Last month marked my fifth year of blogging and in those five years I have learned a lot. There are many things that I wish I would have known before I started blogging but luckily my mistakes and lack of knowledge can be your golden nugget of wisdom! 1. Niche. First decide on what you […]
How to Check Your Blog’s Pinterest Analytics!
Okay so you have a blog and you use Pinterest, wouldn’t it be nice to visually see how many of your posts are pinned, re-pinned and clicked on? Well Pinterest has finally answered our pleas! Here are the steps on how to Verify your blog with Pinterest and then view your stats: Log into Pinterest […]
Give Your Blog an Audit For the New Year
Okay believe me I am no expert and I make mistakes pretty much daily (sometimes hourly) on my blog as it is a never ending learning process for me. I did not go to school for web design or coding but rather I taught myself from books, following other blogs and lots of Google searches. […]
How to Check if You’ve Been Pinned?
Have you been losing sleep wondering if any of your blog’s pages or photos have pinned, there is actually an easy way to check that! Copy the following into your browser bar: and change the domain to your URL and Voilah! Want to follow me on Pinterest, check out my boards at Please leave […]
Did You Know You Can Schedule Posts in Facebook?
Did you know you can schedule posts on your blog/company’s Facebook page? It is so simple and there is no special software or anything you have to install. Just go to your Facebook page and in the Status box where it says “What’s on your mind?” Start typing! Click the clock on the bottom left […]
My Favorite WordPress Plugins
There are tons of WordPress plugins out there and I have tried a bunch, but here are the ones I have found to be the most helpful for me and my blog: Akismet: Protects your blog from comment and trackback spam. Broken Link Checker: Checks your blog for broken links and missing images and notifies […]
Entering via Rafflecopter? Please Check Your Email Address!
Make sure you are check your email address on Facebook if you enter Rafflecopter giveaways! If you use your Facebook login to Enter a giveaway, it defaults to whatever your email with Facebook is, which may or may not be the email you use. I have found a few email differences when picking winners and […]
Want Your Google Page Rank Reconsidered? Need More Traffic?
The dreaded Google Page Rank – it haunts me in my sleep! I went from a 0 to a 3 to a 0. No one really understands how page rank works but I am always desperate to try anything to help my site. Are your a blogger? Make sure you sign up for Google Webmaster […]
Making Money From Your Blog
Updated: April 5, 2023 If you are a blogger, here are some websites that I have had some luck with! I know some of the minimum balances may seem high, but they do offer great campaigns that once you start using them, you would be surprised at how many of your readers will click them […]