playing it every second […]
Getting Ready for Goosebumps 2 with some science and baking
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. When my sister was younger, her favorite book series was Goosebumps. I remember reading some of them just for fun as I loved other books by R.L. Stine. Fast forward to me having my own kids and they are now starting to get into Goosebumps […]
5 Tips to Simplify Holiday Baking & Christmas Tree Deviled Eggs
I have never been one who loves to cook but I do love baking. By baking though I mean simple recipes as I am not at all creative in the kitchen. I am pretty comfortable in the kitchen though as I’ve been cooking and baking for what seems like forever now. Here are some tips […]
Origami Humans Kit
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. Origami Humans Kit Master paper artist Marc Kirschenbaum celebrates humanity with his whimsical new collection of customizable paper people. These twelve unique characters can be customized in endless ways—you can even attach your photo or a friend’s! The models are easy to fold, ranging from origami […]
Craft Kits for Kids from LaurDIY
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. When I was younger I loved crafts and creating random things. I kinda lost that as I grew older and life got in the way. Then when my daughter was born it slowly started to come to me and I was excited to have a […]
Kids Can Become Latte Baristas With the Creative Cafe Barista Bar
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. If you have a budding little chef at home, more specifically a barista, RoseArt has launched the perfect gift. The Creative Cafe Barista Bar is the perfect kid-friendly small appliance that actually works! Kids can create their own coffee-free “lattes” made with frothed milk and […]
Surviving Cold & Flu Season with Lolleez
I received product/compensation in excahnge for sharing my honest opinion. Winter is here, well at least it feels like it here in Chicago and it also means sickness is literally around every corner. From school to the grocery store to everything in between, I feel like everyone has a runny nose, cough, sore throat or […]