I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. When I was younger I hated headphones and loved just blasting my music. I just didn’t like the sound so close to my ears and headphones never felt comfortable on my head. As I have gotten older though I have grown to appreciate the peacefulness […]
How is Technology Empowering Our Family Life?
Technology Connects Family; Not Disconnect… We have heard a lot of the rumors that technology has affected the family lives in a lousy manner. But the fact is that technology is building the relationship between the family members like never before. The proof of this claim is our everyday lives. If we look around, many […]
10 Reasons to Upgrade to the HP Envy
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. So with four of us in my household using computers daily, technology is something that gets replaced or added to often. Whether it be a new accessory or a whole new computer, technology is constantly evolving. Right now my main laptop and desktop are dying […]
Going Beyond With Starlink Battle for Atlas
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. So when I first heard of Starlink Battle for Atlas, I wasn’t sure what to expect. We have tried other video games with toys and they were a hit but my boys were younger. I wasn’t sure my 10 and 11-year-old would like a video game […]
How to add Legendary Pokémon to Your Pokemon Games #BeLegendary
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. It’s the year of the Legendary Pokémon! In case you haven’t heard your kids talk about them (or maybe you play yourself) – Legendary Pokémon are important for the story of the games but can be difficult to collect as players only encounter one of a […]
Protect Precious Family Moments With These Tech Tools
If you’re like most mothers, then you may have been just a little snap happy over the years. We all want to capture those moments precious to us and our family, from the earliest home videos to snaps the newest addition to the family. All too often, however, these memories are lost because film degrades, […]
Why Your Family Will Love a Used MacBook From Swappa #SwappaMacBook
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. For me, my computer is part of my family. It is something that helps me provide for my family, keep track of my family and help my family. I honestly don’t know if I could live without it. Just like people though computers do have […]
7 Ways Technology Is Improving Education
Like every other aspect of human life, education has been greatly influenced by the technological revolution in the last few decades. Expanding the teaching techniques from a linear textual approach to a versatile student-centered active learning process, technology is offering more and more digitalization in all teaching tools and methods. Multimedia classrooms are becoming more […]
Saying Goodbye to “It’s Mine” with the New Nintendo 2DS XL
I received product/compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. In a house with three kids, I hear the phrase “It’s Mine!” more times than I can count. Whether its a remote, game, book or even food, sharing can be hard in a big family. Luckily my daughter is not much of a gamer (yet) […]